a big fan of infinite

Bad girl? i know right.

2 pm and i was sitting peacefully with my cute boyfriend jaehyuk, on chairs, at street ice cream stall.  we were dating for 5 months now. last friday he came to my office with pink roses and although he didnt say anything i know it was for the sake of our 5 months relationship. owh cute. he really is a shy guy. and i dont know what makes him attracted to me. i never considered myself as especially a stunning beauty. to be honest i think a lot of my girl friends was pretter than me. *kidding, i know i am attractive.

He said he likes me because i am bubbly and i tend to lead the way. i am the eldest in my family and my mother is very cheerful. our home always filled with laughthers and gossiping between me and my mom. we basically are bestfriends. since toddler (maybe) i imitated the way my mom talk and made decision. so because my in my family my mom was the one who always said whats final, i follow that path now. i am quite bossy and thats how i acted in society as well. this is quite pshycological but i think the real reason whe jaehyuk likes me is because he is the eldest son and he ussually calm and leading his siblings but he suddenly tired of it and let me take the wheel. we were once in the same class and i think he likes me because i am the complete opposite of him. you heard, opposites do attract.

oh hi! i forgot to tell you guys. i was majored in Business when i was in university and so did my boyfriend. i love business management especially the things like giving order and managing job. lol business management not even close to that. but i know i am fitted here. i went straight to finish my study for 3 and half years where the next 6 months i got my internship in a fast moving consumer goods company. i love this business. its fast moving which makes it dynamic and resulted in active me.

jaehyuk oppa, he took business major because his family run a chained bulgogi restaurant which you can easily find everywhere in our country. obviously not a chaebol of course because not like in kdrama, where a man owns restaurants he is a billionaire, now i studied business i knew that drama were lying cz just chained restaurants with this scale wont enough to makes you but a private jet. 

move to why did i fell for my boyfriend. 1st you see, he is shy. too shy. and i liked teasing him. his cheeks will turn red and his face will looks like a baby. 2nd, he is a good guy. when you are too involved in life facts documentary, watch many drama and was an ear for your bestfriends's life problem, you can easily sense which guy is good and which guy is not worth your time. 3rd, he is a hardworking man. he raised in strict happy family which made whose him now. a very calm, thoughtful man. gonna talk about him more later!

it was saturday and spending my saturday with my boyfriend is normal. aside fron today is the day where i was suppose to go to this counseling tv program. err. jaehyuk loves chocolate and i love vanilla. we got this huge crytal glass with ten scoops of ice cream and milk coffee as topping. not yet summer but the weather was quite hot.

I checked on my social media when i found infinite's video live and imediately play it. hi again, i am an inactive inspirit. but once an inspirit am forever am. hehe. please dont hate me. after my graduation, i rarely had time to go to infinites concert or following them to music broadcast like i did when i was in my first year when 'be mine' was out. infinite and i were the same age lol. i mean i and sungjong the maknaes. 4 years since i become an inspirit but they are always in my heart.

I met infinite for the first time when they were on a show where they had to run away and come to crowded place and end up in music store to promote their songs. owh they were so cute. sungyeol still with his baby face and i remember their rock badboy concept but i never felt the aura of bad boy from them. they are innocents and humble and hardworking. owh now i realize why i like jaehyuk.


2.30 pm and Han Woo Lin was waiting so worried because his sister didnt show up. he hd askd the producers to put their story at the end and thankful that they agreed to this. in waiting room. 'oh my god. isnt it woohyun of infinite? yes wow just yes!' woolim tought to himself and fished thephone out of his pocket and text his beloved sister

-Noona, you will regret this not coming here.-

10 minutes ni reply.

- Noona, i saw infinite here. they are the guest today.-

reply come almost immediately.

-Liar-  yeoreumm replied instantly since the text popped up on her video. she took a spoonful of ice cream while jaehyuk playing with her other hand.

-{picture of woohyun}-

'Jezz!' Yeoreumm couldnt believe her eyes.

'I need to go there now.' she grabbed her bag and looking at jaehyuk.

"Oppa, can we go to KBS building?" Yeoreum pleaded. jaehyuk who was eating his ice cream bulged his eyes and run to find his car.

'owh ni. i need to see woohyun but this is embarassing. i cannit let them see how weird i am.' Yeoreum was thinking hard about her situation.

"Yeoreum ah, why do you need to go to KBS building? do you have work there?" jaehyuk distrurb her thought.

"No, woolim said woohyun is there in KBS."

"Why is woolim in KBS?" jaehyuk was okay hearing the name of his girlfriend's brother is name but he never met him before so he was a little bit anticipating what will come next.

"He and my parents applied my story to Helo Conselour and got selected. and apprently the guest today is infinite's woohyun." Yeoreum said casually didnt aware of the fact that her boyfriend hd never met her parents before and this is going to be awkward for him later.

"What? wait.. baby but i havent prepared myself to meet your parents, so..."

"Its okay oppa. if you dont want to meet them yet ist okay if you just drop me there." 

"No, no.. I want to meet them.. just.. okay lets buy something for your parents first."

"No oppa, we will be late. im afraid they wont let us in if we come any later. its okay my parents are cool oppa." Yeoreum wasnt think of any other think rather than meeting woohyun. She likes infinite. all of them. she loves them.


3.15 pm. Oh my god please let me get in please plase. duh why didnt listen to woolim when he said to come. oh my baby brother is an angel. i miss infinite so bad i dont know when will i get a chance to see them up close.

oh no, no... i was running with my boyfriend to the recording studion and i heard loud cheers and laughs from here. i hope they will let me in. i call woolim and told him to pick me on the door and i halted from storming in the studio when the guard asks me for special invitation stating that i am the lead of one of the story. oh please. of course i am lead character of my story. just in time woolim came and me in. jaehyuk oppa exchanged bow with woolim before he slipped to the other side of the studio. he said its almost time.

i found where my parents sat. sweat was all over my body i didnt know whether i smelled sweat or not, i just sit down calmed may painting breaths. i felt jaehyuk beside me and he sat up straight to greets my parents. such a sweet boyfriend i have here.

I was smiling happily found woohyun with his blue shirt and he was smiling at something the crowds was paying attention to. he is so handsome and sweet. and.. 

No way, it is not only woohyun who was there.

My heart beats crazily and i forget everything surround me. i felt blood rush to my cheecks makes it blushing. if i told you guys i love infinite, i adore them, i am sure that i fell in love hard, very hard with this man. i cant help but in love with this man who embrace infinite in his care. i just dont know where this shy feeling came from but i cant stop smiling shyly when i caught this man in my eyes.

He wears white, with his face glowing.

Kim Sunggyu is.

and this man has my heart from a very long time ago.



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