and my love will be your armor tonight

secret love
If she had a choice, Wendy still wouldn’t want to change anything about her life or status. Not even when she was stripped of her title or robbed of her wealth. As long as she has Mark, as long as she has the love of her life by her side, the impossible would be possible.

But the price of happiness, is a heavy one to pay.

Wendy pulled her tattered dress tighter around her shivering body and edged slowly towards the small gated window in her cell.

What she saw made her cringe, made her want to scream, made her angry enough to strike the next person that comes checking on her – but then images of the event that happened earlier that night flashed in her mind and she knew, they only had themselves to blame.

Oh Mark, what have we done? Why did we still take the risk when we knew we would eventually get caught?

But the answer to that was simple.


Love makes people do crazy, unmistakeable things. Love blinds, love cripples, and love could actually kill.

But Wendy loves him – the simple, decent boy who has a smile that could light up the whole universe. The caring and attentive palace guard who just happens to be nearby every time she needs a knight in shining armour. The funny, charming Mark who sees her for who she is and brings out the best in her.

Sure, he wasn’t any prince or royal.

She never needed that.

All that she needed and has ever wanted was a soul mate.

She had to hurry. Everyone was waiting for her in the Ladies’ Room and she shouldn’t make them do that. Especially the Queen.

Definitely not the Queen.

Wendy quickened her pace, ignoring the fact that there was something wrong with her heels. They kept snagging on the carpet but since she didn’t see anything wrong with them earlier, she simply dismissed the matter. Her mind was too focused on memorising the cue cards which had been given to them for knowledge wise. She was already falling so far behind in history and she knew she couldn’t only rely on being the people’s favourites if she really wanted to win the competition, and also the prince’s heart.

“Ahh!” her heel finally got caught on the edge of the stair, and she fell face down on the marble floor. Totally not princess material.

“Miss!” she heard a male voice calling out, causing her to lift up her head in embarrassment. She saw a guard running towards her with a concerned expression. “Are you alright?”

Wendy forced out a sheepish smile and waved him off as she tried to get back up on her feet. Still, being the gentleman he is, he kindly placed both hands on her shoulder and helped her up.

“I’m fine. Nothing broken except for my image apparently,” she blushed.

“Heels are totally nasty!” he joked with a smile. “I’m glad I don’t have to wear one. I don’t think I’ll even survive a day in those.”

She giggled at his attempt in making her feel better. “Thank you. I assure you I am not always such a klutz.”

“I’m sure you aren’t,” he winked. “But oh, are you really not hurt at all?” he looked over her anxiously, searching for any signs of a wound.

Wendy cringed a little as she tried to straighten her back. “My hips hurt a little where I fell, but otherwise, I’m good as new.”

“Maybe we should take you to the nurse, just for a quick check up and be safe.”

She shook her head quickly. “No, really. I’m fine.”

To her surprise, he lets out a loud sigh. “Would you just humour me and go anyway? If you were really hurt and I choose to ignore it, I’d feel awful about it.” He pleaded with his irresistible, convincing hazel eyes which Wendy was having a hard time looking away from. “And I’m pretty sure the prince would want you to go.”

He did have a point. “Alright,” she relented. “I’ll go.”

He grinned, an adorable boyish grin and Wendy actually felt her heart genuinely melting. “Okay then.” And without warning, he scooped her up and she gasped in shock.

“You really don’t have to go this far.”

“No problem at all.” He started walking, so Wendy couldn’t possibly get down. Pretty smart. “Now, pardon me if I’m wrong, but you’re Miss Wendy right?”

“Right, I am.”

He kept grinning, and eventually she smiled back at him. She couldn’t help it. He had such a contagious smile.

“I’ve been working hard trying to remember all your names and put them to faces. Honestly, I don’t think I was the strongest during training, so I have no idea how I ended up in the palace. But I want to always do my best in anything I do, so I’m at least trying to learn names. That way, I’ll know who to attend to if someone needs anything.”

