Pre-date Antics

First Date Antics

Vernon. First impression? Exotic looking, good looking, nice smile, seems like he'd be pretty good with the ladies, right? That's exactly what people would think, and if you also guessed that, then you'd be almost spot on. No, he doesn't secretly have bad teeth if that's what you were thinking. The small detail of him being "good" with the ladies you say...pretty darn bad! 

That leads us his current situation: Sitting in his room researching how to talk to girls. 

Vernon scratches his head while quietly laughing at some of the pick up lines. "These actually work?" Vernon skeptically looks at the quote that was in a flashy font on top of the web page.

"100% guarantee to make the ladies swoon. Proven to REALLY work!"

Vernon scoffs. "Yeah right." However he still continues to scroll down the page. 

"Pffft! Hahahaha" Vernon nearly falls off his chair. "Aye girl, did you fart? Cause you blow me away." Vernon starts cracking up again. 


"What are these pick up lines? 100% guarantee, more like 100% chance to fail." Vernon closes the page and proceeds to a different site.

"Conversation starters? Yeah, probably better than those 'amazing' pick up lines." He clicks on it and starts to read.

As he reads he mumbles snippets of the suggested lines. "What do you like to eat, favorite animal, favorite color, tell me about yourself."

These aren't half bad. Vernon bookmarks the website just in case he has to refer to it again. 

It's been 2 hours now and there's no progress aside from the conversation starters. Vernon sighs. The girl he was interested in was Ki Jaein and he wanted everything to be perfect. She worked at the convenience store Vernon and his friends often frequented. Vernon wasn't just interested by her prettiness, but he saw how genuinely kind she was while she helped the customers. She always smiled and had a bright personality which Vernon personally liked. The more he went to the convenience store, the more he fell for her each time. His friends eventually caught on to Vernon's lame excuses of going to the store to buy necessities, but when he returned it would just be a pack of gum or a water bottle. 

The only 2 workers that worked the day shift was Jaein and her coworker who was some handsome kid, but nevermind him. The boys knew that Vernon wouldn't be going to fawn over the handsome male worker, so that left Jaein as the only plausible answer for the convenience store visits.

Just then Woozi stuck his head into Vernon's room. Vernon quickly closed his tabs because Woozi didn't need to know that he was googling how to talk to girls. He'd never hear the end of it because his friends knew very well just how bad he was at communicating with the opposite . 

Woozi smirked. "Oooh, watching the nasty? For shame."

Vernon's eyes widened. "W-what?! Yah! I don't do such a thing."

"Then why so quick to close your tabs, huh? Quite suspicious if you ask me." Woozi teased. He knew very well what the younger one was doing, but took the chance to embarrass him first. That's what friends are for, right?

Vernon was getting frustrated because thinking back, him closing the tabs that quickly really was suspicious, but not for THAT reason! 

Woozi starting backing out the room. "I'm gonna tell the others ha!" 

Vernon's eyes widened. "No! Woozi come back! It's not what it looks like!" Vernon got up to run after Woozi, but tripped on his own feet and landed with a thud. "Noooo, guys don't listen to Woozi!" Vernon desperately cried out while getting himself back up. 

Vernon ran out toward the living room where his friends all looked at him, amused. Vernon's face was red and he was out of breath. Not to mention his face was a bit ruffled up from the fall. "Hey, I wasn't doing anything wrong! Woozi doesn't know what he's talking about!"

Joshua nods his head. "Then what were you doing?"

Wanting to clear his name of the dirty accusation, Vernon quickly and proudly said "I was researching how to talk to girls!" 

Just then, all the rest of his friends started snickering. "Noob!" they chorused.

"Aish!" Vernon facepalmed himself. He then glared at Woozi. The latter just laughed at the younger one's misery.


Hoshi stood up and put his arm around Vernon's shoulders. "Dude, just be yourself. You'll be fine. If Jaein doesn't like you for you, then she's not the one."

Vernon smiled at Hoshi in gratitude. "Thanks, bro." 

Hoshi shrugged. "I mean the worst that's gonna happen is that you're gonna trip and fall like you did right now. No biggie." Everyone burst out laughing because knowing Vernon, he was no doubt going to fail miserably. 

Vernon just threw himself on the couch because he also knew he was going to fail as well.

The rest of the boys looked at their discouraged friend and ran and dog piled themselves on top of Vernon while shouting words of encouragement. 

"Yah, we were just kidding! You'll do fine!"

"You'll do great!"

"You're y, Vernon!"

"Vernon, you're so hot!" 

"I love you, bae!" 

While being squished underneath all the guys, Vernon laughed. "Thanks guys."

This was quite a sight and they all laughed. The moment ended quickly when someone farted. Everyone scrambled off Vernon. "Oh my gosh!" Jun yelled while covering his nose.

"Who had kimchi?!" Jun interrogated. 

Vernon just laughed at his friends. If only talking to Jaein could be as easy as how he could talk to his own friends. The moment of truth would come the following Friday. 

Who do you think farted? Lol!! xD Vernon's date will be on another chapter!! :) I like to do 2 chapters if you haven't read my Suga two-shot ;) *Shamelessly advertises* Sorry! x) Anyways, how do you guys like Vernon so far? :) He's so cute!!! >.< I wouldn't mind someone as cute as him to like me~Sadly, my life is not a fanfic/kdrama haha x) Awe I really missed writing, so this is really refreshing for me :D School is going to start next week though ;-; Oh boi~

Thanks for reading, lovelies~!! <3 Currenly working on Part 2, and in the midst of trying to get a poster hopefully ^-^ Have a very nice day, friends!


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Awe thanks for reading guys!! I kinda forgot about this story feed thing, but I'm so glad you guys are reading my story and I hope that you enjoyed it!! ^-^


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ExoDayDreamer #1
Chapter 2: Aww~ This was really cute *__* They are so cute *~* I wish I could also work with someone like Myungsoo xD Damn, he's reeally handsome! & he fits this concept very well *0* But Vernon just was too cute xD I wonder where you get those ideas... The whole story, the conversation suit them so well!
Thanks for this cute two-shot :3 & i'm sorry, i coulnd't write you a comment earlier x)
MrsChopsticks101 #2
ExoDayDreamer #3
Chapter 1: I think it's Jun himself who farted. Jk. xD
I like Vernon *__* He's so cute (in real life & in this story ;)) *~* He's my bias in Seventeen :3 I can't imagine him searching dating tips on the internet xD It's just absolutly not Vernon-like :3 aww~ and Jihoon is cute too *__*
I hope to read more soon :)
This is so cute :>