
Noona Series

The amazement etched on each of the boys’ faces as they entered the club was more than amusing. It’s as if they couldn’t believe they were really here. Seokmin even asked Jeonghan to pinch him to see if he was dreaming. Poor boys. That’s how deprived they’ve been of fun and relaxation.


They all made themselves comfortable in booths while Iseul went to grab someone to serve them drinks. The drinks came quickly; peach spritzers and a coke for Chan were handed out. Iseul waited for everyone to get served so they could all make a toast to a well-deserved night of fun after all the hard work they’ve done.


Iseul shrugged off her jacket while waiting for a drink to be passed to her. She placed it on the seat beside her and finally had a drink of her own in her hand.


“Okay, let’s have a toa-,” Iseul was cut off by a fit of coughs. Jeonghan had already taken a sip of the drink and had spit out a bit of it, missing Mingyu by just a little bit.


“Hyung, does it taste that bad?” Hansol asked, concern in his voice.


Jeonghan shook his head, waving his hands to signal no, face flushed in embarrassment. “I’ll go get napkins. No one drink anything until I get back!” she warned, giving a glare in Jeonghan’s direction before hurrying off.


“Please kill me now,” Jeonghan mumbled into Jisoo’s shoulder. “What the hell happened?” Jisoo asked, chuckling.


“She took off her jacket! I wasn’t ready for that. I can’t do this.” Jeonghan whined.


“Did you not see back at the dorm? Or are you really shocked twice by this?” Jisoo couldn’t help but ask, smirk intact.


“What? You saw?!” Jeonghan removed his face from Jisoo’s shoulder, rounding on him.


“You didn’t? Oh, right. You were in the bathroom. Yeah, the kids just stared at her before Jaesung hyung told us to hurry up. They wouldn’t shut up about it in the car. Look at Soonyoung.” Jisoo pointed towards said person. Jeonghan turned around to see Soonyoung openly staring at Iseul with hearts in his eyes. “Yah!” Jeonghan snapped in Soonyoung’s face. “What is it, hyung?” Soonyoung asked, slowly prying his eyes away. “Nothing.” Jeonghan replied.


“That’s exactly how you look when you look at noona.” Jisoo laughed, earning a punch in the arm from Jeonghan.


Iseul came running back, wiping at Jeonghan who turned red in the face. Not only from embarrassment but also from all the attention that was on him at the moment.


“Okay, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” she gave Jeonghan another hard glare before continuing, “I’m so proud of you and I hope you all have fun tonight. You all deserve this. I won’t get mad if some of you get a little silly from a couple drin-,”


“I’ll get mad!” Jaesung interrupted. “Don’t listen to him. Either way he’s going to take care of you. As I was saying, just have a good time alright? Cheers!” Iseul raised her glass and the rest of them clanked their glasses together for a promising night ahead. 



So I gave her a name and changed it up a little bit with the third person instead of point of view. This was going to be longer but it's 3 am and I'm lazy :( I'll probably wrap this up in the next chapter so if anyone has ideas for what they want me to write about next, let me know! The characters are staying the same, I just don't want a continuous story with a bunch of chapters if that makes sense? So chapter 4 will have a different plot but same characters. For example: Jeonghan still likes her but now a new member is starting to like her? Something like that! 

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Chapter 2: Just a suggestion~ >.< Get Jeonghan a lil' tipsy and do something daring? Be it confessing or something more (a sweet kiss is pretty fine (>///<) )? P.S. Keep the rating there for Chan. X'D cheeros~