Somehow, she got lost listening to him. The way he spoke was beautiful – as though he was telling her a story. His face was animated and his voice was somewhat melodious.

“Well, I’m sure they must have seen something in you ‘else you wouldn’t be here. Have more faith in yourself, eh? You need to see the potential in yourself,” she encouraged him sincerely.

“You’re too kind. Are you having a good time here so far, Miss Wendy?”

“It’s…not exactly what I pictured initially.” Wendy scrunched up her nose. “Well, don’t tell anyone I said this, but things are pretty uptight and I hate being on my guard all the time.”

He laughed lightly. “Your secret is safe with me. But then, I don’t think you’d have any problem. You’re the people’ s favourite after all.”

“But that’s what makes it harder. Everybody’s watching my every move, and just one tiny slip can cost me everything.”

“Well, I’m sure they must have seen something in you, ‘else you wouldn’t be here still.

Have more faith in yourself, eh?” he winked again, and Wendy could feel herself blushing for the second time.

“You’re too kind yourself. But thank you.”

As they approached the hospital wing, he slowed. Carefully, he set her down and before opening the door for her, he gave her another smile and said, “I can definitely see the potential in you, Miss Wendy.”

Not waiting for her reply, he stepped inside the room and spoke to the nurse sitting behind the desk.

“Lady Wendy took a little tumble while coming down the stairs. She said nothing’s broken, but we just wanted to be safe.”

The nurse stood right up, looking happy that she finally has something to do.

“Oh Lady Wendy, I hope you’re not too hurt.”

“No, just a little sore here,” I said, touching my hip.

“I’ll check on you right away. Thank you for your help, officer. You can go back to your post.”

The guard tipped his head to her and started to leave. Just before the door closed, he gave Wendy a crooked smile, and she was left there, grinning like an idiot.

“Darling, can you hear me?”

Wendy was pulled back to the present by his weak, yet familiar soothing voice. She tried to wipe away the tears with the back of her hand, but fresh ones just kept spilling over.

“Yes, yes of course. But please, try not to talk so much. You are hurt.”

Mark gave her a small, pained smile. He was thrown against the wall with both hands cuffed and dried blood staining the corner of his lips. His own clothes were dirty and torn, as a result from the beatings from the other guards and he looked completely worn out.

Wendy’s heart swelled with so much love and hurt for him. It ache her to see him being treated harshly as such. But still amidst the pain, he could still smile because she was there. They were there, together finally.

She’d marry him right there and then. She couldn’t care less with what they do not have nor possess. As long as they had each other, everything would be perfect. And there was no one else she’d rather be with.

“I love you, Wendy. We will get through this,” he called out hoarsely. “Have faith, love.”

“I love you too,” she said between sobs. “What do you think they are going to do to us?”

But before he could answer her, they heard voices growing in the hallway. Guards’ greetings were overlapping one another as they all said one word: Highness.

The prince was coming.

Wendy rushed forward to the small gated window of her cell. She watched as the door to the cell across the hallway – Mark’s cell – was opened and Joonmyun walked in, flanked by a couple of royal guards. She strained to hear what they were saying, but their voices were too hushed and low. She could barely make out Mark’s weak mutters but at least she knows that he was still awake. And alive.

After a few intense minutes, Mark’s cell door opened again and Joonmyun walked out, before approaching her cell. The guards let him in and shut the door behind him. He took one look at her and gasped.

“Good Lord, what have they done to you?” Joonmyun walked over, taking off his suit coat as he did.

“Joonmyun, I’m really sorry,” Wendy sobbed and hung her head dejectedly, partly ashamed of what she had done. The prince had been nothing, but shown her kindness and empathy, yet this was how she repaid him.

He wrapped his coat around her shivering body. “Did the guards harm you in any way?”

“I never meant to be unfaithful to you. I never wanted to hurt you.”

