I Can't Wake Up

I'm My Own Prison?


"Is my or your bl? is my bl your or--" Zico sang the line over and over again






Chapter 2: "I Can't Wake Up"

Word Count: 2873

Rating: R for killings, and a few cuss words too

Requirement: Have a brain and read well. everything written is correct. no detail is wrong. It's up to you to find out why.

Summary: How would Zico be the death of himself? Was he digging a hole for his own funeral? 

Zico wasn't crazy. In fact he was a happy guy. Many people loved him for his happy disposition in life. He viewed everything in a positive light. But even that couldnt stop the bleeding. One by one the person close to his heart started fading away. How?
start of Chapter 2-
"Huh? Ji-Wu! My bestfriend since I was young! You always made food for us when he comes over! Mom what the ?"
Zico was beyond puzzled. Ji-wu was practically a mainstay at their house, he ate, slept and sometimes bathed in their house. He even goes to the market with Zico's family. He was like a little puppy that followed Zico around since they were young. But how would his mother not know? In fact Ji-wu talks to Zico's mother often, and sometimes askes her if Zico is allowed to go out.
"Ji-wu? I'm sorry son, but I don't remember anyone named Ji-wu. Maybe you're confused? Or tired, or drunk. You need to wake up!"
His mother tries to shake Zico up. But Zico just kept on drinking. She walks away, still with a confused face. Who would Ji-wu be to her? Wouldnt she remember? She would. 
"Awwww shiet! Hangover is never good. TAEWOON!!!"
Zico asks for help from Taewoon. His head was throbbing. Everything was annoying, he was weakened, and every little movement caused him to feel like he was gonna puke. Damn it. Taewoon was out. Zico puked on the floor, and right at that moment his mom walks into his room. She tells her that he shouldnt have drank too much last night, and passes a bottle of gatorade. Zico's mother quickly cleans his puke. Zico tries to sleep through the headache.
"Again?--- Really?--- Since--- should we----"
Zico overheard his mom and Taewoon talking to each other. But since he just woke up, he couldnt fully grasp what they were saying. His headache went away, to his delight. He calls for his mom and asks for assistance to get up. "I'm hungry.. I haven't eaten since yesterday.." Taewoon laughs and tells Zico that he actually ate, but he just puked everything. Everything seemed blue.
Zico was in 3rd year of high school. It wasnt a shock that he started drinking at that age. With all the stress, he wanted to find something to turn to, since Ji-wu was not there. Kyung doesnt really drink alcohol, so he knew he couldnt count on him.
Finals week. Everything was twice as stressful. Everyone was studying non-stop. On their way home, in their home, on the way to school, at the library, while eating... It's like everyone's lives were on the line. The exams get harder every year, as the standards of Zico's school goes up.
"Have you studied for Chemistry yet?" he asks Kyung
Kyung nods lightly. By that time Zico already knew Ji-wu wouldnt be the one studying with him, so he studied with Kyung instead. 
Algebra was the last exam scheduled.  So even with minimal studying, everyone knew Zico would enjoy it. After 2 hours, Zico walks out of their classroom. "Well, that was too easy. Our algebra exams are never easy." Regardless, He was excited to go home.. Actually, he wasnt. It's more like, he didn't want to stay in school because no one other than his 2 friends talked to him. As the years pass by, no one removed the invisible mark on Zico. 
He walks to the bicycle parking space. "What the hell? Seriously, what have I done wrong?" His blue bicycle was missing. Did people steal his belongings too? He hasnt done anything to anyone in the school. If he got bullied, it would never be physical. It had to be done through another way.
With no choice, Zico walks home, all 14 kilometers of it, again. This time, with no one by his side. Who wouldnt feel lonely? Walking a distance fit for a marathon all on your own, while you see other people in vehicles just pass you by. Remember how Zico had a habit of wanting to know the numbers? Well He counted, and he was already on the third kilometer. 
"Hey kid. You look pretty tired. Wanna ride on my motorcycle? I'll give you a ride home."
