Dare to Dream

The Casanova's Impact
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Jeon Jungkook's P.O.V

My heart ached the whole ride back to our home was nothing but silence. There's no way I'm going back to my apartment. I stopped crying not because I was able to calm myself and move on that quick, but it's because I felt like my whole bag of tears were emptied. To  be honest, I still believed that the whole that happened between us was a joke. That Taehyung wouldn't do such a thing, but the truth was spilled. And the letter, what was I thinking? 

But then, I realized I barely even know him. Those feelings he had shown me? They were nothing but lies, an act, a script, something that he decided to put up. This makes me wonder, did I really mean something to him? Do I even matter to him? We've been together for months but those months were nothing but lies.

He was indeed a casanova. I felt like a toy that night that has been used for a one night purpose and someone who is likely thrown away after.

When I had gotten out of the SUV, my were eyes swollen, my nose red, my undercircles were puffy. My hand held a box, and a letter. Is this really goodbye, Kim Taehyung? If it is, then I hope that I'll be able to fully let go of you as well. But I know, deep inside, I know that it this is something that will be very difficult for me to do. 

I was greeted by our maids, but I did nothing but head straight to my room, closing the door, and cry my eyes out. Well, isn't this the cycle people who are broken that would usually do? Cry their eyes out like a little kid because of the pain that pierces out through their flesh then to their hearts?

But there's this feeling that lingered inside me. What if I decided to hear him out that night? What if I decided to listen to his reasons? Will things be okay? Will things be the same like they used to before? Would I always see those smiles of his? Would we cuddle everyday on the couch? Would we always be happy? Well, things are different. I ran away from my own happiness. I decided to dump it all. And now, just when I thought everything will be all okay, he had decided to let me go.

I had been set free. Taehyung? He probably decided to go his own way and chase for his own happiness. It'll be easy for him. He's a very charistmatic guy. I buried my face on to my pillows, shutting my eyes. I wanted to drift off and escape reality for awhile.

"Jungkookie?" I felt a hand being placed over my shoulder, rubbing it in a comforting manner. My eyes quickly snapped open. I slowly lifted up my head from the pillow, turning my gaze slowly at the male beside me. It was none other than Jimin himself. What is he doing here? How did he know I was here? Isn't he supposed to be back at his own home sweet home?

"Jimin-hyung?" I blinked a few times, making sure I wasn't making such hallucinations. But nope, it was real. His arm and hands felt real. The weight he left on my shoulders is real. I slowly placed myself in a sitting position, motioning him to take a seat beside me to which he did. "Hyung, what are you doing here?" 

"What do you mean?" Jimin chuckled, tucking in a few of my fringers behind my ear. "Didn't I sent you a text yesterday that I'll be stopping over at your house because I need to talk with your parents about something? Did you not read my text at all, Jungkookie?"

"I guess I wasn't able to," I croaked, giving out a sheepish smile. "Are you going to kill me now?" I managed to joke out despite the heavy feeling I was having right now. Well, I'd be lying if I said Jimin didn't lighten up the dark feeling I was currently going through right now. I needed this. Call me selfish, but yeah, I did.

"Hey, why were you crying awhile ag

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tasteofkookie #1
Chapter 27: oh my god. i am sure you are drugging me with your stories. i am just engrossed in it.
tasteofkookie #2
your 1st book led me here. it was just so interesting that i was not able to control myself. i read your first book in 1 day. thanx author nim.
AshMiyagi #3
Chapter 5: Oh my hdruiohfrs
Chapter 5: IN NO IT IS NOT GOIN TO HAPPEN OH HOLLY MOTHERR WHY HOSEOK JUST WHY?!?!?!?! When I thought I'll read calmly it turns out TO BE LIKE THIS?!?!
Chapter 4: Will I become a mess when I finish this book...? Oh man....
haeun94 #7
whxliien52 #8
AmyPark101 #9
Chapter 27: Owhh god it hurts so much!!
Off to the third books!! ^^
hy2min #10
I'm now going to read book 3 ! It's sooo gooood !!!!