[JBxJR] only in front of you did i want to look cool always

GOT7 Short Fics
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“Sir Jinyoung, do you know what the flower said when it first saw you?” Jaebum asks, fixing his hair as he gives his professor a smoldering gaze. Jinyoung turns to him, but he doesn’t look at him, he’s used to this and he has too many things to do as of the moment. Like his book falling off from his hold, luckily Jaebum is quick to catch it on time.


“What?” Jinyoung replies, realizing that it would be too harsh if he’s not gonna pay attention to his student after he helped him. Jaebum leans back, fixes his collar, dusts his shoulder off, and clears his throat by coughin. “Nothing.” He replies with a plain expression. Usually, even though Jinyoung doesn’t admit it, Jaebum has really cool pick up lines. He doesn’t know what happened this time.


“It was too tongue-tied because you are too beautiful.” This time, he smirks and it almost makes him look like he’s five years older. Jinyoung is baffled for few seconds until he leans his head back and releases a cute laugh. He hides his mouth under his hand and his cheeks crinkle like a cat’s whiskers. This, this is what Jaebum lives for; seeing Jinyoung happy.


“Okay, okay.” Jinyoung says a little later, wiping his eyes. “Flowers can’t talk, Jaebum. You need to review your science, but sure, that was a nice one.” he then smiles at Jaebum and pats his shoulder. “Now go inside and we’re gonna be late for our class.” Jaebum tries his best to hide his blush from his classmates who teases him as soon as he walks in.


“That means, try a different day.” Jackson whispers to him, but it is still too loud for his classmates to hear. “Or maybe, it just means, give up.” Yugyeom, from the front seat, who is undeniably a teachers’ pet says. Jaebum glares at him, but the boy is unfazed, even sticking his tongue out.


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autumnrhythm5 #1
Chapter 1: I wish it was longer😭😭😭😭
I am a er for hybrid Jinyoung😭😭😭😭😭😭
Still thankyou for the good plot!!
puji1988 #2
Chapter 12: Wow.. this i gold... how can i found this just right now.
Thynnhtet #3
Chapter 11: That cuties yugjae hahaha....jjp touch my heart oops...
Thynnhtet #4
Chapter 12: Ewwww.... Yugjae in gangster !au omg....i really love it.the world needs more yugjae
putrikrisna #5
Chapter 12: yugjae just like OMG :)
floralis #6
Chapter 12: All are really cute story :) thanks
freshmiaw #7
Chapter 11: It's cute..
fl0wermask #8

There goes my feels. Augh, you write the best stories ever. Even these short ones are too good to be true. I'm in tears ;-;

*dying whale sound*

Great work as always! <3333
HinanDyan #9
Chapter 12: Omo omo omo.... Why so cute yugjae aaaaakkkk!!! I know it's kinda late but you should make this drabble still ongoing not completee!!! T^T this all too gorgeous to being complete T^T