Zico looks back at the person in the motorcycle. Who was he, Zico wondered. The person has a helmet on so it covered his face. Their town was pretty small, and everyone knew each other, but Zico's not foolish enough to trust just anyone. To his surprise, the person removes his helmet. Zico just stared at the guy. 
"Seriously? You're just gonna stare? DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME?!"
The guy had dark brown hair, nice smile, nice hair, looked presentable. He kind of resembled Zico, except the person had longer hair. Zico panicked and ran away as quickly as possible, assuming that the guy was there to harm him. Was he there to harm him?
Zico ran as fast as he could, dropping a few books as he did, but he never looked back. He already decided in his mind that he could be one of the people who killed his father, 12 years ago. He heard the motorcycle start, and the sound got nearer. Zico's heart was pounding, because his adrenaline kicked in, and also because he was afraid that then and there, he would've died. The guy on the motorcycle kept on stopping, and Zico could hear it. He said  "Damn, Zico, don't look back. You can do this.. If he's gonna kill me though, why the does he keep stopping? Damn it, if you want to stab me, make it quick!"
Every precious memory Zico ever had passed him by. Tears were starting to fall until the motorcycle overtakes him and stops in front of him. "Bwahahahahahahaha"
"Don't you recognize me!? No come on!!"
"What the do you want from me!!?"
"I'm Ji-wu!!!"
Zico's face was unexplainable. If his face was a dvd player, it had been plugged out at a specific part. Most likely the part where the image shows extreme disbelief. After 6 seconds, Zico snapped out of it. "Woah 6 seconds" he whispered to himself... "But wait, Ji-wu? How do I know that you are REALLY Ji-wu?"
"Ask me something only Ji-wu would know"
He ponders among himself. He's trying to recall an incident where only Ji-wu would be the one to know, other than himself.
"How old were we when we jumped over to that creepy old house's fence and we got caught by that young boy and what did he say?"
"We were 12, and the boy said 'I will throw eggs at you and tell my father who has a shotgun'"
"Ok... well... assuming you are Ji-wu.. what color is the bicycle that I always park from the farthest area possible in the school's bicycle area? I'm pretty sure not everyone sees it, and notices it."
"Is that your serious question? It's orange."
Zico couldn't believe it.
He let out tears like never before, because his bestfriend has finally come back. It was Ji-wu and his answers were correct.
"Here, you dropped these. Don't ever lose your books. You crazy , did you seriously not recognize me? I look better now huh? Stop crying, I know I look good" Ji-wu laughs, and feels proud. He returns Zico's books to him, his social studies, algebra, chemistry books, and his diary. Zico was trying to find if he dropped his mother's recipe book somewhere. He borrowed it from her   a few days ago. Ji-wu says he didn't see any. 
Zico just brushes it off. His mother has a lot anyways. They decide to walk on their way home, Ji-wu holding his motorcycle by his side. Zico went straight to the point and he asked question after question. Why did you suddenly leave, or where did you go, or why did you not tell me... Ji-wu wasn't surprised, after all, He did leave a lot of questions unanswered because of his sudden departure. 
Ji-wu explained everything in detail. Zico didn't seem to fully grasp it, but he was overjoyed to see his bestfriend back! They reach Zico's home and they both enter. 
"Mom!! Taewoon!!! Guess who's back! He's back! He's back!! He's back oh!!"
His mom rushes down and greets them. 
"Oh! You're home, son! Good evening, Ji-wu! Have you guys eaten yet! Taewoon's still at work and he said not to wait for him for dinner. I made delicious a Ox tongue soup, your favorite! I also made some nice orange madeleines for dessert! Sit down sit down!"
Zico was bothered as to why yesterday, her mom was in total disbelief that he had a bestfriend named Ji-wu. And this evening, everything seemed back to normal. Zico concluded that maybe, the part where his mother didn't know about Ji-wu was because he was too drunk to comprehend things properly, so he lets go.
"This tastes so good, Mrs. Woo! I've never had anything like this before!"
Zico's mom was flattered. "So what have you been up to?" she asks Ji-wu.