He lifted his hands to her cheeks. “Wendy, my dear, did the guards hurt you?”

She shook her head. “They handled me pretty roughly, but they haven’t done anything to hurt my physically.”

Joonmyun sighed, clearly relieved. Despite everything that has happened, he was still a good man. A good prince. And he still cared about his ladies well-being.

“I am so sorry,” Wendy whispered again, hoarsely.

Joonmyun’s hands dropped to her shoulders. “I don’t blame you for it, so don’t beat yourself up. You only did what you did out of love. I believe, I would’ve done the same.”

She stared into his kind eyes. Quietly, she said, “We tried to stop ourselves. But I love him. I’d marry him tomorrow…if we wouldn’t be dead by then.” She knew what she had done was wrong, but she couldn’t help feeling that the whole situation was unfair – like everything was taken away before it could even truly be hers in the first place.

Joonmyun squeezed her shoulder lightly. “You’re not going to die.”

Wendy gaped at him. “What do you mean?”

“You haven’t been sentenced to death. But – “

She held her breath, bracing for the next worse possible scenario.

“You still have to be punished,” he continued regretfully. He looked to the ground and shook his head. “I’m sorry Wendy, but you’re both going to be publicly caned in the morning.”

Joonmyun had trouble maintaining eye contact with her, as though he understood the pain the two of them were going through. “I’m sorry,” he repeated. “I tried to prevent this, but the king insisted that the palace needs to save face. And since the footage of you two together has already circulated, there’s nothing I can do to change his mind.”

Wendy cleared . “How many times?”

“Fifteen.” He paused. “I think the plan is to make it much worse for Mark, but either way, it’s going to be incredibly painful. I know it sometimes causes people to black out and the wounds will take a long time to heal. I’m really sorry, Wendy.” He seemed to be in some kind of pain himself, knowing he couldn’t do more to prevent this.

Wendy inhaled deeply and stood up straighter, trying to put up a brave front. “You come here offering my life and the life of the man I love, and you apologise? Joonmyun, I’ve never been so grateful.”

“They’re going to stripped you off your status. And everyone is going to witness it, especially your family.”

“But Mark and I will be together, right?”

Joonmyun nodded.

“Then there’s nothing else I’d ask for. I’ll take a caning for that. I’d take his as well if that was possible.”

Joonmyun smile sadly. “Mark just literally pleaded to take yours for you too.”

She smiled too, as tears started b in her eyes. Yet, they were happy tears. “I am not surprised,” she said.

The prince shook his head again. “I keep trying to make sense of what being in love means, and then I see you two – each asking to spare the other, and I think I’m starting to understand bit by bit. True love is usually the most inconvenient kind, isn’t that so?”

Wendy could only smile. “I guess you’re right.”

To her surprise, Joonmyun leaned in closer and enveloped her into a tight embrace. “You’ll be fine. Both of you. I’ll get the best medicines for your wounds, so you’ll be able to heal faster. For now, you need to get as much sleep as you can. I told Mark to rest as well. It will help.”

“Is he alright?” she asked him softly.

“He’s been beaten, but he’s doing okay for now. He told me to tell you he loves you and to do whatever I asked.”

Wendy sighed, somewhat comforted with his words. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, Joonmyun.”

He did not reply, but simple held her close until he felt her relaxing. Finally, he kissed her forehead and turned to leave.

“Goodbye,” Wendy called out quietly.

He smiled at her and knocked on the door twice. It opened and a guard escorted him away. After Joonmyun left, she went back to her place by the wall and set herself down at the farthest corner, using the prince’s coat as a makeshift blanket.

It will all be over soon…

She was doing some reading in her room after dinner. Two of her maids were in the room with her, tidying up things and preparing her bath – when there came a knock on the door. When Seunghee walked over to answer it, the officer from earlier was standing in the hallway. He peeked over her maid’s shoulder, not bothering with protocols.

“Miss Wendy! I came to check on you!” he said excitedly, causing her to laugh.

