| Beginning |

Out of the woods


It was going to be a busy day ahead and she made sure that the morning starts out right. Time is essence and it’s a great feeling to know that things are being productive. The start of the day often determines how the rest of the day will turn out and she wanted this to be the most productive yet.

Pausing at the window, she took in the view of a bare tree as the world prepares to revive winter. Sights and senses means a lot to her as her work hinges on the creative inspirations the world gives. Everything that she sees, feel and hear translates into tunes and lyrics crucial to her craft.

No matter how busy she gets, it was important for her to make sure that her senses are stimulated. Putting on a thin outer jacket, she heads down for breakfast pausing to take a whiff of the sweet scent from the flowers on her dressing table.

Breakfast is not complete without a good cup of tea. Tea has its way of fully waking her up and hence she was sure to make a cup of earl gray every morning.

Setting the tea set on the table, a strange sense of washed over her. The coldness of the porcelain sent a shiver through her body. Like a tendril, the feeling spread and coiled around her but she thought nothing of it.

It was passed off as an early winter chill. That was until the teacup slipped from her hand and smashed into jagged pieces on the ground. It seems to shatter the walls of the world as it gave way to darkness.

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