"Nothing much, I'm returning to school the next semester. We never sold our house, so we can still live next door. I already have my clothes there. I found out from Zico that they just finished their exams for the current semester. I guess their semestral break starts tomorrow?"
"Yeah, it does. I'm not sure if I should even go out though. I don't know anyone other than Kyung in our school. I'm glad you're back though! Nice to have my bro back!"
Every doubt in Zico's mind just flew away. As per usual, Zico asks his mom if his bestfriend could stay over. Who would deny Zico of that opportunity? Finally,. some time to catch up with Ji-wu.
The week flew by pretty quickly. Zico did his everyday routine each day - woke up, cooked food for his family, sometimes Ji-wu ate breakfast there, too, and after that he exercises, then rests inside their house. Usually he reads his algebra book or writes on his diary. That day, Zico asked permission if he can come with Ji-wu to watch a movie at the local mall.
"Ok. Why not, but be back by 6:30 pm. Otherwise you'll be in trouble. Here's $40. Spend it well."
"6:30 pm!? That's too early! It's friday!!"
"It's only 11:15 am right now. So if you finish dressing up by 12 noon, you and Ji-wu can watch the movies."
Zico agrees to his mom's conditions and he starts to get ready. He called up Kyung if he could come with, but his father said Kyung was out of town with his mother. Eitherways Zico knew he was gonna have a fun time with Ji-wu.
Ji-wu rang the doorbell. "ACkkk!" the doorbell was too loud, almost like it was placed right next to Ji-wu's ears. Ji-wu was greeted by Taewoon. He apologizes about it and says he didn't know why that happened. He calls for Zico. "Hey Zico! Ji-wu's here! Remember you have to be home by 6:30 pm, so move quickly!"
Zico thanks his brother and starts walking towards Ji-wu's car. He was shocked that Ji-wu already had a car, though they were the same age. "It's my father's old car. It's quite dusty and dirty, but it's still a car and it bring me to places faster." Zico entered the car but was bothered by the weird stench, not to mention there were also stain marks on the backseat. Ji-wu notices it and sprays up a storm of lysol. "Much better", Zico said. Except he lied, it wasnt. 
They arrive at the mall and they eat first. The usual restaurant they went to before, the french resto called 'Mie, Continn' was shut down. So they go to a german restaurant called 'Mell Dith Ike'.
They sit down and order. Since both of them never tried german cuisine before, they asked tips from the maitre d. After settling in, they start to stuff their faces. Zico wasn't disappointed, and neither was Ji-wu.
They head to the cinemas and choose a movie. "How about Friday the 14th? Sounds like a nice movie? Horror, it's a friday today too." Ji-wu suggested. Zico agrees and they buy their tickets, and some popcorn. They still had spaces in their tummies to eat.
Halfway through the movie, Zico felt something. He couldn't explain it, but it felt like something was bothering him, but it wasn't really bothering him. He decides that it's just his stomach. Once the movie ended at 4:55 pm, Zico suddenly remembers that he lost his mother's recipe book. And so right then and there, he gets a text message
'Where is the recipe book that I lent you last week? Those had my personal recipes! Come home now!!!!"
He was in big trouble. Maybe that's what bothered him to begin with. He was afraid he would lose his mother's trust. He asks Ji-wu if they could rush home, because he wanted to explain to his mother how and why he lost it. 
"If you didn't scare me, I wouldn't have dropped that book!"
Ji-wu felt sorry but he was giggling a little. The face of Zico when he got scared was priceless. "Ok ok, let's go home. Sorry for what happened. I'll explain to your mom how it got lost, and I'll take responsibility."
On their usual route home, they heard firetrucks. The area that road lead to was to their village. They let the firetruck overtake them, and they follow suit. They were both curious, but also nervous. There was always that small chance that an incident happened near their house, or God forbid, to their house. 
"I hope it's not our house. My mom's very careful with the gas range and stuff, and all our electrical wirings are in perfect condition. Taewoon's not the careless type either." Zico trying to reassure himself to push out the dark idea of his house was the one burning.
And so, as expected, the firetruck went straight to the village. People were panicking, they were screaming "There's 1 person trapped inside! But I don't think he or she is still alive! Over there!! That house!"
