
My Exo Drabble Dump

    After the 6th ring the phone went to the answering machine, Luhan let out a sigh and prepared his little speech to leave. He didn’t know how to break the news to Minseok and how he wouldn’t be able to make it home for Christmas.  The deal he was working on wasn’t going as smoothly as planned and he’d have to stay  until the second week of January. When the beep signaled that he could start talking he left his little message before ending it with an I love you. 


    Later that day when Minseok arrived home he saw Baekhyun  on the couch as he was watching the TV with no sound. When he neared  him Baekhyun didn’t look up at him. He just continued watching the TV but spoke up when he felt Minseok walk past the couch and towards the kitchen.


“He called again. He says that he won’t make it in time for Christmas or New Years.”

“You answered?”

“He left a message.”


“He also said that he loves you.”


    Minseok stopped what he was doing once Baekhyun had relayed the message to him.  He knew that Baekhyun wouldn’t lie to him but he was afraid to check the message to make sure that he wasn’t lying. Ever since Luhan left to China for work he never told Minseok that he loved him. During one of their phone calls Luhan told him that “I love you’s” were strictly to be said face to face and not over a phone. 


“Min? Why does he always call the house phone and never your cell phone?”

“I don’t know. It’s just how it’s always been.”

“Thats weird.”

“He’s weird in general.”


    Minseok continued on with making his tea before sitting down with one of the cookbooks he owned and tried to figure out what to make for dinner. He didn’t have to ask Baekhyun if he was staying for dinner anymore. He always stayed when Luhan was gone. He kept him company when Luhan  left for long periods of time. Minseok didn’t have that many friends and was constantly busy  with school work. Luhan had inherited his fathers company earlier that he’d expected, therefore ended  up not going to college and only going through special training to learn the basics of the job. 


    Their relationship didn’t alway go smoothly. They had constant fight of how they weren’t able to see each other as frequently as they liked. Eventually they made up and went on with their lives like they used to. It was their 9th year of being together and everyone thought  that they were going to stick it out no matter what. But everyone else only saw the surface of their relationship. Underneath everything their relationship was crumbling and the seams were starting to burst. All edges of their relationship started fraying shortly after Luhan gained the position of CEO.  They’re life plans had been altered to the max and their lives had to change drastically in a matter of a couple of months. 


    Their “I love you’s”  became more constant; not because their love increased but because they were trying to keep up the feeling with the look. They looked to be so in love. They were high school sweethearts and were destined to be in love forever. They were supposed to get married young and adopt a couple a kids and settle down in a nice house in between both of their work places so that it wouldn’t be a hassle. All of these pressures followed them constantly  and even as their relationship was faltering they still looked happy as ever. 


    Baekhyun was one of the few people that saw their lives  tear slowly but steadily. He saw the used to be lingering stares turn into quick looks for reassurance that the other was still there. He saw Minseok drift away from everyone slowly so that they wouldn’t figure out that he and Luhan weren’t perfect. Baekhyun was always in the background looking after them. He’d stay with Minseok when Luhan was away and he’d answer Luhan’s drunken calls at 3 am to ask him to take him home.  Baekhyun’s always been there; putting his own relationships at risk. 


    He’s always been selfish when it came to Minseok and Luhan’s relationship, because he’s always wanted his relationships to be like theirs. Only the good parts though - only ever the good parts. Never the parts when Minseok would appear at his apartment at 2 am with a black eye. He’d be sobbing to the point that he couldn’t form real words anymore and Baekhyun would have to call in sick to work the next day to cure Luhan’s aftermath.  Or when Luhan would call asking if he could spend a couple days over at his place. When he’d get there the bruises weren’t as visible as they were on Minseok. Luhan could always hide his bruises with clothes but Minseok’s were always on his face. He never asked questions. He just let them talk if they wanted to and if they didn’t he’d leave them alone. 






“When are you gonna end it?”

“I don’t know. It’s feels like I’ll die first before breaking up with him.”

“But he’s hurting you… physically!”

“It’s not that bad. Most of the time I don’t even feel it anymore. What generally hurts is when he accuses me of cheating on him while he’s gone.”

“Do you hear yourself talk? You don’t feel it when he puts his fist to your face? It’s not that bad? Min, it’s been like 3 years since you’ve both started doing this. I think it’s time to stop.”

“I can’t. I can’t leave.”

“Why not?”

“Because without him, I have nothing. I don’t have a house to live in, I don’t have money, I don’t have anything.”

“You have me.”

“I’m sorry. But this time you’re not enough.”


    Baekhyun sank back down into the couch as he watched Minseok move around. This time he wasn’t enough.  He’s always been enough for Minseok. He looked over at Minseok finally settle on a recipe to make and gather the ingredients that he needed. Without really realizing it he got up and made his way towards Minseok and wrapped his armed around him when he was close enough. Minseok let out a sigh and melted into the hug. 


“Why couldn’t it’ve been you?”


“In high school. Why didn’t I fall in love with you instead?”

“Because Luhan was beautiful and so were you. Beautiful people deserved to be together. I was the ugly one, remember? I had braces and zits all over my face. I was probably the worst thing to look at within our group.”


    Minseok put down the utensils he had in his hand and twisted around within Baekhyun’s hold and wrapped his arms around his neck. 


“You were beautiful. I mean sure you looked like a dork most of high school but you stood by me and I saw all the beauty from within. And now you’re equally as beautiful. Only difference is that your outside resembles the inside. If Luhan wasn’t there, it would have been you.”


    Baekhyun smile as he stood eye to eye with Minseok each holding the other. He began to sway back and forth and began dancing a little bit to the non existing music. Minseok let a smile break through and pulled himself even closer to Baekhyun.He laid his head on Baekhyun’s shoulder and breathed in his cologne. Baekhyun pulled away slightly and took one of his hands away from Minseok’s waist  and brought it up to his cheek and cupped it as he began it with his thumb.  It felt nice and Minseok closed his eyes. Baekhyun had waited for so long to do this and no matter the consequences he was going to kiss Minseok. He leaned in and pressed his lips lightly against Minseok’s and was expecting Minseok to pull away. What he got was Minseok smiling into the kiss and then deepening the kiss. When they pulled away Minseok went back to hugging Baekhyun and they continued their little dance. It was silent except for the sound of the their feet gliding across the floor slowly.  After a while Minseok’s stomach growled from hunger and he pulled away to finish dinner.


“Min, lets go out to dinner tonight. My treat.”


    Minseok smiled towards him and nodded. He began putting everything back where it belonged. They walked towards the door to get their shoes on and left. As they walked Baekhyun’s hand was itching to take a hold of Minseok’s and as their knuckles bumped against one another he finally got the courage to link their hand together. Their hand swung in between them  before Baekhyun put them into the pocket of his jacket. 


I've worked on this for a total of maybe 2 hours over the course of 2 sit downs but I can't seem to bring myself to write anymore. This is actually the first XiuBaek story I've written and I feel like I wrote them way different from others.  I don't know if thats good or not but I like how it turned out. The ending is very abrupt and really unclear towards their relationship but I kind of like it like that.  

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YehetEverydayOhorat #1
Chapter 1: The end is really sweet :D