i'm sorry

i'm sorry

Taehyung, Jimin, and Jhope were in a street band where they constantly go to public areas to perform. Taehyung and jhope play the guitar and jimin plays the drums. They were pretty well known for being a street band with pretty faces.


You were taehyung’s girlfriend and you first met him at one of their performance one night. The 3 of them were in the midst of performing when taehyung noticed you. You stood in front alone and was enjoying the music when you noticed taehyung looking at you. You smiled and he smiled back, and you were glad it was at night so nobody could see you blush. You’ve been a fan of them and you’d go to all of their performances to support. One night after their performance, when everyone was leaving, you were about to do so when taehyung called out to you.


“Hi” taehyung said behind you and you turned.


“Oh, hello!” you were surprised that he called out to you and he stood pretty close to you, which made your heart beat faster.


“I see you around during all our performances. You like our music?” taehyung his lips as they were dry due to him being nervous.


“Yeah, I really like your music. It’s very unique, and I enjoy it a lot” you took a deep breath after replying.


“What’s your name?” taehyung asked.


“____” you said and smiled.


“We’ll be having another performance tomorrow, same spot, hope to see you” taehyung said gently with expectations.


“I will. See you tomorrow” you smiled at him for the last time and left.


“Yah kim taehyung! Are you done flirting?” jhope shouted and gestured for taehyung to go back.


“Ahhh hyung who said I was flirting?” taehyung tried to hide his embarrassment but failed.


“You like her?” jimin asked while packing.


“She’s pretty. And her voice is so soothing!” taehyung couldn't stop smiling while talking about  you.




The next day, you reached the place earlier and they weren't there so you decided to go get a drink for yourself. When you were walking around the store, you saw a bottle of milk tea that looked familiar; then you remembered that taehyung always drank that. You bought 2 of it - one for yourself, and one for him. After leaving the store, you made your way there. As you were walking, you saw the 3 of them setting up their instruments. Your heart was beating very fast and you were nervous. You walked to them and tried to hide your nervousness.


“Hi” you said and waved to taehyung.


“Hello ____! You’re so early today?” taehyung was surprised.


“Aye, you must be here to see tae” jhope joked and you laughed.


“Hyung!” taehyung was flustered.


You took the milk tea out from the plastic bag and gave it to him.


“I know you like this”


“Oh, how did you know?” taehyung took the bottle and couldn't stop smiling.


“You always drink it before performance”


“Oooohhhhh” both jimin and jhope teased.

After that day, you would always go earlier to their performances and watch them rehearse, get food for them, and just simply hang out. After a month or so, you became good friends with jhope and jimin, and something more than friends with taehyung. One day, he told you to meet him in their practice room and when you got in, the room was decorated with balloons and many other cute banners. As you were looking around, he walked in with his guitar and started to sing. You couldn't stop smiling and your eyes were set on him. After the performance, he placed his guitar down and walked closer to you.


“____ ah, I really like you. Can you be my girlfriend? I want to take care of you, and I want to see you every day” taehyung held both your hands.


And that was how the both of you became a couple. Taehyung treated you really nicely and he’d always share his food with you, play the guitar for you, and he really likes to make you fluster by attacking you with kisses out of nowhere.


Both of you were so loving and everything seemed so perfect. However, things didn't last.


There was once when you were on your way to their practice at night, you bumped into a group of guys who had ill intentions toward you. But before they could do anything, jimin spotted you and ran to your rescue. He managed to push some guys away but since he was outnumbered, he was punched a few times in the face and stomach, and you had to shout for the police before the guys would leave. You held jimin up and sat him down at the bench while you went to buy tissues and other medical stuff.


“Ouch” jimin said as you pressed the wound on his arm with a tissue.


“Sorry!” you quickly stopped and looked at him.


“It’s fine, don't worry” jimin reassured you before you continued to help him.


