Jinyoung isn't jealous.

Even If

Today is a bad day. Jinyoung can literally feel the bad day vibes on his skin. He woke up in the wrong side (not bed, because he slept on the floor at a supermarket) and saw that Jaebum and Youngjae was hugging each other in their sleep. It’s not like Jinyoung is jealous (he definitely wasn’t) but that makes Jinyoung uncomfortable because their world isn’t the right place to do things like that since the apocalypse started. But with the constant flirting and compliments here and there, Jinyoung can’t help but feels like he’s special to Jaebum. And it isn’t like Jaebum isn’t attractive. He is very handsome and not to mention, smart and brave, so Jinyoung couldn’t help but like Jaebum a little.

Jinyoung find the aisle which looks like it had been crushed by a mass and was left years ago, but it’s the safest place they can find right now. At least, they are 99% sure that there aren’t any zombies inside. Jinyoung takes the mineral water and tissues from there. He reconsiders if what he does is counted as stealing but he doesn’t really care about it. He started to wipe his face and feel very much refreshed. Even after that, Jinyoung mood is still not getting any better so he decides that he deserves to take a walk to lighten his mood, despite Jaebum’s warning not to go out by himself. Who is Jaebum anyway? He is doing just fine in almost all of his life without Jaebum and he can protect himself pretty well. Jinyoung picks his knives (he also stole picked it from the supermarket) and put it in his pocket, then starts to walk silently from the back door.

The air is refreshing and it lightens Jinyoung mood a little so Jinyoung smiles and breathe the air as much as he can. He starts to roam at the road and humming mindlessly. He walks slowly and his mind wanders at what would he do and become if the apocalypse didn’t happen. Maybe he and Jaebum can make a duet songs since Jaebum is a song writer and Jinyoung can make poetry pretty well, or maybe he can finally graduates from his university and get a decent job and settle down, maybe with Jaebum, or if Jaebum is more straightforward and does not flirt too much, they can be a couple and go to the amusement park together and kiss at the top of Ferris wheel in the sunset. Jinyoung is a hopeless romantic like that. He chuckles, guess he likes Jaebum too much.

Suddenly, the air smells like rotten flesh and Jinyoung stops abruptly on his track. He looks around and notice that he really doesn’t know where he is and why the hell the air smells so bad? Unless

That’s when Jinyoung sees the horde of zombie. Jinyoung steps to his left but he remembers that he’s alone. Usually, Jaebum is always beside him so his reflect is to hide behind Jaebum until Jaebum tells him to attack. Maybe Jinyoung is too attached now. With a deep sigh, Jinyoung starts to walk back slowly and praying that the zombies won’t notice him. He does a quick count and notice that there are ten zombies in the group and they look like they’re still new so they can move fast. Jinyoung curse his brilliant analytical mind because now, he feels a bit scared. He tries to cover his flesh as much as he can but when he bumps a trash can, all of the zombies turn their head and stare blankly at him. Jinyoung curses again and starts to run as fast as he can. But when he said that he doesn’t recognize the road, he really meant it so yeah, here he is, stuck in a dead-end alley. At least he shouldn’t worry about his back, right? Jinyoung draws out his knives and when the zombies come, he lurches forward and try to get out from this alley and kill as many zombies as possible. Well, that’s the plan but Jinyoung isn’t that great so he can’t fight ten new zombies by himself. He feels exhausted and he never wishes that Jaebum is here more than now. As he stabs at the fifth zombie, he feels an intense pain at his back, as he looks back; he sees that one of the zombies hit him with a pipe, and after that everything goes black.

Jinyoung wakes up and his throat feels like it’s burning. He blinks his eyes slowly and tries to sit but his back hurts so much. He looks around this place and recognizes this as the supermarket.

“Finally! Jaebum hyung! Jinyoung-hyung has woken up!!” He hears Youngjae screams and Youngjae rushes to his side. Jinyoung asks for water but no voice comes out, thankfully Youngjae seems to understand and Youngjae is in panic mode. “You need water? I’ll get it fast, just wait here and lie down, I’ll just get going, wait a moment.” And with that, Youngjae disappears. Jinyoung closes his eyes and feels relieved. At least, he is alive and he is with his friends. Someone clears their throat and Jinyoung reopens his eyes and look at an angry looking Jaebum. Jaebum s a glass of water in front of Jinyoung face and holds it for Jinyoung. The water tastes refreshing and Jinyoung coughs a little. Jinyoung can practically feel Jaebum glares at him and Jinyoung knows that Jaebum is furious.

“Why did you run away like that, Park Jinyoung?” Jaebum asks slowly but even Jinyoung flinches at how angry Jaebum sounds. But! Jinyoung is a prideful man and he won’t just admit that he’s wrong. “Why should I tell you? I definitely didn’t run away, I just walking around.” Jinyoung shrugs and flinches when he feels the back pain. Jaebum eyebrows twitch and he takes a deep sigh, “You can always wake me or Youngjae up, I really meant it when I said that walking alone will just lead you to trouble.”

“Why do you care anyway? It’s not like I’m someone to you, you’re just stuck with a weak man like me.” Jinyoung snorts.

Jaebum looks at him with disbelief written all over his face. “How could you say that? You’re not just someone I stucked with!” Jaebum hisses. Jinyoung stares blankly at Jaebum and asks, “Then, who am I to you, Im Jaebum?”

“WHO ARE YOU TO ME? YOU ARE SOMEONE SPECIAL, JINYOUNG! HOW CAN’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? DON’T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN I FELT SEEING YOU LYING ON THE GROUND HELPLESSLY?  DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I LOVE YOU? THAT I REALLY LOVE YOU TO DEATH? CAN’T YOU FEEL MY LOVE?” Jaebum is panting after screams his feeling to Jinyoung. Jaebum just really can’t understand, he makes his feeling very obvious but Jinyoung doesn’t get it at all? But when Jaebum see Jinyoung’s tears he rushes to hug him tightly. After Jinyoung calms down, Jaebum says, “I’m sor-

“So, you like me, not Youngjae?” Jinyoung asks with wide puppy eyes.

Jaebum chuckles at him and answers, “You’re the one I love, idiot.”

“I love you too, Jaebum.” Jinyoung nuzzles his head under Jaebum’s chin. “Is that mean I can finally kiss you?” At this, Jinyoung leans closer and pecks Jaebum lips. “Of course.” Jinyoung says shyly. Jaebum breaks a grin and kisses Jinyoung passionately.

“Hyung, I get you the wa- Ah, MY POOR EYES!” They break their kiss at Youngjae shrieks and erupt to a giggling mess.

Even if it’s the end of the world, I will be fine, just beside you.



Well, that's it! I hope you guys will comments and look at my tumblr feel free to ask me anything <3

Thank you for reading <3

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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 1: I appreciate the JJP meets TWD (that's automatically what I think of) concept and I really like how worried about Jinyoung Jaebum was!!!!!! Great work author!!!!!!
Chapter 1: sobs jinyoungiiieeee... It's a really nice and simple fic. How jinyoung reacted when he saw the horde was well written, and it felt like it was instinctive on jinyoungie's part. I kinda wanna know how everyone else would react tho since it's the apocalypse and all lmao
yeoljamxing0727 #3
Chapter 1: I... love it. Fluffy JJP~~ Thank youauthornim!!!
lorena0o0 #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwww
As a fan of the walking dead I really like it
And the end was just cute
For real I want more pretty please ( what ??...no?!..., OK that is fine ) hahahaha
Chapter 1: Oh my!!! Hahaha.. someone save youngjae eyes.. haha.