Chapter 1

A Date Before Dawn

Seokmin was smiling his characteristic, gleeful, gummy smile, with his eyes almost shut. How could he not, when he was at his happiest moment right now? He was walking down a street, feeling the refreshing night breeze, hand in hand with his beloved Soonyoung. Their fingers were interlocked, and their hands were bound tightly, as if they never wanted to let go.


They were walking along more rural grounds. Earlier, they had taken the bus away from the city, for no other reason than to simply escape for a moment. It took a few hours to get where they were, and by now it was probably way past midnight. The sun would probably come up in a few hours.


“Hoshi,” Seokmin called the pet name he had for Soonyoung, for reasons he had not told the boy.




Seokmin brought their joint hands up to his face and kissed the back of Soonyoung’s hand.


“Hoshi,” he called again.




Seokmin leaned in to peck Soonyoung’s cheek, causing a blush to form on both of their faces.


The two kept walking slowly, heading toward a beach.




“What is it?”


“Do you know what I love most about you?”


Soonyoung nudged Seokmin’s shoulder with his own.


“What’s this coming from?”


Seokmin let go of their Soonyoung’s hand and instead put it around his waist. He then pulled the boy closer. He brought his face near Soonyoung’s ear and lowered his voice, speaking slightly louder than a whisper.


“You’re really warm.”


Soonyoung laughed, covering his mouth with his hand. “What the heck?”


Seokmin continued. “I feel warm whenever I’m around you, no matter how cold it is. Maybe it’s just because I love you?”


Soonyoung turned around so that the two were facing each other and hugged Seokmin. By now, they were close enough to the beach that they could feel the their feet sinking into the cold, rocky sand, but not yet close enough to hear the waves. The wind was more frequent, making the temperature seem colder than before.


“Are you tired? You’re starting to spout nonsense. It was a pretty long trip, after all”


“What are you talking about? I’m never tired when I’m with you.”


He returned Soonyoung’s hug, patting the boy’s head out of habit. He looked up at the dark sky, noticing the sheer number of stars he could see since he was away from the city.


He pulled back from Soonyoung. and pointed upwards.


“Hoshi, look up.”


He did as he was told, and his eyes widened immediately after. His mouth dropped open before forming an open smile, followed by a small ‘wow’. Seokmin was close enough to be able to see the sea of infinite stars reflecting in Soonyoung’s eyes, as they darted slightly so he could observe all that he could.


Seokmin continued to stare at Soonyoung with a loving gaze. Soonyoung noticed when he brought his head down and rubbed his neck from the soreness. He blinked a few times.


“What are you looking at me like that for? You’re missing the view.”


“Do you know why I call you Hoshi?”


“Hmm? Why?”


“Hoshi means ‘star’. You’re my personal star, Hoshi, and you’re more beautiful than any other star that exists. There’s no better view for me than you.”


“Okay, there’s officially something wrong with you. Are you sick? Do you have a fever?”


Soonyoung put his hand behind Seokmin’s head to pull it towards him and brought their foreheads together to compare their temperatures. Just when he concluded that their temperatures were the same, Seokmin angled his head to kiss him on the lips.


“Hey,” Soonyoung said gently. “I was actually worried about you, you know”


The two continued their walk to the ocean, hands connected once again, and this time, swinging widely with each step. The skies lightened, indicating that the sun was rising. It turned from dark navy blue, to a cotton candy pink mixed in with orange cream. The rest of the sky was a darkened baby blue. Then the sun appeared, its rays more gentle than they would be in the afternoon. With its appearance, came the disappearance of the stars.


“Normal stars are so fickle. They come and go all the time. Promise me that you’ll be the one star in my life that doesn’t disappear.”


“Okay, okay, I promise. Let’s go back to being not so cheesy, hmm?”


Now they were near the ocean’s edge. It’s foamy tides were threatening to catch them, before receding back, and then repeating. The two walked horizontally to it, making a trail of footprints along the silky, damp sand.


“I can’t promise you that. How else do I express my love?”


“The normal way.”


“What normal way? There is no normal way to express love.”


Soonyoung decided it was time to give Seokmin a taste of his own medicine. Otherwise, he would never understand.






“You said I’m your star, right?”




“Do you know what you are to me?”




Seokmin smiled in anticipation. Soonyoung pointed at the soft sun, still rising above the ocean.


“You’re like the sun. You’re just so bright and dazzlingly beautiful that sometimes I can’t bear to look at you. You bring light into my life. You bring life into my soul. You outshine that sun by far. More than that sun over there, you’re the sun I can depend on, day or night. My sun.”


Soonyoung was cringing inside as he said the words, but at the same time, none of it was a lie. Seokmin was the one who brought light into his life, when he never realized how dull it was before. He would never admit it, except for today. Today was special, for no special reason.


Seokmin looked at Soonyoung with a slightly pained expression.


“Hoshi, I’m so sorry. I never realized. You had to go through all of that? You’re right, I should never do it again…”


“Right? Never again. Like I said, let’s express our love normally.”


Seokmin stopped walking, causing Soonyoung to halt as well.


“... I suddenly don’t know what’s normal and what’s not. How do I express my love normally?”


Soonyoung smiled and faced Seokmin.


“Like this.”


He let go of Seokmin’s hand, and wrapped his arms around his neck, closing his eyes as he leaned in. Seokmin responded by embracing his waist. They kissed for some time before pulling away.


“You know what?” Seokmin asked. “I think I like the normal way of expressing love.”


“Yeah, me too,” Soonyoung said, before closing in again.




The end. What was this even? That’s what happens when you write a fic without actually having any idea on what to write…


Btw, I know the actual meaning for Hoshi is something else, but it happens to mean star in Japanese, so why not?

But anyways, I apologize for this fic. I just needed to write a soonseok, because soonseok. Thanks for reading it anyways :D

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vanillame #1
whackme #2
Chapter 1: So cheesyyy ;") Soonseok in love is just too cute for my heart to deal~
Vernnyliet #3
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaaa~~~ Thank you!! It's really great, please write more Soonseok... Cause this world needs more soonseok and i can't live without them uwaaaaaaaaaaa~~
wuyijun #4
Chapter 1: Ddang, its so cute and cheesy im cringing;------;
DaDong18 #5
Chapter 1: Don't apologize, it was a really great fic ^^ Too bad it was so short, but it was still great. I hope you'll write more SoonSeok fics in the future, I really love your writing <3
Chapter 1: butter and flies everywhere ahahha
Chapter 1: CUTE I LOVE IT!!! you need to write more about soonseok! thanks for this precious thing anyway~~