Junhui: Flower

Seventeen Oneshots

I wasn't looking for anything crazy. There's this park I enjoy going to. I've been going to the park for at least, oh, three years now? The park wasn't that all complex, you might as well have called it a "nature preserve" or a big, plain field. Anyhow, it was beautiful. Me, liking quiet space? Yup.

I was at the park again, in my own special area of the park, the lake. Hardly anyone comes near the lake since there aren't any fish to be fished, and the water might be too deep for children and pets. The sun was shining so bright, it reflected upon the surface of the lake. I closed my eyes.

Ah, yes, it was quiet. My favorite. I began to drift into my thoughts and the void.

"Heads up!"

My eyes snapped back open, and something like a ball rammed into my back and pushed me forward. I yelled as I fell into the big blue lake. Fortunately, the lake was shallow enough for me stand on the bottom.

Resurfacing, I caught a glimpse of a boy, a little taller than me, running torwards the lake at full speed.

"Oh my god, are you okay!?" he exclaimed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out. I tripped over myself and fell, again, into the water.

I coughed. "Hey, you!"

Rigidly, I stepped out of the lake and onto the grass, forming a little marsh puddle around me. My clothes were soaked and my shoes squished. My favorite outfit too!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" the boy just kept on apologizing.

I sighed and looked around. His ball lay a few feet further away. I walked over and picked his ball up; the boy caught up to me. My shoes sloshed the water inside of them. Handing the ball back to him, I stole a glance of his face.

Very...handsome. I thought.

"I'm Junhui," he fished out a piece of paper from his pocket with his name and phone number on it. "I think I better make it up for pushing you into the lake with a ball."

I peered down at the little yellow paper. The wind blew and I shivered, clutching the edges of my top. Junhui noticed and draped his jacket over my shoulders.

"I'm...uh, no nevermind. I'm going to go now, call me okay?" Junhui dashed away with his ball.

I thought I could detect a light blush on his soft cheeks.


I found myself texting Junhui the next day. I was standing outside of a small coffee shop, holding his jacket.

"Hi, its the girl you pushed into the lake," I had said.

"Oh, haha. Sorry about that. Do you want to meet up somewhere today?" he had responded.

We had a small conversation about exchanging our names and talking about how our day was going, and ended up deciding to meet at this coffee shop. But it's ten minutes before the time we decided on. Why am I waiting here so early anyways? Was I expecting to see him early?

"Hey." I looked up to see him.

"H-Hi..." I mumbled shyly.

We walked a few blocks together without saying anything, destination unknown. Sometimes our hands would brush against each other; my heart would skip two beats in a row. I was feeling very nervous.

I felt him tug gently at my sleeve. Looking up, I saw him enter a floral store. I followed him.

"You like quiet things and places right?" Junhui asked as soon as we were inside.

"Well, I prefer them. Amusement parks are cool too," I said, busying myself with rose petals.

But the store really was quiet. There were only flowers and the gentle swaying of windchimes...and the two of us. It looked like a scene out of an innocent romance movie.

There was a brochure with a bunch of commonly bought flowers with their corresponding symbolism. Seems interesting. I flipped through it for a little while, didn't really have anything else to do, and it would be weird to keep on staring at Junhui.

"You know," he suddenly said. I glanced towards him.

He pointed at a bush of gardenias, "I would get one for you, but these are really hard to care for. There were gardennias at the lake too..."

I smiled and laughed. I glanced back at the brochure.

Gardenia - Hard to care for, but when well taken care of, it is a beautiful flower. It says "You are lovely" and sometimes even means a secret love.

My heart thumped so loudly, I was almost certain Junhui could hear it.

"Junhui?" I said, turning back around.

I was met with a kiss.

When Junhui backed away, his face was flushed.

"I was lying, there were no actual gardenias near the lake," he stepped a little closer to me and leaned in. I could feel his soft breath on my ear.

"There was only you."

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imprfction #1
Chapter 3: im crying bcs this is too cute ;-;
imprfction #2
hello can i request a oneshot featuring woozi? c: