Three: Disaster

Lost Little Boy
I woke up sweating like crazy. It was a dream. That sweet moment was fiction. It wasn't real. My stomach was still empty as ever, and Seungcheol wasn't next to me. I was alone again. Alone in this dark room with no one. I sobbed into the sheets. It had felt so real, I had felt so safe. So loved, my life was happy. My body was warm, I felt tickles in my fingers. Fire. My hand was on fire. I began to breath heavily, panicking. "Hyung!" I called out to no one in particular, although I sure hoped Cheollie would come be my knight. My voice was high, it was hard for me to speak through the terror. My legs were warm, so warm-but it kind of felt nice. I looked down. The sheets were on fire, they were on fire. THEY WERE ON FIRE! What the hell, what the actual hell?! I screamed and lept out of the bed, collapsing on the floor crying. The door flashed open and Seungcheol raced in. "Jihoonie! Take deep breaths. Oh my god. Don't over exert yourself," I did as he said, but nothing helped. My body was being consumed by flames. "Jihoon. Focus on my voice. Okay? Remember hyung's beautiful voice? Should I sing to help you?" I shook my head, my knees shaking-making my teeth chatter.  "Okay. I'm just gonna keep talking then. I'll tell you a story, remember when we met? You were trying to act so scary to those men who had grabbed you and took you from your Umma, you were brave and I admired that. Be brave again for me,"  I cried harder, I couldn't remember being brave, I couldn't remember my brother, I only remembered Cheollie. I curled tighter into a ball. "You can be brave, come on. Don't make me talk about your hamster! We swore we'd tell your brother together but you did it all by yourself you brat! And you took all the credit," The happy memory flushed into my head. "Yoongi punished me for that-man how did we even manage to kill it?" Seungcheol bit his lip. I closed my eyes knowing the answer. I did-with this stupid ability. I killed an innocent creature. This made me feel worse. I heard the door launch open and I jumped into Seungcheol who cries out in pain. The person who had entered the room, was Seungkwan. With a camera in his hands. Prepared to photograph us. This only made me more upset, remembering my happy dream. Seungcheol's voice rang through my head. "Jihoon. Jihoon it hurts!" I lept away from him, pulled into reality by his cries. Seungkwan ran, yelling for any hyung close enough to hear. My brother rushed in and grabbed me up, throwing me into the bathroom and turning the shower on ice cold. He pushed me into the stall, clearly panicking. I sat under the cold water, crying-the flames slowly dying away. He wrapped me in a large towel, one that smelled like my Cheollie. I shivered from the cold and he just shushed me and spoke soft words to me. "Jin'll take care of Seungcheol. Don't worry. This isn't your fault. We left you alone, and those idiots decided to try and prank you when Seungcheol went in because they thought you were having a nightmare are he was comforting you," I cried into his soft grey pajama top. "He's hurt bad hyung, I hurt him," A sad smile flashed on his face. "You're acting like you did when you were's nice to have baby Jihoon back, even if it'll only be for a short while," He held my hand and lead me to a new room, that I assumed was his. He snuggled into bed with me and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. This time, it was a peaceful, dreamless sleep. 
I woke up and rushed to see Seungcheol. Jin sat next to him and his eyes were red and puffy-he had been crying. Over all, he looked pretty healed up. One of the other's abilities must be healing. I scanned him up and down, looking for imperfections. "He asked for you all night," I smiled weakly and took his hand. His eyes opened slowly, and I tried not to cry. "Jihoon, I'm blind aren't I?" I bit back a sob and squeezed his hand. "Seungkwan's gonna have a hell of a payback for this one," He laughed weakly. "Ah! Don't crush my bones too you idiot! I think the fact that I-I" He knew Seungcheol was putting two and two together finally. "I-I can't see you again-my Jihoon. I can't see his face," My Seungcheol was blind, and it was all my fault. 
Sorry for the short chapter, and the feels... I'll update soon, love you muffins
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Chapter 3: Wae!!! Please tell me this is just a dream! The chapter just went on so quickly and now, Cheollie is blind. Please tell me this is a lie. Please tell me that someone (maybe Taetae or Kookie or Chimchim?)'s power can heal his eyes. I can't have this! Good cliffhanger, I love it.
Lissette18 #3
Chapter 3: Is this what you were saying?!? now I do want to cry.. ): poor cheolie and jihoon if he didn't have that nightmare.. It must have been terrible for him.. The torture and everything else.. Glad you updated!! (:
Casandra #4
Chapter 3: poor seungcheol..plsss can he have his eyessight back..ㅠㅠ
Lissette18 #5
Chapter 2: This Fic is good please update (when you can!) I love it! Jihoon powers (maybe things start to break when he is angry), (maybe other people feel pain when he is mad)
mymblaq #6
Chapter 2: I support you... I ♥ the story
AJ_TheFan #7
Chapter 2: Loving this story so far, please more updates.
Jihoon sounds like a ticking time bomb, can't say if that's a good thing or a bad thing
Chapter 2: Wah, I'm so glad you updated. This is almost too fluffy but for some reason, I want more! Anyway, once again, I think you did a great job writing this chapter. I really like your writing style and the way you show Jicheol's interactions really show that they are in love. Kyeopta!!! Ok, ok, I need to keep this comment short, so I'm just going to end it by saying: I love this!!!

And Fighting!!!
Chapter 2: This is too cute!
Chapter 1: WOW! The first chapter is so good, I am hooked. I do have one advice though: could you please maybe separate the paragraph into dialogues and multiple paragraphs instead of having one giant chunk of words right there? I think it would make it easier for everyone to read and enjoy more. It's just my opinion though, so you don't have to do it if you don't want to. Anyway, about the story, I think you have a really good storyline and you did the right thing ending the first chapter right there instead of continuing on. It left so many questions that I want to be answered so, of course, I'm going to come back to this story. Wah, I'm really impressed by the first chapter already. Please update soon, author-nim, but don't strain yourself. I'm sorry if this comment is a little long, I just have the tendency to write long comments on stories that I really like. Fighting!!!