"Do Not Disturb"


              Jimin shot daggers at the man stumbling through the doors. Every other week this guy came into the store, always on Jimin's shift, just to sneak into the back and fall asleep on one of his beds. Beds that he had spent hours setting up for display. Yoongi was his name. Jimin knew this only because he had heard someone shout it from outside as the man had been walking into the store. Jimin remembered seeing the Blond's face darken for a second and then immediately soften before he turned around to put a puppy-like boy with a square smile into a headlock. Jimin had watched them leave, even making eye contact with him for a second as Yoongi looked back to gaze longingly at the rows of beds inside. Jimin had never gotten up the nerve to confront him, something about the glint in the blond's eyes when they made eye contact, but he wasn't going to allow it today. His boss had been on his back all morning and he didn't have the time to remake one of his displays because of some guys thirty minute nap. No, he was going to get rid of Yoongi for good. Right after he remade the display up front that some kids had been jumping on. Today was not Jimin's day.

             Yoongi walked into the store with bleary eyes. He always felt like he became more tired the farther back he went into the building. He didn't know if it was the dim lighting or his mind playing tricks on him but he only had one thing in mind as he brought his hand up to stifle a yawn and that was to find the most comfortable looking bed and escape from the world for about an hour. Yoongi preferred his beds to be made a certain way so he always ended up sleeping in the same three everytime he came. This time was no different. Yoongi shuffled up to his favorite bed out of the three, this time decorated with greens and browns, and sighed in relief. He checked his surroundings, making sure no one was around that could see him, before crawling into the bed and pulling up the covers. Not being able to get comfortable he emptied out his pockets, setting his phone and random pocket trash on to a nearby dresser, before laying his head on the pillow and finally passing out.

            Jimin inched closer to the bundle of blankets that shifted a little everytime the annoying man with blond hair took a breath. He wasn't really sure how to go about this. In the short amount of time it had taken him to remake the bed up front, Yoongi had already managed to fall asleep and was even snoring slightly. Jimin was now standing two feet away from the sleeping mound and couldn't help but think that Yoongi looked kinda cute, even with the small amount of drool drying on his cheek. Jimin took a deep breath. Okay it was now or never. Jimin reached down and grabbed Yoongi's shoulder, shaking it slightly.

"Excuse m-me sir," Jimin said. "I'm going to have to ask you t-to leave."

Jimin cursed at himself for stuttering. Why was he so afraid of this guy? Looking back down at the bed jimin laughed in disbelief. If anything the man was snoring louder. With a shout of anger, Jimin grabbed a handful of blankets surrounding Yoongi and yanked. The blankets slipped off much easily than he thought they would, resulting in him falling to the ground buried in them. 

Jimin counted down from ten, trying to calm himself before he stood up and strangled the that had put him on the floor in the first place. Jerking the covers off his face Jimin stood up, ready to jump on Yoongi and shake him if that's what it took to wake him up. He threw the blankets onto the ground, something he would have to pay for later, and started toward Yoongi only to stop dead in his tracks. The blond that had looked so adorable just moments before now had a glare on his face that could wilt flowers. Jimin tried to take a breath only to break out into a coughing fit. Hitting his chest with his fist, Jimin finally stopped coughing and looked up at Yoongi with red-tinted ears. 

"I do believe I put up a do not disturb sign," Yoongi growled. "Or am I mistaken?"

"A disturb sign?" Jimin stuttered. Yoongi smirked, nodding his head towards the dresser.

Jimin walked over to the dresser, feeling the other male glare at his back.

"This is a crinkled snickers wrapper," Jimin said while tossing the trash onto Yoongi's lap, feeling somewhat braver. "Now stop sleeping in my beds."

"Your beds?" Yoongi said, looking more amused now then angry. "You like to sleep here too?"

"No, you idiot," Jimin whispered, making sure not to draw attention from other customers. "I have to remake these beds everytime your lazy comes in here."

Yoongi's expression had darkened as soon as the word idiot had come out of Jimin's mouth, but slowly turned more playful as he leaned closer and squinted at Jimin's name tag.

"Park Jimin, huh," Yoongi chuckled, "That's a shame, I thought you might like to join me. You look exhausted."

Jimin looked back at the front of the store. Those kids were back and jumping on the bed he just remade. His boss was towering over one of his coworkers in the front, waving his hands around and clearly shouting, while the poor guy he was screaming at held back tears. Jimin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think clearly. He was exhausted and even if Yoongi was the most infuriating guy he knew, Jimin realized that, yeah, he did want to crawl in that bed and fall asleep with him. Jimin bent down and scooped up the blankets he had thrown down earlier, staring at them for a second. Finally, Jimin shrugged his shoulders and bunched up the blankets into a ball. Looking up at the sleepy blond he smiled, catching Yoongi off guard and making his smile falter for the first time since he had woken up. Yoongi opened his mouth to speak but Jimin quickly shut him up by throwing the blankets and hitting him right in the face, knocking him backwards in the bed. Yoongi yanked off the blankets, red in the face and glared at the annoying employee in front of him.

"Look man, I was messing with you. A no would have been just f-" Yoongi was cut off my Jimin jumping onto the bed, kneeing Yoongi in the stomach in the process.

"Hey! Ouch." Yoongi whined, holding onto his chest.

Jimin yanked the covers over both of them, putting a finger on Yoongi's lip so he would be quiet.

"My boss is walking over here be still," Jimin whispered in a panic-tinged voice. "He's going to kill us both."

Yoongi quickly quieted down, realizing the position they were in and the fact that Jimin was basically curled into his chest. After about ten minutes Yoongi decided he would risk it and glanced down at Jimin with sleepy eyes.

"Hey," Yoongi whispered. "Did you decide to hop into this bed with me before or after your boss was out to get you?"

Yoongi felt Jimin smile against his chest, making Yoongi smile too and tighten his arm around the adorable boy beside him.

"Well I decided to hop in before my boss came stomping to the back of the building," Jimin said. "But I don't get too cocky. A lot of it had to do with the fact that I saw that guy in the mario backpack staring at himself in the mirror section again and I didn't want to be the one to make him leave. He cries everytime."

Yoongi shifted, a little unhappy with his answer.

"But I guess you're kinda cute," Jimin giggled. "That might have been part of it. Now go to sleep."

Yoongi smiled and pulled Jimin closer.

"I'm cute, huh?" 

"Yeah, shut up."

Yoongi was already snoring




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Kitcatt #1
Chapter 1: dayummmmm keep up the good work author-nim!
cutie ❤️❤️
poepoop #3
Chapter 1: ahhh so cute. great job.