The Time Traveller Park Leeteuk

A Keeper of Time

"Dammit, the pitch was wrong." Kyuhyun huffed scratching his chocolate brown hair in annoyance.
Suddenly there as a loud crash from outside his window.
Rushing outside, he met up with his roommate Zhou Mi. 
"Zhou Mi hyung, what was that?" the brunette asked worriedly.
"I don't know, but I think there is someone over there." Zhou Mi replied as his red hair covered his right eye.
Surely enough, there was a young man with short blonde hair dressed in all white unconcious on the groundd covered in blood.
"He's hurt!" Kyuhyun shouted running over to the blonde and him for serious injuries.
"It doesn't look like he's too bad, except for this wound on his neck." the red haired teen said as he helped his roommate pick up the blonde stranger.
Taking him inside, Kyuhyun laid him down carefully on his bed.
"Zhou Mi hyung, can you get him a change of clothes and the first aid kit?" the brunette asked his older friend.
"Sure, wait here and clean him up a bit if you can." Zhou Mi replied quickly as he hurried out of Kyuhyun's room. 
Kyuhyun gently eased the blonde out of his white jacket and white shirt.
The brunette quickly grabbed a damp rag and began cleaning the blood off.
When he gently turned the blonde over to see if there were other injuries, he noticed some kind of tattoo on the blonde's back.
It looked like two large white wings were painted on his back.
"Beautiful..." Kyuhyun whispered running the rag over the wings.
Zhou Mi walked in with a change of clothes and the first aid kit.
They both bandaged the blonde's wound and any others they found then gently changed him into some of Zhou Mi's clothes.
Though, they were a little big they fit fine.
The blonde stirred and groaned as he opened his eyes.
He looked around confused and noticed the bandages and the clothes he was wearing that he didn't recognize.
Where am I? he thought looking around franticly.
"Are you awake now?" a voice asked from the doorway.
Looking up, the blonde was met by Kyuhyun holding a tray of food.
"W-Where am I?" the blonde questioned feeling very uneasy and nervous.
"You're at my house that I share with my friend, Zhou Mi hyung. My name is Cho Kyuhyun by the way." the brunette replied with a smile. "And you are?" 
"I'm...Park Leeteuk...did you do all this?" the blonde asked gestering to the clothes and bandages.
"With Zhou Mi hyung's help, yes. How are you feeling now?" Kyuhyun answered setting the tray of food on thte desk beside the bed.
Leeteuk looked at the younger male confused. 
"Your clothes are being washed. Are you hungry?" the brunette inquired with a gentle smile.
"N-Nae...Um..." the blonde replied with a nervous nod.
Kyuhyun picked the tray of food up and set it on the blonde's lap. 
There was a small varitey of food, making Leeteuk smile.
Taking a bite, his eyes lit up.
"This is delicious!" he exclaimed.
"I'm glad you like it. Zhou Mi hyung and I worked hard on it to make sure it would be perfect." the brunette said smiling again.
"Thank you. I'm sure there are things you would like to ask me." Leeteuk said catching the younger male off guard as he kept eating.
"Well...I wanted to ask why you were hurt like that." Kyuhyun replied biting his lip wondering if it was right for him to ask that.
The blonde finished his food and set the tray back on the desk.
"I was being pursued. When I wouldn't comply with what they wanted, they set their hounds on me." he answered his onyx colored eyes meeting the younger male's dark brown ones.
"What do you mean? Why would someone pursue you?" a voice asked.
Zhou Mi had walked in with Leeteuk's clothes.
"Do you really want to know?" Leeteuk replied looking up at Zhou Mi curiously.
"We need to know why you suddenly crash-landed in our backyard." the red haired teen said setting the clothes on the desk next to the tray.
"I doubt you'd believe me. But...I'm a time traveller and the ones that pursue me are trying to stop me from finding something that was lost in time." the blonde explained.
"A time traveller, really?" Zhou Mi inquired clearly not believing him. 
"Yes, I am. That is why I'm being pursued. I need to find an object called, "Myrth" if I am to keep my pursuers away." Leeteuk replied as he began to get up from the bed.
"Yah! You shouldn't get up!" Kyuhyun protested but the blonde didn't listen. 
"What is Myrth, Leeteuk?" the red haired teen asked curiously.
"That is what I'm trying to find out. Ther is no research on it even where I'm from." the blonde said as he pulled off the shirt he was wearing revealing the white wings adorning his back.
"Leeteuk, what is that tattoo?" the brunette asked gazing at the wings again.
"These wing are how I travel time." Leeteuk answered pulling on his white shirt.


Well, that's the first chapter. What did you think? 
I know it doesn't explain much. but it IS the first chapter.

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A Keeper of Time is the most complicated story I have ever written. Not only that, I'm putting each place they visit to be different.


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so cute...update please...*puppy eye*
Yay you updated :D Kyu is so cute in this story you can't help but love him! So excited for Kyuteuk >:D
So now they're all convinced it's real they're going with him, hmm wonder how this will turn out.

Good chapter, looking forward to your next update!
In-completion #3
Kyuhyun is being such a cute kid here! >< so cute!!!!!
teukie as time traveller, science fiction...and its kyuteuk on top of that! awesome!! you should continue ASAP ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
really interesting..update!!!!!!
love ur story..
please update *beg u*
This looks really good, I wonder if Kyuhyun will actually believe Leeteuk about the whole time travelling thing or just think he's a bit insane. I hope you update soon :D

On a side note, I love that gif, lol.
really interesting..update please...*cute face*
This looks really interesting, I can't wait till you update :D