“Please come in,” she welcomed him and stood by her bedside. “Take a seat. I can have my maids bring us some tea.”

He shook his head. “I don’t want to keep you from anything. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t crippled from the fall.”

She noticed him keeping his hands behind his back and her curiosity was fulfilled when he suddenly presented her a bouquet of fresh flowers, grinning from ear to ear.

“Ah!” she exclaimed delightfully as she took the bouquet from him and held the flowers close to her face. “This is really nice of you. Thank you!”

“It was nothing. I’m friendly with one of the gardeners and he got these for me.”

She smiled gratefully at him, as she handed Seunghee the flowers to be kept in a vase. “So you know, I’m feeling good. A small bruise, but nothing serious. And I think I’ll stay away from heels for the time being.”

“You’ll be starting a new fashion statement at this palace then, when all the other girls are wearing heels and you choose to wear flats!” he chuckled at his own joke, and they stood there smiling at each other.

Wendy got the feeling that he didn’t want to leave, and she did not want him to either. He had a really warm smile and kind eyes, and it made her feel at ease being in his presence.

Unfortunately he realised it would be odd for him to stay in her room for too long, so he gave her a quick bow. “I guess I’ll take my leave now. I’ve got a long shift tomorrow.”

She sighed, despite herself. “I guess we all do.”

He smiled. “I hope you’ll feel better soon. And I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

“We will. And thank you for all your help today, Officer…” she glanced at his badge. “Mark.”

“Any time, Miss Wendy.” He bowed again and retreated back to the hallway.

Seunghee closed the door gently behind him. “What a gentleman, to come and check on you,” she commented.

“He’s certainly a good guard,” Wendy agreed. “I should tell Prince Joonmyun about him. Officer Mark should be rewarded for his kindness.”

As she got ready for bed, she stared at the flowers which was placed next to her sleeping space. Even though she had told her maids she would tell the prince about Officer Mark, deep down she knew she would never breathe a word to him. She wasn’t sure why, but she would like to keep him to herself for the time being.

When the guards came to collect them the next morning, Wendy wasn’t quite prepared for what was about to take place, for the pain she was about to go through in just a short while. But when she saw Mark waiting for her in the hallway, his face lilting up with a smile like fireworks which caused the gash on his lips to reopen and bleed, she somehow managed to calm down her nerves and gave him a tiny smile, before the guards lead them towards the stairs at the end of the hallway.

When they reached the landing, the guard leading them turned around and barked a single word, “Stay.”

Mark and Wendy stood behind the half-opened door, waiting to be escorted to their humiliating and painful punishment.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. She looked up at him, and even with his bleeding lip and messy hair, all she saw was the boy who insisted on taking her to the hospital wing and the boy who brought her flowers.

“I’m not.”

As if on cue, every stolen moment they had shared flashed through her mind. She remembered all the times their eyes had met and quickly turned away; all the times she had made a point to stand or sit somewhere in a room when she knew he was nearby; every wink he had given her when she caught his eye; and every quiet giggle she had let out when she passed him in the hall.

They had taken a big risk by starting a relationship despite their status in the palace, and even if she were to heave her final breath today, she knew she had accomplished everything she has ever wanted in life. She had found her soul mate. And there was too much love in her heart to leave room for regret.

‘We’ll be okay, Wendy,” Mark promised. “Whatever happens after today, I’ll take care of you.”

“And I will take care of you.”

Mark leaned down to kiss her, but the guards stopped him. “Enough, both of you!” one of them snapped.

Finally, the door was opened all the way and Mark was pulled forward ahead of her. As they emerged outside, Wendy wished she could just disappear. She prayed in her heart that her parents were already gone and not there to witness her lowest moments.

Suddenly, Joonmyun’s coat was ripped from her shoulders, and she was pushed to her knees in front of a wooden block. The metal shackles were removed, and her wrists were bound with leather straps.

