First and final chapter

When baking does it's magic

Youngjae was enjoying the tranquillity of the apartment a regular Friday evening sitting by his keyboard. He sneaked a look at the clock on the wall, Jaebum was supposed to be home an hour ago. He pressed one of the keys but wasn't feeling it anymore. Jaebum had been working a lot of overtime lately and it was starting to take a tear on him. His ears peaked as he heard keys locking up the door and couldn't help but smile. The door was opened and he heard Jaebum enter. He jumped as the door was closed rather harshly. He walked to the hallway but Jaebum wasn’t there and neither was his shoes. Curious he went to check in the open area the was kitchen/dining room/living room and there he was. Jaebum was laying face down on the sofa still with shoes and jacket on.

“Welcome back,” Youngjae said as he approached his boyfriend and was responded with a groan. He kissed Jaebum’s cheek as his mouth was hidden into the pillow. Jaebum turned his head and gave him a tired smile which ebbed out into a sigh. Fridays were usually their date nights but Youngjae highly doubted that Jaebum would be up for anything tonight.

“Do you want to go out and eat?” he asked but Jaebum only groaned tiredly. Youngjae couldn’t help but feel a bit sad, even though he knew he shouldn't. Jaebum would never cancel a date unless he felt really sick, so if anything this actually worried Youngjae a lot.

“I’ll go make us some dinner,” he said and Jaebum groaned again but it sounded more encouraging. Youngjae helped him out of his shoes and jacket before he did anything else. Jaebum smiled at him again too tired to form words.

“I’ll just make ramyeon, you seem like you need food fast rather than something more fancy,” Youngjae said and he nodded slightly. Preparing the noodles wasn’t a struggle at all and it went really fast. As he prepared the food for both of them he once in awhile looked at his loved one and he was out cold. Jaebum looked somewhat stressed even in his sleep and Youngjae was happy for Jaebum’s sake that today had been the last day of the project.


While they ate Youngjae was chatting and Jaebum inhaled his food but nodded here and there to show that he was listening. When they were done Jaebum was more or less falling asleep into his empty bowl. Youngjae giggled at the cute sight and went over to Jaebum’s side of the table to help him stand up. Jaebum looked really confused but stood up and began walking towards their room.

“Do you want to cuddle and watch a movie?” Youngjae asked as he did want to do something with his boyfriend.

“Just do whatever you want, it doesn’t matter to me, I’ll just go to sleep,” Jaebum said and closed the door behind him. Youngjae just stood and stared at the door, had Jaebum really just said that? Jaebum was never mean to him so for him to say that was overwhelming. He decided to just watch the movie alone after he’d cleaned up after their dinner.


Youngjae ended up curled up in one of the corners of the couch with a hot cocoa. He was however having troubles with focusing on the movie as his mind was occupied with Jaebum. He wanted to figure out a way to cheer him up a bit. Doing something together would be fun but he knew Jaebum wouldn’t really want to leave the house much. Watching a movie would be fun but that’d be more for the evening. Then he suddenly got an idea and sat up too fast. BAKING! Yes! Baking was fun and they could stay at home and it would give him a chance to be close to Jaebum. Youngjae got up from the couch and smiled to himself, feeling excited for tomorrow. Wanting tomorrow to come faster he decided to go to sleep. He made himself ready for bed as fast as he could and laid down on their bed. As he snuggled in under the cover arms suddenly wrapped around him and pulled him closer to Jaebum. His boyfriend was still asleep but had let out a content sigh. Youngjae put his head on Jaebum’s chest and fell asleep almost immediately, feeling safe and warm in his arms.


He woke up before Jaebum the next morning and decided to surprise him with making breakfast in bed. He cooked up a more western styled breakfast rather than a korean styled one, he made some toast, eggs and bacon. He was putting it all on plates when suddenly arms hugged his waist and rested their head on his shoulder. He stiffened at first but then leaned back in his embrace.

“Good morning love,” he said his voice husky with sleep making me blush.

