Chapter 2

Lonely Hearts

It was too much to take for him. 


Deciding that the pain was too hard to bear, he scrambled up and out of the bed.  Woobin stumbled to the doorway and weakly threw the door open; his arms felt so heavy and his vision began to blur a bit. Grabbing onto the railing for support, he made his way down the wooden, creaking stairs of the old house, he walked into the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, he threw the first cabinet open, and was greeted with bottles upon bottles of pills and medication that he had longed since ignored. They sat neglected behind the old wooden doors that creaked just as loud as the stairs. Grabbing the first bottle that he saw, he threw open the cap and shoved the correct amount of pills into his mouth. Shuffling over to the fridge, he grabbed a cold water bottle from inside and downed the pills. 


He wiped his face and his chest a shirt that was next to him, which was now covered in sweat, saliva, and water. Feeling disgusted, he tossed it into a nearby half-full cardboard box. 


The entire first floor of the house was currently being occupied by the millions of cardboard boxes that have long been packed and have never been moved from their positions since that day. 


Woobin tore his eyes away from the horde of boxes and turned around to start his climb up the stairs. 


When he reached the top, he inhaled deeply to calm himself. Slowly breathing out, he walked back to his room. Walking through the door that had been thrown open previously, he walked over to the farthest corner of the room where his desk was located. 


It was once used for a studying, but it has long been abandoned. Woobin no longer looked at the time or cared what day it was. He had stopped trying to measure and only wanted to crawl into a deep hole and die. 


He slowly dragged a finger across the surface of it, clearing away the layer of dust that had settled there. The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly, but it was so very faint, that if one looked at him, they wouldn't be able to tell that it was there. He wiped his finger on the fabric of his pants to get rid of the dust. 


Pulling out the dusty plastic chair, it finally gave way and Woobin pulled it out. 


He sat down in it and immediately thought, "Has it really been that long ago since I last sat down here?"


He could feel a flood of memories come back to him. Memories that he didn't want to remember, but it was inevitable. He succumbed to its will, and let himself drift off, taking him back to a time in the past. 


"Let's get this one."


"But this one is prettier! Plus, it's made of plastic!"


"Which doesn't suit our house at all-"




"So we should get this one."




"What? Ugh. Fine. It doesn't even suit the desk or our house. Which is made of wood, the last time I checked."


"So? It's unique. And unique things are pretty."


He sighed. What was he going to do with her, he had no idea. Every time they went shopping, it was just like this. He liked something, but she liked something else, and after a few moments of arguing, it was settled. She usually won. It's just that he hated defeat, and it usually happened quite often after all of the long whining coming from her and his exasperated sighs. 


The car rides home usually weren't long, but it felt like hours after Yoona's nonstop rambling about how it was going to be so pretty after everything was fixed up. Not to mention what tortures came next. 


"Where does this piece go?"


"I think it goes here," he said, pointing to an empty area on the large piece of wood that was destined to become a desk. Somehow. 


"Are you sure? Because I think it!" She said, plunking the small piece of wood far, far away from where he pointed to. 




"What?" She said, shrugging. "I'm being totally serious!"


"Yah! Im Yoona! Did you even read, much less look, at the instruction manual?"


"Yah! Kim Woobin! Nope!" She replied enthusiastically, and leaned over to grab another piece from the pile of parts. 


"Ughhhhh," he groaned, and flopped over on his back. "Have fun."


"Wait a minute. We're building your desk! Why am I doing all of the work?" She pouted. 


"Because," he said, still lying in the floor. "You won't listen to me or the manual, so you can build it yourself and then we'll see how well that goes."


She leaned across the large wood piece and kicked him in the shin. 


Howling in pain, he shot up off the floor and glared at her. She smiled smugly, and then proceeded to screw on the nails. 


"Now come and help me hold this piece," Yoona said, acting as if nothing had just happened. 


Grumbling, Woobin held the smaller piece in place with one hand while using the other to rub his injured foot, while Yoona screwed the nails on to hold the two pieces in place. 


Hours full of complaints later, the two sighed and fell down exhausted. Well, one fell down exhausted and the other jumped up in excitement. 


"Come on! Come on! Come on! We have to try it out!"


"But I'm so tireddddd! And we haven't eaten dinner yet."


"Desk now, food later."


"But Yoona-"


"-Don't you 'but Yoona' me! It's so new and inviting and we have to try it out now!"


After a few groans and failed attempts to carry Woobin up and make him stand on his own two feet, she sighed, exasperated. 


"Fine! Then I'll try it out myself, while you lay there on the floor like a fat starfish!"


She walked over to the newly built snowy white desk and pushed the newly bought pink, flowery plastic chair over to it. Exactly why Woobin didn't want it. Everything about it just screamed "girly."


Yoona sat down on it, and proceeded to stay there for over twenty minutes without getting up, despite Woobin's cries of hunger. 


Strange as it is, that was all that he could remember about that day. Of course, there were other memories about the desk, but he didn't quite remember much about them, other than the fact that Yoona couldn't pull herself away from using it whenever she could. 


He sighed, feeling the emptiness in his chest grow bigger.


Woobin pulled open every drawer the desk had. As soon as he opened the second one, he began breathing in the old familiar smell of the scented paper that Yoona had kept in there. Since he hadn't appreciated the chair very much and tended to just stand or grab a different chair, Yoona would use the desk and the chair when he wasn't using it. She had moved some of her things onto the desk, and some of the drawers contained her belongings. 


Peering inside, to his surprise, he found some leftover pieces of paper that was untouched. He took a piece out and brought it to his nose, inhaling the fainted scent. Much of it was lost due to time, but he could pick out some of it. 


Wondering if there was anything left behind inside the other drawers, he began opening the next few drawers, only to find nothing, much to his disappointment. 


Purposely ignoring the nicely wrapped box placed smack in the middle of the table, he reached over to the right of it and opened a drawer located near it. Again, finding nothing other than pens containing the long dried up ink, he closed them and stood up. 


Deciding that it was going to be a sleepless night for him, it was time he ate something. Not to mention that his stomach was rumbling and he hadn't eaten anything before deciding to go to bed.

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f4nf1cs_4_lYf3 #1
Chapter 4: you updated!! <3
_queenyoona #2
Chapter 1: Update more & soon !! Surely i cant wait :D