The Massager Part2.

The massager

Thank you sooooo much for subscribing and commenting!~~
I was reading the comments and was overwhelmed with the feedback i received, couldn't stop smiling ^~^
And so this is the last chapter for "The Massager"


Meanwhile in Room 6
DH: "so why did you bring your friend here?"
NY :"You once mentioned that your friend is looking for a girlfriend."
DH: "Your friend is looking for one too?"
NY: "Nah, i just want her to be gay and have a relationship for once. Best friends is to be gay together."
DH: "And also! I recently went up for a course of massaging do you want to try it?"
NY: "The last time you broke my neck and i couldn't look straight for 3days."
DH: "I swear i improved aloooot, pleassseeee pleaseee nobody else want to try my massage :c ."
NY: "....okay then, luckily i bought insurance after that accident."
Dahyun then cracked her fingers preparing to give Nayeon the best massage of her life.

NY: "Did i hear something crack."
DH: "........"
NY: "Wait why i can't move my head."
DH: "I'm sorry, I'll go on more courses."
NY: "WHAT THE HELL DAHYUN YOU BROKE MY NECK AGAIN.You are more of a neck breaker than a girlfriend to me."
Dahyun tried to fix her neck but ended up breaking her neck to other side
DH: "well at least you can see the other side now."
Maybe Nayeon went crazy having her neck broken 3 times she agreed with Dahyun and thanks for her service.
NY: "The other side sure looks more beautiful."

Nayeon and Dahyun went out of the room together and saw Mina and Sana waiting near the counter.
DH: "Oh Sana! You don't have to accompany the customer out you know."
SN: "I want to."
Dahyun then gave Sana and Mina the most ertic face she could muster up.
MN: "Nayeon why are you looking out?"
NY: "not like i want to, my neck broke. Probably needs another 3 days to heal"
MN: "You could ask your massager to fix it."
NY: "And probably the reason it broke is because of her."

Nayeon and Mina then proceed home while Dahyun and Sana chat on the counter.

DH: "How is the girl?"
SN: "She is hot. And i gave her the massage"
SN: "Yeah, she was even better than goddess though"
DH: "you are so in love, I wonder if she feels the same."
SN: "How about you ask your girlfriend if she is interested in me?"
DH: "Not a bad idea, if she do we must go on a double date"

Meanwhile Nayeon and Mina

NY: "How was your massager?"
MN: "erm.....*blushes*"
NY: "She's Sana the best massager in the shop"
MN: "No wonder...*whisper*it feels so good"
NY: "??? It feels good???"
MN: "I mean.. Yeah she massage me and my it felt really good, I'm refreshed."
NY: "Well you could have more massage if you want."
 MN: "I'm actually planning on coming back tomorrow, you know I'm so stiff :D"
NY: "sounds more like you are craving for Sana."
MN: "come with me tomorrow?"
NY: "Sure,maybe I'll get Sana to help me fix my neck too"

Nayeon was doing her business in toilet when she received a message


Bunny's Wife: Heyyyyy, is mina interested in Sana?
Dubu's Wife: You broke my neck and the first thing you message me is about my friend. Btw, yes I can feel Mina is totally gay for Sana *ships*
Bunny's Wife: HAHAHAHAHAH, can't blame her though Sana's massage is to die for
Dubu's Wife: how did you know
Bunny's Wife: ._.
Bunny's Wife: I love you<3 Goodnight
Dubu's Wife: Its 4PM and you're so dead tomorrow


Time passes and its night, Mina and Nayeon is going to sleep but Nayeon can't seem to get to sleep.
Because she is hearing " oh my Sana i can't live without you. See you soon you hairless squirrel" the whole night.
NY : *thinking* What the hell is hairless squirrel


Mina woke up earlier than ever and wore her prettiest clothes and got ready by 6AM she went out on her own until she felt something missing.
MN:"Oh! Nayeon supposed to accompany me."
She then went back and called Nayeon up
NY: "I think farmers around the world is getting traumatised"
MN: "Why?"
NY: "Pigs can fly."
MN: "Oh really? Wish one day penguin can fly though."
NY: "Its a joke can't you see. You woke up earlier than me and is waking me up that's is almost as impossible as pigs flying."
MN: "oh well okay quick get ready."

They arrived in the shop and went straight to Dahyun
NY: "I was supposed to get my neck massaged by Sana but I guess i will get the massage too."
DH: "Noooo your is only for me, I'm sorry please only get your neck massage :'c"
MN: "I agree you can't get the massage service, only i can."

At this time Sana walked out and smiled upon seeing Mina at the counter.
SN:"Hi :)"
MN: "Hey ^~^"
DH: "Sana and Mina you guys proceed to room 4 and do what ever you want. Also lets do a double date after this"
MN: "Double date??I'm not dati.."
SN: "Sounds great! Lets go :)"
Sana then held Mina hands and lead her to room 4
NY: "So what are we doing now. I need another massager to fix my neck."
DH: "I'll get Jihyo to fix your neck...then I'll give you a massage ;)"
NY: "Sounds great but only for the first part, I don't believe that can be broken but i believe that somehow you can break my ."
DH: "Oh you say it like you won't ever let me touch your forever."
NY: "yes i won't"
DH: "You will. And not only I'll touch you everywhere ;)"
NY: "I'm probably dead by then."
DH: "tsk..I'm good in bed okay."
Nayeon gave Dahyun the 'anything you say i don't believe it' face and then proceed to get her neck fixed.

In room 4
SN: "I see you came here again Ms. Myoui"
MN: "You can call me Mina :) and ermmm yes your massage is great"
SN: " would you like massage again?"
MN: "...yes please."
They then proceed with the massage and massage but something happened that make them both closer than ever.
[And I'll leave that to your own imagination to see if you have a dirty mind or a pure mind ;)]

After the massages was done Sana and Mina was seen holding hands.
DH: "I see you guys proceed fast."
SN: "lets go on the double date shall we?"
NY: "Yeah lets go."
MN: "kekeke"

Ever since then both Mina and Nayeon visits the Massage shop every single day.
Sana makes Mina's feels great every single day
Mina makes Sana more manly and protective
Dahyun makes Nayeon the happiest girl in the world every day
And lastly
Nayeon makes Dahyun a better person at bed ;).

[So its the end! I feel like this story could be so much more detailed and better but i don't want to make this story that long. Also i feel like my words are kind of repetitive so I'll try to improve my writing skills!^~^ please do give feedbacks and also if there is anything bad about my writing do tell me about it, I appreciate the support and comments thanks again! ^•^]

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Chapter 2: haha massage XD no sana no life for mina XD dayeon tho poor thing. tysm for writing this!
minayeon26 #2
Chapter 2: lol did is so funny authornim! ㅋㅋㅋ
Dwiwilujeng #3
Chapter 2: Kekeke DaYeon so funny. Wkwk, i like your story authornim
hccc49 #4
Chapter 2: yes its greaaaaat!!! can you also write chaeda too author? c:
sunnybib #5
Chapter 1: LOL at the last part. oh my 2Na!! love it^^
hccc49 #6
Chapter 1: lol my second otp in twice thooooo hahaha. and can you add dayeon parts in it pleasee. have you seen twice tv2 like where they write their profiles nayeon said someone in their group was a bad massager then she looked at dahyun playfully and dahyun was like 'lol was it me?' hahahaha
J_T-ara_M #7
Chapter 1: Sana massage is really something..
Tuna feeling!!!
Mina.. you are going to be gay!
hccc49 #8
can I request Chaedaaaa, Dayeoooon and MinaHyuuuuun pleeeeease hahaha first requester !!!!!