“Good morning! You can go and sit down if you want breakfast is done soon,” Youngjae said and could feel Jaebum shake his head while hugging him closer. Jaebum helped setting the table and soon they were eating breakfast.

“I’m sorry about yesterday, I wasn’t thinking of what I was saying,” Jaebum apologized and Youngjae couldn’t help but smile at him.

“It’s alright I know you’re just tired,” Youngjae accepted as he still could see how tired Jaebum was, he didn’t have that glint in his eyes and he had bags under them. “How about we stay at home and just bake or something,” Youngjae suggested truly hoping that his boyfriend would agree to it. Jaebum smiled appreciatively at him and nodded.

“Yes, let’s do that, it’d be wonderful.”


As Jaebum offered to do the dishes Youngjae looked around after a recipe they could bake. He then found the recipe, it was a swedish mud cake and he excitedly flew up and ran over to Jaebum with the laptop in hands.

“Look at this one!” Youngjae exclaimed and Jaebum stopped drying the last cake and went on to read the description and recipe before he agreed.

“Seems simple enough,” he said and Youngjae smiled brightly at him before running around checking what they did and did not have. While he was writing a shopping list with the missing ingredients.

“Did we have everything?” Jaebum asked and leaned over Youngjae’s shoulder.

“No, we’re missing enough butter and both vanilla and regular sugar,” Youngjae said and Jaebum sighed slightly not that excited of going outside.

“You can stay home and rest if you want,” Youngjae offered with a smile but Jaebum shook his head and kissed Youngjae’s cheek.

“Let’s get ready,” he said and Youngjae got up and skipped to their room to get dressed properly.


At the supermarket Jaebum felt his energy drain as fast as he put a foot inside. Youngjae had told him to stay still as he fetched a trolley and Jaebum already missed his princess already. He hugged him closely upon his return making Youngjae giggle.

“Get in the trolley,” Youngjae told him and pointed his fingers towards him like a gun. Jaebum laughed and put his hands up as he stepped closer to the trolley and jumped in. Youngjae pushed him around and spun him around from time to time. Jaebum was actually kind of surprised they weren’t told off. But he hadn’t felt that good in a long time, he felt really thankful for having Youngjae.


As they arrived at their flat they washed their hands and begun baking. They messed around a lot during the baking and by the end both of them were covered in flour and cocoa. Jaebum thought Youngjae really looked adorable with the streaks of flour from our food fight on his face. They put the cake in the oven and Jaebum embraced Youngjae as he closed the oven door.

“Thank you princess,” he said and could see Youngjae blush deeply.

“It’s nothing,” he said trying to wift it off but Jaebum wouldn’t let him.

“No it really is something. Youngjae I really truly love you,” Jaebum said and kissed Youngjae. Youngjae couldn’t help but smile at the kiss as they fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. He looked into Jaebum’s eyes and saw that the glint was back and Jaebum smiled cheekily.

“I can’t wait to put a bun in your oven,” he said and Youngjae gaped at him for a second before both of them started laughing uncontrollably.

A/N: That moment people actually wanted another story from me O.O I have a cheeky reference here and there ;P

MixedSugaR I hope this is kind of what you wanted ^^ Even though you asked for a tight and angry Jaebum and got a tired one XD

I still take requests and stuffs so comment if you want something (don't have to be a got7 pairing, I just have to ship it xD)

Ta-ta for now *hairflip* 

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Chapter 1: this is so cute i literally making weird noises
CalamitousKing #2
Chapter 1: JB and his puns and stuff man.

Youngjae is so cute and fluffy, let me have him omg
Chapter 1: Awww *-* I really love this couple! Next time you could write something similar, but maybe a bit comical?
Chapter 1: It was more than satisfying, believe me. I really like it!! :) I'd request more 2Jae, this time, canon and more y or tier, something like Jaebum tries to seduce Youngjae, but Youngjae is oblivious. Or Yoonmin from BTS. Or just anything you want to write, that's ok