Zico and Ji-wu got out of the car. Zico's knees weakened and he falls to the ground, kneeling. It was, as he thought subconsciously, their house that was burning. He runs towards their house but he got blocked off by the firemen. "Sir, please, stay calm. We will try to get anyone stuck in there out. Is this your family's house?"
"Yes! My mother and brother are there! Please, save them! Hurry!"
after 2 minutes, the other firemen extinguish the fire. One fireman goes up to their chief. He whispers really softly, with a frown on his face.
The chief tells Zico, "Sir, I'm sorry. But we found the body of 1 dead woman inside your house."
Zico's world came crashing down, as soon as he heard the news, he fainted.
Taewoon tried to wake Zico up but he wouldnt. The news was on and they were showing images of the house.  "Hey, wake up... " Taewoon's voice spelled defeat. Everyone wanted to give up on life after what happened. 
The brothers couldn't stay at the house anymore, obviously. So Kyung's family, who were filthy rich, offered on letting them stay for the meantime.
Taewoon tried to wake Zico up, but his mind wouldn't do so. So he let Zico rest on the blue bed peacefully.
"Police are now investigating what happened to the woman."
The reports say that the woman didn't die from the burn, but rather, the investigatores said she died from being tortured. Evidences gathered from the area made the police believe that there were two people who went into the house, and killed her. People also said they saw someone suspicious looking, walking around the village. Someone they never saw before.
 The police explain that they recovered forks stuck inside the woman's body. Metal forks. The murderers stabbed her head, her toes, and though the body was burned, it was clear that the murderers stuck fork through her stomach and they pulled out her intestines. It didn't stop there. There were spoons too. They spooned out her eye balls, they used the spoon to remove her nails and toe nails. Only after then, that the house went on fire. There were no traces of gas or any other flammable substances from the area.
Zico finally wakes up. He quickly realizes after he wakes up that his mother died, forever. The sadness wrapped around him. It might sound sadistic, but it seemed like sadness was hugging him tightly right at that moment.
"...  this life isn't worth living... might as well kill myself."
"That would be delusional" Ji-wu says in a weird manner. 
"Woah, I didn't see you there.. Where are we?" Zico asked.  
"Why are you so noisy? Who are you talking to?" Taewoon suddenly enters the room. He brought food. Kyung's family gave permission for Taewoon to cook for his brother, so he did.
"Eat up. You haven't eaten since yesterday. You've been in that blue bed for 26 hours now." 
"Thanks.. Where are we?"
"Kyung's house. He said he was your friend. They came to the area and offered assistance. They let us stay in their house for the meantime."
"Oh.. Wow I never knew Kyung was this rich. By the way, Taewoon, can you tell Ji-wu to come here, I think he went out"
"I understand you're tired and all, but it's not good that you're making stuff up."
-end of chapter 2
good luck ... @yanipopo on twitter.
-december 5,2011 : 12:31 am-
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Chapter 2: woooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww this story is awesome !! blue orang thingie is kindda clearing up to me now .. but im not sure though !! it really mess with ur mind !! thumps up for this ^^
New reader here.
I was reading some of your other fics XD Before i came across this one.
Ohmagosh. This is genius.
im getting suspicious with jiwu. I think i understand about blue and orange.....hmm.......maybe?
crazyoverhim #4
brilliant!! I'm getting the hang of this fic..I'm analyzing it very carefully hehe..<br />
Getting suspicious of the blue and orange thing..I'll pay close attention to that ^^
smilingpandas #5
I see recurrent 14's and of course the blue and orange. Jiwu is suspicious too.. The orange is associated with .. the deaths? Anyway, looking forward ~__~
Yanipopo #6
but what if the orange and blue play a key role in understanding this fanfic early on?<br />
<br />
lol'd at the ~orange~ and ~blue~ lol<br />
<br />
Anyway, continue plz.
oh yanipopo. update soon~~~~
Holy . What. Continue please. omg.