The 6th Sense

Ghost Whisperer
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"Well that was a total fail..."

Min Hi said after returning home, Jun Hong and Jong Up insisted that Min Hi should stay for dinner, but with Daehyun’s mean comment of not wanting guests, she decided to leave as fast as possible

Finally home, she laid in bed closing her eyes in frustration

 "So how was your day?" Young Jae suddenly appeared making Min Hi scream and fall from her bed to the wooden floor.

"Why are you so jumpy?" Young Jae laughed at Min Hi's reaction every time he appears "Because you appear out of nowhere it's not funny!" "It is for me"

She rolled her eyes at his response "Young Jae, Dae Hyun-sshi seems really depressed because of your death. How am I supposed to talk to him?" Min Hi asked in frustration”


 "Let me go!"

 "No!! You need help!"

 "Ahhh!! Go away!"


"Oh! You're awake" Dae Hyun spoke making the younger boy look at his direction

“What are you doing here? Where am I?"

“You’re on our house"

Young Jae sat up "What? Why?!"

 "Well, we had to find a way to make sure you don't kill yourself you know"

 "Whatever. Where is the exit to this place?" He began to look around his eyes stopping on the door

 "There is no exit" Dae Hyun stated backing up a bit as the younger got up

 "Very funny dude, but I need to go" Young Jae began to walk towards the door but what stopped as the older grabbing his shoulder

 "How can I know you're going to try to jump again?"

 "Why do you care anyway? Leave me alone!" Young Jae swatted his arm away. At this point Dae Hyun was at the verge of losing it. He took a deep breath as he made contact with Young Jae

 "Listen, I know is though for you but believe or not, we all had similar stories losing our families, Yong Guk hyung worked hard to get where he is right now. He also saved Himchan hyung and me. He somehow has influenced us into helping those who has faced tragedies and lost lo

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Short chapter I know... I'm still getting used to write in here but I try my best to improve...


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But omg what happened to Dae? Why is the guy passing out so often? So many mysteries I can't wait for the next chapter! Good luck writing!
Chapter 15: OH. MY. GOSH. I can't believe this, woah, I wonder how Junhong will have to face his reality of seeing spirits
Kira_mato098 #3
Chapter 10: How is the story so far?
Chapter 3: Looking forward to this story the storyline seems very interesting. Keep them chapters coming Author-nim.