
Holding Onto You (Discontinue)





I do not want to write a story about him. However I do want to let him know how I feel. My feeling started to bloom for him way back in Junior High. His name is Do Kyungsoo and my feelings towards him come and go.

In Junior High

I, myself was very nervous for my first day of high school. After all, it was a new school and I know nobody in my class. What if I done have friends? What if they do not like me? What if I’m too quiet? They would not like me, right? These silly questions were floating above my head back then.

Fortunately, the first day of high school was not as bad as I had expected. Amber was the first person to greet me. We became seatmate and from then on we clicked together like gum was stuck on our hairs. I was grateful as Amber was a very friendly and funny girl. Everyone in the class seems to like her.

Everyone in class was very friendly and there was this duo, both are boys that caught my eyes -actually the whole class. They were a funny yet cute combination. One of them was really tall with a huge toothy smile always pasted on his face. The other was not too tall or too short, just right for his height with a smart and cute look. The tall one was Park Chanyeol and the other one was Do Kyungsoo.

I was oblivious back then. Never knew why I could not help myself kept on staring at his wide eyes and having the flutter for every of his sweet smiles. Eventually it became a habit of mine, to have a quick glanced at the back of the class. It seemed that Park Chanyeol just could not keep his hands of Do Kyungsoo.

It was recess and everyone’s favourite time of school other then the time school end or school holidays. During recess, Chanyeol was doing his hobby at annoying his best friend. Chanyeol would go on the whole day of school calling Kyungsoo “Kyungsooo...Do Kyungsooo...Soooyah...Soo.” Eventually he received slap in the back of his head from Kyungsoo.

“Stop it! Or I’ll choke you to death. PARK CHANYEOL!” Kyungsoo bursted. The whole class laughed at the two best friend acts.

“ Aish...those two idiots. Park Chanyeol would never learn his lesson until Kyungsoo really does choke him to death, right? Krystal...” Amber said to me.

“I guess so. But those two are so funny together.” I replied back hiding a pink blush on my face.

“True. Hey, did you hear this rumour?” Amber whispered to me. I lifted my right eyebrow and tilted my head a little. Amber then scooted closer to me and whispered into my right ear. But all could hear or more like felt was Amber blowing air into my ear. I could not control my reflex as I push her over and she almost fall from her chair. Yes almost! Chanyeol who was avoiding Kyungsoo attacks – well those two were basically having a triathlon around the classroom. Chanyeol managed to save Amber by grabbing her shoulder.

“Are you alright?” Kyungsoo worried tone could be heard from behind.

“I-I’m f-fine.” Amber stuttered. No matter how shocked I was at the situation, it was the first time I heard Amber stuttered. I also noticed the pink blush that crept on her face as Chanyeol still had his hand on Amber’s shoulder.

“You idiot Park Chanyeol. See...if just received my blow like a man instead of running away from me. You almost knock over Amber.” Kyungsoo groaned.

“Me! Me...you think it was me...me. Do Kyungsoo...” Chanyeol was bewildered.

“She...she just sud-.” Chanyeol looked down at Amber. Then, he just noticed he was still holding Amber and quickly removed his hand. He looked at me and then back to Kyungsoo and then back down at the stunned Amber.

“I-I think..it was...” I said not so audible.

“Hmph...you Park Chanyeol always causing trouble wherever you go.” Kyungsoo said. At that the two friends continue on to bicker with each other. I tried to explain the situation but the two seemed too preoccupied with each other. Or was it I was not loud enough.

After the incident I noticed that Chanyeol and Kyungsoo did not talk to each other but two days later I saw them at the school library. I was alone as I wanted to return a book. There, I noticed Kyungsoo was standing among the literature bookshelves along with Chanyeol sitting on the floor.

Kyungsoo seemed to be preoccupied scanning the books. As for the mischievous Park Chanyeol, shaking his legs and leaning his head on the bookshelf. He seemed a little anxious in my eyes. Leaving behind my curiosity upon the two boys I went to the book returning counter and handed my book. The librarian received the book and I smiled at her before leaving the counter.

As I get nearer to the exit door of the library the corner of my eyes unconsciously search for the literature section. I could recognise the two silhouettes accompany by a third party. I stopped in my track and sneaked among the bookshelves. I hid my body behind a bookshelf and let my head peak out to see the scene opposite of me.

