Lost In Seoul Roleplay! A general au facebook that is in search of the rest of the family!


ABOUT: The lights are out and the only sound heard is the bustling noise of cars and people walking, rushing along the cold street of Seoul as you lay your head to rest, but the next day, you awaken in confusion as to where you are or why you are there with only the memory of your name and vague pieces of your past. In the mist of your confusion, you wander out into the street of Seoul and end up getting lost; however, coming upon various areas of the vast city has brought you to realization that even with your memory gone, you are going to start anew to create a brand new you. Getting lost can be an upside to any bad incident.








What are words needed?

Established: January 2, 2016
Platform: Facebook
Theme: AU/Daily Life/Memory Loss
Literacy: Medium to High
Age Restriction:
Accepts all asians who are currently working or has worked in the past in Korean media/entertainment. We highly encourage mature and under control drama & angst at this roleplay. But we are by no means allowing petty, out of control or out of character drama. The roleplay is completely AU. Your muses are not idols, ulzzangs etc unless you chose for them to be. You may give them any personality and lifestyle you wish, providing they are still human

everyone calls you a masterpiece.

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