The Picture

Before It's Too Late

It was just another day in Hongdae.

People were bustling around the city, doing their own business.

Street vendors called out, advertising their wares. Shoppers with their arms laden with bags made their way to stores to shop some more. Business workers jostled passer-byers in their haste to get to work on time.

It was another noisy, bustling day.

No one payed any attention to anything but their own business.

So, of course, they didn't notice the solitary girl in the back alley, with her head buried in her hands, crying softly.




Sora's POV

I was a mess.

I made my way to my apartment and tried to open the door to no success.

I rummaged in my dirty purse for the apartment key. My rummaging made several articles drop out in my haste.

"." I muttered, bending down to retrieve them. 

After placing them back in my purse, I sat down on the front step to empty out my whole entire purse to look for the freakin' key. 

Finally, after a good half-hour picking through all of my belongings, I found it under all the clutter. 

Dumping everything unceremoniously back into my bag with the intent of sorting it out later,  I picked up the key and inserted it into the doorknob and let myself into the gloomy apartment. 

Slipping off my worn shoes, I flipped on the light switch. Flickering yellow light filled the room. 

It was empty.

I was alone again. 

Mom was probably off cheating with some random guy.

I ran a hand through my frazzled hair and went to my room to change.


I looked at myself in the door-length mirror.

I was a mess.

An emotional wreck.

Dried tear tracks ran along both of my cheeks. My hair was matted and tangled with dirt caked in between. My makeup was smeared all over my face.  My shirt was torn up and grimy. My jeans were ripped badly. There were bruises all over my skin.

I quickly turned away from the mirror and went over to my measly closet to put on a clean t-shirt.

I yanked the shirt I was wearing off, tugging when it got caught in my hair. I threw it into the darkest corner and pulled the white t-shirt over my head. I struggled out of my jeans in exchange for a pair of sweats.

I didn't bother with my hair or face.

I flopped down on my mattress and stared blankly at the cracked ceiling. 

I thought about what had just happened and immediately my eyes filled with tears. "No, I don't want to remember this," I muttered to myself softly, flinging an arm over my eyes, "I just want to forget." 

Turning my head, I faced my dresser. On top was that  picture. 

It was so strange to look at it. 

It was long time ago. 

A time when I actually smiled. A time when my parents were still madly in love. A time when I didn't have a care in the world.

When I remembered what it felt like to love.

I had once thought life was just like a magical fairytale. A fairytale where the prince would rescue the damsel in distress and make her his princess.

I laughed quietly at myself, burying my face into my pillow. 'There's not going to be any prince that is going to save me, huh?'





"Yo! Hyung! Hurry up, what the heck are you doing? Mithra will kill us if we're late to practice again!" Sungjong's head peered into the dorway of the room I shared with Dongwoo.


I quickly shoved the picture away before Sungjong could see it, but Sungjong saw it anyways. "Aw. Looking at that picture again? Man, you look at it like...everyday! What's so special about it? Who's the girl?"


I was starting to get annonyed with Sungjong's chatter, "Nothing," I muttered, "Let's go." But it wasn't really nothing. Not to me. 


Together we walked out of the room leaving the picture stuffed into the dark drawer.



(January, 1998. Six years old)


*Huff...huff* Myungsoo bent over the bench, panting. *Where's Umma and Appa? Have they left me here all alone?* He shouted out, onto the dark street, "UMMAAAA!!!!! APPAA!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!" 


No answer. 


Myungsoo ran down the street, peering into the shops.


Then, he spotted what he thought to be his mother's red jacket. He ran towards it desperately. He caught onto the person wearing the red jacket. "UMMA!!! Why did you leave me?" He wailed, wiping tears away.


The person turned around. 


It wasn't his umma. 


It was just some teenager girl. She looked at him balefully. "What the hell? I don't know you. Get off me!" She shook him roughly off and walked away. 


He fell with a thud onto the pavement. "Ummaaaa..." He wailed. "Appa....Where are you? Why'd you leave me???"


He was all alone..again..


End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Hey! L! You slacker, what do you think you're doing?!" 


I woke up in a flash. *What was that??? Why am I remembering this???* I didn't want to remember any of that. I squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temples.

None of that just happened.

None of it..

I opened my eyes again to see Dongwoo hyung in front of me. I yawned, "Miahne. I'm dead beat. this dance is killing me."

Dongwoo grabbed a towel and wiped off the sweat on his neck. "Sure, sure. Now, hurry up! You're lucky that the managers didn't see you this time." Dongwoo tossed the towel at me. 

I sighed. They were practicing the dance routine for Be Mine. Two words. Absolutely. Exhausting.

Every day, they were staying at the studio until one in the morning. I barely got any sleep these days. I was tired.

And when I was tired, I remembered her words: "When you're tired and sad, don't think about it. Just keep moving on. You'll be happy when you look back." 

I stood up and stretched. He joined the other hyungs who were dancing to the song once again.

Sora...this is for you...


Okay..kittyxluvlee here ^^ Sorry for the long wait...lonelystars hasn't been on much because of final for me..I should be studying and filling out apps..but..this is for you <3 

I know this chappie is super boring and super short.......but please wait for the next one! I think it'll be better...I think...:/

Since lonelystars is busy, she asked me to write the chappie..I'm sorry lonelystars..TT^TT It just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to...

I think all my brain juice ran out after writing The Monster Inside Me's chapter...

Anyways..please comment, subscribe, and befriend!!!! 

kittyxluvlee signing off ^^


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LOVE THE STORY!!! Please update soon!
Heipaadeg #2
Chapter 2: Aaargh Y u no post more chapter right now?!?! I reeeally like this story and hope you update reeeeally soon kekekeke
hmmxy195 #3
this is sooo good ahhh!! sora cannot die please!!!! i want them together!!
velvets #4
Pretty good.update soon!!
Sounds good. UPDATE!!!! :)
yeah!! you checked it out!! thanks :)
Gracia #7
Sounds pretty interesentig so...UPDATEEE! :)
lonelystars #8
aww thank you ^^
shineekey_9165 #9
sounds reallly good!! update soon!