You wet the tissue and cleaned the wound on his cheekbone and proceeded to his mouth. Your face was really close to his and he was looking at you, and then your lips. You noticed something was not right so you looked up and saw that jimin was staring deep into your eyes. You were slightly taken aback by that  gesture but for some reason, you couldn't take your eyes off him as well. You stopped whatever you were doing, and everything around you seemed to stop. Unknowingly, both of you leaned in slowly, and closer. You were so close to his lips when your phone started to ring. Both of you pulled back immediately and you were so confused with the situation. You quickly answered the phone.


“____ ah, where’re you?” taehyung was on the other line.


“Oh, I, um, I’m outside already” you stuttered as you were trying to be clear of the situation.


“I’ll go out and look for you”


“Its okay! I’m already walking in” you lied.


After hanging up the phone, you didn't dare to look at jimin.


“I’m sorry” jimin said and continued, “you go in first”.


You bit your lower lip and walked really quickly to find taehyung.


You walked into their practice room and the first thing you did was hug taehyung really tightly and leaned your forehead on his chest.


“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” he hugged you back and was really concerned.


You kept silent and didn't say anything. You felt really bad towards taehyung about the situation just now, and how you almost cheated on him for his best friend. Not long later, jimin walked in and pretended as if he didn't see you. The boys continued with their practice and all you could think of was what happened between you and jimin. You felt him staring at you occasionally but you didn't look back and even tried to keep your eyes on taehyung.


Days after the incident, you met the boys again and it was after their practice and y’all were going to have dinner together. You brushed the incident off and had dinner with all of them as per normal. However, you expected jimin to forget it as well, but it didn't seem like it. He kept glancing at you during the whole of dinner, and you felt really uncomfortable. After eating, you were supposed to go home with taehyung but he suddenly had something on so he had to leave, and of all people, he asked jimin to send you home. 

“It’s alright, I can go back myself” you tried to avoid any possible situations of having contact with jimin.


“But it’s late, and it’s not safe. If jimin sends you home I’ll be more reassured” taehyung smiled and patted your head and smile.


You didn't want him to worry so you reluctantly agreed. After taehyung and jhope left, you and jimin walked to his bike without saying anything. He passed you the helmet and since it was your first time on a bike, you didn't know what to expect and you were quite nervous. After putting on his own helmet, he turned to you and realised you didn't buckle tight enough, so he helped you. You felt a rush of hotness throughout your whole body when jimin leaned in to fix your helmet. You looked at him and realised that he’s actually really cute, and you hate to admit it, but you think you’re falling for him - ever since that incident. You had this sudden thought that he was very manly and protective, which you didn't get from taehyung. When you’re with taehyung, you’re usually the one taking care of him because he’s very playful and cheeky, and compared to him, you were more mature. However, when you’re with jimin, he’s always the one who’s looking after you, and you really liked it.


“Done” jimin said and brought you back to reality.


“Ahh, thank you” you smiled and waited him to get on the bike before doing so too.


“You’re gonna fall if you don’t hold me properly” jimin turned around and said, before taking both your arms and placing them tightly around his waist.


You could smell his cologne and it was a manly scent. You looked at his back and unknowingly smiled to yourself. You had forgotten about taehyung, and all that was on your mind, was jimin. Along the way, you hugged jimin tighter as you were scared and also because it felt nice. Time flew past pretty fast, and you’ve reached.


After getting off the bike, jimin helped you unbuckle your helmet and this time round, he looked into your eyes without saying anything.


“____” jimin said your name.


You really like the way he said your name and you were nervous for no reason.


“Yeah?” you replied.


Without saying anything, jimin leaned in and kissed you. His lips were soft and tasted peachy, probably from his lip balm. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment. The way he kissed you was so different from taehyung. Jimin pulled you in closer by your waist and another hand on your neck. There was a tingling sensation down your spine, but you did like the kiss.


“I like you” jimin said after pulling away.


“But tae…” your eyes suddenly filled with guilt.


“Do you like me?” jimin asked.


You nodded silently and looked down.


Jimin held a finger on your chin and lifted your face up before continuing “we can do this secretly… if we don't tell him, he wouldn't know, and he wouldn't get hurt”


“But…” you let out a sigh.