There, in front of me I saw Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and a girl that I did not know what her name was but I did know that she was the girl from the class next door. What was her name again? Sandy...Sara...Sally? I wrinkled my forehead and pressed my lips hard as I tried to remember back the talk between me and Amber. I remember Amber told me something about the girl from the class next door.

Since, I’m a person who could not stand curiosity I was deep in my own thought and did not notice that Do Kyungsoo had noticed my presence. When I look back at the three groups of people, Kyungsoo was giving me a dark look with his big eyes.

He may have looked scary but I felt that something inside me suffocating. I quickly looked away and hid completely behind the bookshelf. He almost took my breath away. My knees buckled and I slid down onto the floor. I touched my chest and could feel that my heart was racing as if I had run for the 100 meters dash.

“Don’t die Krystal. Don’t die. You are still too young to die.” I whispered to myself.

“Hey, need help down there?”

I recognised that voice! It was the perpetrator, Do Kyungsoo. I saw a hand in front of my face and I look up at the source of the hand. I wished I had not done so. Do Kyungsoo was looking down at me with the most innocent smile plastered on his face. It was actually the same guy who was giving the deathly look a few minutes ago.

Not realizing myself was slowly frozen under Kyungsoo’s gaze, he reached out for my hand and help me get up back on my feet. I dust off my skirts and straighten myself. Kyungsoo was grinning sheepishly as he rubbed his nape. If he was not giving me the death glare just now I would have mistaken he was acting shy in front of me.

“Sorry...about...ermm.” He was actually unable to utter a proper sentence. “I actually have some problem with my sight. I cannot see clearly.”

“Oh, I see.” I squeaked out.

“Yeah, I made my little cousin Jongin cried last weekend. He did not even want to have dinner in the same room with me. Gosh, I ruined the family reunion.” He let out a deep boyish laughter. At that moment, once again I could not help myself from staring at him. I kept on getting drawn into his two big brown orbs.

“Ehem...” Do Kyungsoo cleared his throat. My two feet landed on Earth.

“I was j-just returning a book.” I explained. I did not know why I had to explain anyway. “W-well see you around.”

“Oh, okay. Bye.” He awkwardly lifted his right palm at me.

I nodded my head and shyly returned his goodbye. I quickly ran for the exit.

After I runoff from the library saving my heart from exploding, I saw Amber was seating under a tree. Yes, the boyish Amber was seating under a tree as she had her mind explore into the outer space. I waved my hand in front of her. Unfortunately it was ineffective. Trying my best to bring Amber back I knocked her empty shell like brain.


“Owh, Princess Krystal. I did not notice you.”

“Yes, literary. You filthy commoner...” I throw back at Amber. When I said that a few passersby looked at me. I gave them my expressionless face since I did not known why they were suddenly interested with me and Amber. The passerby quickly ran on their feet.

I took seat next to Amber. “Hey, do you ever tell me about something that is related to a girl from the class next door that is also happened to be related with our class Park Chanyeol?” I asked Amber.

Amber blankly blinked at me. “Maybe...” She answered shortly.

“I think I saw them just now. What was her na-” Amber cut me off as she suddenly launched herself forward and shaking me vigorously. These days Amber getting more unpredictable.

 “What? When? Where? Who? How?” She bombarded me with question. I lifted my hand and softly shoved her head away from my face. I did not like it when people come to close.

“Hmm.” I pressed my lips together and gave Amber a curious look. “Amber Liu. I did not know you are so interested in Park Chanyeol affairs.” I retorted.

“W-well...well! Who says I cannot be interested in his affairs.”

“I see. So what was the girl name? Tell me, before I’m dying from curiosity.” I asked back.

“Aishh...you oblivious Princess Krystal.” Amber flicked my forehead. I rubbed my hands on it. “She is Sulli. Remember, the rumour I told you last time. Apparently she had left a love letter inside Chanyeol locker. I guess her confession turn out well since you saw them together.” At the end of her sentence Amber sigh.

“Ahhh...”I nodded my head. Finally it clicked inside my head. “I would never be as brave as her.” I sighed.

To confess to a boy...

Oh my gosh! Something registered into my head. Amber, I looked at her and I almost burst out laughing but held it in.

“W-what???” Amber noticed my gazed upon her. I showed her my pointing finger and she shoved away my hand.

“You!” I said half screaming. “You like that big doofus aren’t you?!”

Amber quickly muffled me down with her own two hands.




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Chapter 1: Amazing story. Can't wait to see what happened next. I totally ship ChanBer!!!