The straps on her wrists made everything very real. Fear surged through her and Wendy couldn’t help the tears from falling over. She looked at her smooth hands, wanting to remember them as they were, before they got ruined.

Slowly, she turned to Mark.

He craned his neck to look at her. She focused on him. She wasn’t alone. They had each other. The pain would last temporarily, but on the other side of it, she would have Mark forever.

“I love you, Wendy. We are going to be okay,” Mark vowed over the roaring of the crowd. “It’ll be okay, I promise.”

went dry. She couldn’t answer him. She nodded so he knew that she had heard him but she was disappointed in herself for not being able to tell him that she loves him too.

“…to inflict upon you the shame and pain you have brought upon His Majesty, you will be publicly caned for fifteen strikes! May your scars remind you of your many sins!”

Wendy watched as the masked man who had bound her and Mark reached into a tall bucket and pulled out long, soaking rods. The time for speeches had ended, and the show was about to start.

As they whipped the canes around to warm up, Wendy averted her eyes. Mark took a few deep breaths, before focusing back on her. Again, her heart was swelled with love. The caning would be much worse for him – he might not even be able to walk after it was over – but yet he was worried about her.


She hadn’t braced herself for the hit, and cried out from the sting. It actually numbed her senses for a moment, and without warning, her skin began burning. The pain grew and grew until –


They timed the strikes perfectly. Just as the pain hits its peak, a new wave was added to it. She cried out pathetically, watching her hands shake from the agony.

“We’ll be okay!” Mark insisted, bearing his own torture while trying to ease hers.


The strikes went on and on, without mercy. Blood started seeping out from the wounds on her hands.

“It’ll be over soon,” Mark promised. He sounded so weak, it made her wished he had saved his strength instead.

She couldn’t hold on any longer. She couldn’t tolerate the pain anymore. She felt as though death was closing in.


And slowly, darkness started to surround her.

She woke up to the sound of moans. For a second, her thoughts were empty. Then, it came rushing back to her. The caning. Mark…

The room was poorly lit and it was only big enough for the two of them to sprawl out. She tried to push herself up and immediately shrieked. Her hands would be useless for a long time.


She turned to Mark, propping herself up on her elbows. “I’m here. I’m okay. I tried to use my hands.”

“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry.” He sounded like he had rocks in his throat.

“How are you?”

“Alive,” he still managed to joke. He was lying on his stomach, but I could see the smile on his face. “It hurts to even move at all.”

“Can I help you?” She slowly got to her feet and peered over at him. The bottom half of his body was covered in sheet, and she had no idea just what she could do to help ease the pain. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a table with jars and bandages on it, as well as piece of paper, and hobbled over to it.

The letter wasn’t signed, but she knew it was from Joonmyun.

"When you wake up, change your bandages. Use the ointment in the jar. Apply it with the cotton swabs to avoid infection and try not to wrap the gauze to tight. The pills will help as well. Have plenty of rest. Do not attempt to leave this room."

“Mark, I have some medicine for us.” She carefully unscrewed the cap using only the tip of her fingers.

“What?” He turned to face me.

“There are bandages and instructions.” She looked at her wrapped hands and tried to think of how she was going to manage it.

“I’ll help you,” Mark offered, reading her mind.

Wendy smiled. “This is going to be hard.”

“I know,” he murmured. “This isn’t exactly how I imagined you would see me for the first time.”

She burst out laughing, in spite of the current situation and pain they were in. And she fell in love, all over again. In less than a day, she had been beaten and stripped of her status – waiting to be exiled to God knows where, but she was laughing.

There was no other place she would rather be.

“Where do you think they’ll send us?”

She sat on the floor beside him, running the tips of her fingers through his short hair.

“If I got a choice, I’d pick somewhere hot over someplace cold.”

“I agree.”

Wendy sighed. “I’m scared not to have a home.”

