Chapter 2

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The pictures is not mine so credit for the owner.

In the same day with the date of Hakyeon and Taekwoon. Hakyeon was straight going home. He was little bit tired. When he reached home, he found there was a note on the fridge door.

'Hyung, I will sleep over in Ravi's house, don't wait for me, I'll go home after works tomorrow, see you,' KenKen.

Hakyeon chuckled a bit. Sure, he would alone tonight. That was the best choice that he had today. Without annoying voice from Ken, it was perfect.

After the meeting with Hakyeon, Taekwoon ended up in bar again. He was weak with alcohol but today he wanted himself to be wasted. After three shots of tequila and two shots of martini, he sure he was wasted. Everything became blur and black at the same time. He could not stand straight. His brain could not functioning properly, he kind of regretted that he did not come to the bar with Ravi. Then he tried to call someone for S.O.S, he though that he was calling Ravi, but actually he called Cha Hakyeon.

"Yeoboseyo, (Hallo), Taekwoon~ssi is there anything you need?" Asked Hakyeon, he was in the middle of getting to bed.

"You, you, you," Taekwoon was mumbled.

"Taekwoon~ssi, are you drunk?"

"Yes, I am, please come,"

"Where are you?"

"I am...em...where am I?" Taekwoon yelled, then a voice said something to Hakyeon,

"Here is Seoul Nightlife," It looked like a voice of bartender.

"Ye, ye, ye," Taekwoon chimed.

"Ok, you have to stay there, I'll pick you up,"

Hakyeon hurriedly came to the rescue. He changed his pajamas to something warmer. The weather in January in Seoul could froze you up. He took his car key then headed to his car. In twenty minutes, Hakyeon arrived at the bar. When he walked to the counter bar, he could easily find the body of Taekwoon. He paid the bill and helped Taekwoon to his car. Taekwoon was mumbling inaudible words. After arrived in his apartments, Taekwoon wanted to throw up, Hakyeon hurriedly dragged Taekwoon to the bathroom and then Taekwoon released all the content in his stomach. After Taekwoon finished his act, then Hakyeon helped him to set him on his bed. He loosen the tie and then tucked Taekwoon under the warm blanket. He could see a trace of tears on Taekwoon cheeks. He was a typical boy who could stand up that heart broken (eventhough he was in the middle of heart broken), he draw Taekwoon's phone and searched Jina's number. Hakyeon read the message and then he typed some sentence to Jina. He hoped that they could get back together.

The next thing that Hakyeon could do was collapsed on the couch near his bed because his eyelids were now really heavy.

The next morning, Taekwoon had a big headache. He could not proceed where was he now because he was unfamiliar with the place. When he was about to get up from bed he found a note on the bedside table.

'Hi, you must be wondered where are you now, you are in my apartment now, I have already made you a hangover soup, so please eat it, if it was cold you could warm it up, I have already gone to work now, if you want to wash up you can do it, after eating don't forget to eat aspirin you looked like you will have a headache in the morning.'

PS: I just add an information if you might curious, don't worry, there was nothing happen yesterday because you were really wasted.^^
Have a nice day^^

Cha Hakyeon.

A smile plastered on Taekwoon, the warm words from Hakyeon made Taekwoon smile without he realized it. Hakyeon, the person whom he was sorry and took a pity with, had taken care of him without Taekwoon asked. It was a big thing for him because except Ravi, there was no one who really taken care of him, not Jina also. Jina never showed up when Taekwoon in drunk state, because she was merely hate it. Hakyeon made Taekwoon felt gratitude toward him. After washing up, Taekwoon ate the hangover soup made by Hakyeon, then drank the aspirin also. He gave a note to Hakyeon.

'Thanks for taking care of me, I'll buy you a dinner sometime,'

Jung Taekwoon.

Then Taekwoon headed toward his work, when he arrived in his office. He saw Jina was waiting for him in his office, Jina threw herself toward Taekwoon. Taekwoon just frozen and spechless.

"I am sorry if I made you hopeless, I was really awful girlfriend, please forgive me," Jina was crying on his chest, but strangely, Taekwoon was not feel anything. Taekwoon pulled out the hug, and face her.

"It's ok," That just word which came out from Taekwoon mouth.

For the rest of the month, Taekwoon became restless. He was already back with Jina, but strangely he did not feel anything toward Jina like he used to be. The rarely had a fight and Jina was really affectionate toward him, but he could not feel anything. When they were together Taekwoon often spaced out and day dreaming. Now, in his mind was full of another person, the shorter and dark skin guy, Cha Hakyeon. Taekwoon knew that because of Hakyeon, Jina and him could back together but he really did not thankful toward Hakyeon's action, but he felt a bit pissed of actually. Taekwoon and Cha Hakyeon still keep contact toward each other. Another strange thing, Taekwoon was looking forward to meet Hakyeon rather than to meet Jina.

Today, Hakyeon, Taekwoon, Ravi and Ken had dinner together. They looked very happy when suddenly Hakyeon stopped talking. His eyes were focus in one direction. All of them followed Hakyeon's eyes. Ken knew right away that it would be a war in near future. Hakyeon stood up from his seat then walked toward the man and woman who just sat down.

"Woo Joon~ah," Called Hakyeon.

The said person really surprised knowing Hakyeon presence.

"Cha Hakyeon,"

"Long time no see,"

"Cha Hakyeon, why are you here?"

"I am having dinner with my friends," He pointed the table near glass window, "You must be a new girlfriend of my boyfriend," Hakyeon stated the fact.

"Cha Hakyeon what did you just say?"

"Am I wrong?" Said Hakyeon calmly, "You have never said that we are breaking up, so," Hakyeon's voice trembled, "So, today I can assure you that we are breaking up, you jerk," Hakyeon splashed the water from the glass on the near table, "Don't ever show me your face in front of me ever again," Hakyeon walked out and exited himself from the restaurant. He was holding his tears.

"Cha Hakyeon!" Taekwoon called Hakyeon, but he ignored the tall man.

Woo Joon who was really startled back to his sense. His girlfriend now waited him for further explanation.

Taekwoon followed Hakyeon, Ken and Ravi was dealing with the bill then followed Taekwoon afterward. Hakyeon was walking mindlessly, his tears were covering his checks. He did not mind it though because he was really sad right now. Then, when Taekwoon could reach him, he held Hakyeon's wrist the stopped him from walked away.

"Cha Hakyeon, are you alright?" Taekwoon asked softly.

"No, I am not, could you leave me alone?" Hakyeon could not look at Taekwoon's face.

"No," Taekwoon tightened his grip.

"Just leave me alone won't you?"

"I can't leave you alone at this state,"

"Why? I have already helped you, you back with your girlfriend, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE," Hakyeon yelled and tried to loosen the grip.

"How could I leave you alone, w

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Chapter 2: *****throwing confetti*****
icebriyan #2
Chapter 2: Can't get over with your story author-nim ~^O^~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 2: Its happy ending ahhh love it!! Thankyou for writing and sharing this story ^^