Jimin pulled you in for a tight hug and you couldn't help but cry. You liked jimin but at the same time you didn't want to hurt taehyung. You were caught in the middle of them. You liked taehyung and you like joking around with him and being cute with him, but at the same time, you liked being cared for, being loved, and taehyung couldn't give you that. Only jimin could.


That night, you had a thing with jimin.


After that night, every time you met with the boys, you and jimin would secretly look at each other and whenever taehyung looks at either of you, y’all would look elsewhere and pretend nothing was happening. Taehyung, as naive as ever, didn't suspect anything.


But I guess secrets aren't meant to be kept forever, and happiness didn't last long. 


One night, you and jimin went out and he sent you home. He tucked your hair behind your ears and smiled sweetly at you before kissing you on your lips. Just then, taehyung walked in on the situation. He saw everything that was happening and he dropped the packet of food that he had bought to share with you. Initially he wanted to surprise you outside your house but in return, he saw all of these.


You and jimin heard something and turned to the direction taehyung was standing at.


“Tae…” you murmured and moved away from jimin, and he did the same too.


Taehyung walked closer to the both of you and let out a laugh. But behind that laugh was pain and disbelief.


“What are the both of you doing?” he stopped walking and asked, not expecting any comforting answers.


You looked at jimin and he looked at you too, the both of you were lost for words.


“We… i’m sorry…” you said and every word you said were like arrows shooting at taehyung.


“The 2 of you; 1 is my girlfriend, and another 1 my best friend??? How could y’all do this to me??” taehyung shouted and tears were falling down his cheeks.




“Don’t call me! I don’t want to hear it anymore… I trusted the both of you…” after looking at the both of you one last time, taehyung ran away.


You knelt down and started to cry really badly and jimin placed his arm around you and your forehead against his chest..


“I didn't want to hurt him” you said in between tears.


“I know, we didn't want for this to happen. It’s okay” jimin comforted you.


After making sure you were fine, jimin went to look for taehyung to explain everything. 




“Tae ah!” jimin shouted and ran after taehyung who turned his back after seeing jimin.


“Don’t follow me!” taehyung shouted.


“We need to talk!” jimin grabbed onto taehyung’s arm.


“What’s there to talk about after you stole my girlfriend?”


“I didn't steal her”


“What bull are you talking about?? Then what was that that I saw?”


“____ didn't want all these to happen. Don’t blame her. Blame me if you must. I was the one who started all these”


Taehyung couldn't take it and he punched jimin hardly.


“I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry that you couldn't give her what she wanted. I’m sorry that only I could make her happy” jimin said sarcastically. He continued “she wants to feel cared for, she wants a man to protect her, but she didn't get it from you. If you really want her to be happy, then let her decide”


Taehyung kept silent. After a while, he said something.


“I just need to know one thing. How far have the both of you taken this relationship to?”


Jimin looked away and didn't answer the question.


Taehyung sighed and tears were rolling down his cheek. He knew the answer, and he was so hurt, deeply hurt.


“From today onwards, we’re no longer friends. We’re no longer in a band, and we’ll no longer make music together” taehyung said before leaving.


Because of one mistake, one selfish act, caused a friendship of a lifetime to tumble down just like that. From the first day jimin and taehyung met, to them swearing that they’ll be buddies forever, to them promising that they’ll never fight and make music forever, to now, them falling apart, just because of temptation.


There was no way you could be with taehyung anymore, and you decided that you weren't going to be with jimin as well. Whenever you see jimin, you’d be reminded of taehyung, and it hurts. Jimin didn't want to break up but you couldn't get over it, and to you, the best way is to not contact either of them anymore, and let it be a past, a memory you wish you could forget.

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mikasa07 #1
Authornim!! Please write a sequel to this story juseyo ~ :)
MrsPark_ELF95 #2
Chapter 1: What is this mixed feeling?? T.T
i love vmin.. T.T
This story is the best.. :')
Authornim~sequel juseyo!!!
PrinceKai299 #3
Chapter 1: ouch omygosh..Tae bby ㅠㅠ