“Don’t be. I might be a little worthless at the moment, but I can take care of us. I even know how to build an igloo, if we end up somewhere cold.”

She smiled, “Is that so?”

Mark nodded. “I’ll make you the prettiest igloo, Wendy. Everyone will be so jealous.”

She kissed his head over and over. “You’re not worthless, by the way. It’s not like – “

The door made a loud, screeching sound before opening. Three people walked in wearing brown hooded cloaks. Then the first person pulled off his hood, revealing himself. Wendy gasped and leaped on her feet to embrace Joonmyun.

He patted her back lightly, before turning to the other two hooded figures. “These are two of our kitchen staffs. From now onwards, you will be trading places with them. They will be going back to their hometown, while the two of you will try to blend in and work here, in the palace.”

“Won’t people be suspicious?” Wendy asked.

“No,” Joonmyun answered. “Lower-level staff, like kitchen workers or general cleaners, aren’t supposed to show their faces upstairs. If they absolutely have to come up, they’re covered like this. Anyone who sees us will think we’re done with our task and heading back to our rooms. Let’s change you out of those.”

About fifteen minutes later, Joonmyun led them to another small room. There was a bed shoved into one corner and a tiny stand next to it. Some bread and milk had even been prepared for them. A thin rug had been placed neatly in the middle of the floor, and a few shelves lined the door-side wall.

“I know it’s not much, but you’ll be safe here. I’m sorry I can’t do better.”

Mark shook his head. “How can you be apologising to us? Our lives were supposed to end hours ago, but we’re alive, together, and we have a home.” He looked over at Joonmyun gratefully. “I know what I did was technically treason, but it had nothing to do with lack of respect for you.”

“I know.”

“Good. So when I say that no one in this kingdom will ever be as loyal to you as me, I hope you believe it.” Mark winced as he finished speaking and fell into the prince.

“Let’s get you to the bed.” Wendy moved under his other shoulder and Joonmyun helped her lay Mark on his stomach. He took up most of the bed and she knew she’d need to sleep on the rug for the time being.

“I’ll come check on you as often as I can. For now, no one will know that you’re here. Not the guards, not the other ladies, and not even your families. You will interact with a small group of people and the chances of them recognising you are slim. Still, for safety measures, your names now are Seungwan and Yi-en. This is the only way I can protect you.”

Wendy looked up at him with glistened eyes. “You’ve done so much for us. Thank you.”

“If it’s possible, I’d like to request for just one more thing,” Mark spoke up tiredly. “When you get the chance, can you find us a preacher?”

It took a second for Wendy to understand the intention behind his words, and when she finally did, her eyes were filled with happy tears.

“Sorry,” he told her. “I know it’s not the most romantic proposal.”

“Yes, all the same,” she murmured.

She watched his eyes get wet, and for a moment, they had forgotten that Joonmyun was even in the room until he spoke up.

“It’d be my pleasure. I’m not sure how long that will take, but I’ll make it happen.”

Wendy nodded. “Thank you again, for everything.”

Joonmyun backed out of the room, smiling as he went.

“Do you want some food?” Wendy asked when he was gone.

Mark grinned. “Oh, thank you, fiancée, but I’m actually kind of tired.”

“All right, fiancé. Why don’t you sleep for a bit?”

“I’d sleep better if my fiancée was with me.”

Wendy didn’t need to be told twice to wiggle her way onto the tiny bed, half hanging off the edge and half squashed beneath Mark. Yet, it was surprising how easily she fell asleep. In his arms.
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sanalyvaj #1
Chapter 1: I'm crying. This is the cutest and sweetest thing ever....
sone41 #2
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful. It would be so great if u write a sequel ♥♥♥
HufflepuffBaby #3
Chapter 1: Oh my god, I'm absolutely a big fan of the Selection series, I still remember crying a bit when i read this part in the book
I totally enjoyed this, and honestly i think Marlee and officer Woodwork suits MarkDy
Thanks for sharing author-nim <3