Fun Night Pt. 2

Need You Now (Baekhyun x Taeyeon)

Still in Taeyeons POV

You and Baekhyun both said your goodbyes to everyone going outside followed by "Ooooohhh" from your members, you blush hard as Baekhyun points to a Korean Street Food place. You say "Lets go" Baekhyun runs and waits for you, you didn't want to run because you were scared that you'll fall and hurt yourself, you're clumsy. Baekhyun then unleashes his fricking aegyo saying in his aegyo voice "Noona, will you pay to buy these for me?" You smiled and asked the man running the little shop, for 3 pastries since you thought Baekhyun was really hungry. You bought them and gave Baekhyun 2 he smiled and said "Thank you, you're my favourite noona". After purchasing those delicious pastries you both sat down in a bench laughing and giggling when your lips were locked with his, his warm lips were touching your lips, your heart was beating fast, your body turned warm, and you were blushing like there was no tomorrow. He says "Oh, I'm sorry" all you could say was "Baekhyun my feelings for you have always been Love not friendship Love and every time I see you my heart beats faster" Baekhyun said softly "I love you, you're funny, dorky, and kind". You smiled when he pulls you in for a long nice comforting passionate hug which made you feel this sensation of LOVE.... 


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