[YGxBB & JBxJR] dating advice #1: you don’t look at anyone other than me

GOT7 Short Fics
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“Can you stop looking at me, Yugyeom?” Bambam says exasperatingly,  sure he enjoys attention, but not like this. Yugyeom has been staring at him since the first period, their teacher even scolded him for ‘staring dumbly’ at his bestfriend. When Yugyeom is about to say something, Jinyoung arrives and sits beside Bambam.


“Hyuuuung!” the younger immediately melts on the senior’s shoulder, talking about what he wants for lunch. Then, Jaebum comes as well, carrying his and Jinyoung’s food tray. “What’s wrong?” Jaebum asks as he sits beside a sulking Yugyeom, he always gets tossed away whenever Jinyoung is around.


“I don’t understand him hyung.” Yugyeom finally speaks after Bambam leads Jinyoung towards the food area. Maybe he was just seeing things, bu

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autumnrhythm5 #1
Chapter 1: I wish it was longer😭😭😭😭
I am a er for hybrid Jinyoung😭😭😭😭😭😭
Still thankyou for the good plot!!
puji1988 #2
Chapter 12: Wow.. this i gold... how can i found this just right now.
Thynnhtet #3
Chapter 11: That cuties yugjae hahaha....jjp touch my heart oops...
Thynnhtet #4
Chapter 12: Ewwww.... Yugjae in gangster !au omg....i really love it.the world needs more yugjae
putrikrisna #5
Chapter 12: yugjae just like OMG :)
floralis #6
Chapter 12: All are really cute story :) thanks
freshmiaw #7
Chapter 11: It's cute..
fl0wermask #8

There goes my feels. Augh, you write the best stories ever. Even these short ones are too good to be true. I'm in tears ;-;

*dying whale sound*

Great work as always! <3333
HinanDyan #9
Chapter 12: Omo omo omo.... Why so cute yugjae aaaaakkkk!!! I know it's kinda late but you should make this drabble still ongoing not completee!!! T^T this all too gorgeous to being complete T^T