Goo Junhoe

Apology One Shot




The car stopped with a sudden break. He got off angrily and I followed his actions. He started walking away from the car; I just stood there not being able to say anything. Then my feet started walking to him on its own.
"Yah, Goo Junhoe! I think we need to talk"
He turned his head and looked at me with angry eyes.
"Talk about what? How you were having fun with that guy? What was his name again? Jinwoo... Oh right, Jinyoung, right?" he was basically shouting at me.
"Junhoe, don't start again! I already told you that it was nothing!" My voice sounded tired and it rose up with each word.
"Well, it didn't seem like nothing when he had his arms around your waist! And you surely were having fun!" 
"What was I supposed to do?" I started yelling as well as crying "When you don't come home before I sleep and always leave before I wake up!" 
Junhoe grabbed my shoulders agressively and slammed my body on the wall behind me.
"That's not true!" 
"It is! Do you know how lonely I was? " My tears flowed endlessly "How desperate I was?" 
I saw a glimpse of guilt in his eyes for a second before it was consumed by anger again.
"That doesn't give you the right to be with another guy!" 
"Don't you see it? The only one I want to be with is you!" I started punching his chest slowly "You! Dammit Junhoe! I love you!" 
I was crying like there was no tomorrow, waiting for a response from Junhoe but he didn't move an inch.
Then, slowly he let go of my shoulders. His mouth opened to say something but closed again. Classic Junhoe. He never showed nor expressed his feelings and his was one of the reasons I was getting tired of this relationship and losing hope. I sighed, knowing that he wouldn't do anything. I pushed him slightly and started walk away. I couldn't go much further as a hand grabbed my wrist and made me turn around. My eyes got bigger with his sudden move. Our eyes met and after what I felt was like one hour, he pulled me into his embrace.
"I... I'm sorry..." He said slowly. 
I was surprised, actually more like flustered with his words. I surely didn't expect them from him.
"Shh... Just listen" I nodded against his chest. "I'm really sorry... I hurt you, I know that. You were right and I just felt jealous seeing you in the arms of another man. It pained my heart a lot. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you... I really am" 
I nodded once again. We both cried holding onto each other as if we would never let go. 
'I forgive you Junhoe... I always do'

I was crying like there was no tomorrow, waiting for a response from Junhoe but he didn't move an inch.
Then, he let go of my shoulders harshly, then started to walk away with strong steps.
"No Junhoe, wait!" I said between my sobs as I desperately tried to reach out to him. I managed to hold onto his black leather jacket but it wasn't enough to make him stay. My body gave in and I fell on to my knees. Crying, harder than ever... Junhoe also started crying painfully. If it was because of me or because of himself, I didn't know. 
Our sobs and cries filled the harbour. His were getting distant by each second and I couldn't do anything. Just like that, I watched him walk away from me... From us. Leaving nothing but our memories behind...

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