Flahback? ^_♥

One and Only You


~Ring~ You woke up and picked up the phone.

"Anneyong _______ speaking. Who is this" you asked

"It's me Thunder. Sorry did I woke you up" Thunder answered

"Ahh No I have to wake up anyway so Thank you for the call" you said.

"Oh good to know. So.. are you available today?" he asked

"Yea always am Just for you" you answer back

"-Laugh- Well thank You. How about I'll pick you up" he asked

"Okay.. Umm around 9?" you answered

"Okay sure" he said before he hanged up.


You changed then called Thunder and asked where is he. He came within a minute.

"You came" you said while opening the door to the passenger seat.

"Yea.. Today we're going to have a lot of fun" he said with a little smirk.

Thunder bought you to a lot of places including the carnival, the beach, a park and many more.



Both of you then settle down in a restaurant and started chatting.

"This reminds me of when we were together" you said while looking through the glass window of the restaurant.

"Yea... Good memories." he said while looking at you.

You notice that Thunder is looking at you so you turned but the Thunder looked at his plate of food. You and Thunder then started talking about the past.

~Flash Back?~

You were still in College. You have lots of friend and there is also a lot of boys asking you out too but just this one boy.

You smirked and said "There is nobody that I can't get their attention." to your group of friends.

"How?" one of your friends asked

"I have my own way. You want to bet?" you said.

"Sure. How about doing the other person's homework for a week without any help if you still can't get date him within a week" your other friend said with confident.

"Okay I'm never scared but be ready to do my homework." you said while getting up and grabbed a pile of books and started walking toward the boy (Thunder)

You walked into him and pretended that he bumped you.

"Ah" you said with pain sitting on the floor.

"Oh I..I...I'm so sorry" he said while reaching his hand towards you trying to get you up.

"That's okay" you said with a little smile.

"Oh let me introduce myself first I'm Park Sang Hyun but people call me Thunder and you are?" he said while walking you toward a bench.

-Gasp- He don't know me. "Nice to meet you. My name is _______"

"Oh thats a pretty name"he said then his phone rang.

Thunder walked to somewhere else then answer the phone. After Thunder is done with the phone conversation he walked back to you to get his books and said " I'm sorry, I have a classw to go to" then he took out a pice of of paper and wroted something. Then he said. "Here's my number" then left.

You were pretty impress that you got his phone number just in one day.


That night you called him.

"Anneyong who is this" Thunder asked

"It's me _____" you answered back.

"Oh it's you. Does your legs still hurts?" he asked.

"No it don't hurt anymore. Thank you for asking doh" you answered back.

"Oh good. Can I ask you out for dinner tomorrow to appoligize" he asked.

"Sure why not" you answered.


-Tomorrow night-

"Anneyong. I was afriad that I don't know where to pick you up." Thunder said.

"Hehe I know that you don't know where I live so I thought that I could meet you here at school" you answered back with a smile.

"You're smart" he said with a big shiny smile.

"Okay lets go eat. Im hungry" you said while pulling his arm"


After a couple of day you two had a lot of fun. You then forgot about the bet that you made between you and your friends but Thunder asked you OUT. You then remember about your bet and you said "Sure I'll be your girlfriend"

You two were one of the cutest couple in school by then but you had an argument with Thunder so you two broke up.

You were talkin to a boy about homewirk and Thunder thought you was flirting with him.

"Yah You don't talk to my girl"Thunder screamed at the boy.

"Yah! Sang Hyun he was just helping me on homework" you screamed at Thunder.

"No matter what he was doing I can't expect you talking to other guys." he yelled at you.

"You never screamed at me before. I hate You. We're over!" you said with tears in your eyes then walked away.

"No ______-ah I'm sorry Don't leave me" he begged.


Thunder then reached over to your hand and said "I'm always there for you if you want"

You were shock but you replied "Thank you for being there" then you took your hands away from his.

"Oh" he said while taking back his hand.

"I did miss the old days though" you said just to cheer Thunder up.


So how was this chapter??? By the way me and my sister made a deal if I get Over 10 comment or 10 subscriber then I get to buy something big so please comment and suubscribe. Thank you very much. Hope you liked this chapter.Subsribe and comment. Thank you. I'm going to make a new story when I get to chapter 10. Can't wait. ♥

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