☻ Wonwoo

Well, .
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[NOTE: I'm the worst (T^T) 'Cause I mean, this chapter is basically all about Wonwoo saying "". Hahaha. And oh! A little bit of something I guess? I really don't know.]


Wonwoo kept fumbling with his pencil while he stared in his notebook for who knows how long. His mind can't still process, or maybe the right word might be don't want to process, what in heaven's name happened earlier that day. He'd tried to recall the events that seemed to stir into a mess of a blur.  


Grunting, he rustled his disheveled hair and decided not to think much of it. He still had his assignments and distracting himself on some stupid guy would help him finish nothing. Just ing stop, Jeon Wonwoo. he thought to himself.


His stomach growled and that's how he knew how long he'd been staying inside his room. Aish! I'm so hungry. 


His apartmemt was empty and it is eeriely quiet as he trudged his way into his kitchen. He was no scaredy cat so he just shrugged off the sounds he heard while walking to the fridge. But unknown to him, he was not alone that night.




After getting some snacks, he proceeded to continue studying but ended up online shopping. Oh the privilege of window shopping, albeit online.


Wonwoo's so caught up in his own "beanie" world when his phone abruptly rang, hence making him jump.


Once, twice, thrice... the device continued to produce annoying sounds but he seemed to not be able to detect where his phone went. He was really sure he just left it somewhere on his desk so how come it was not there anymore? He continued to search, and search, and search but no luck. The phone continued to ring and it annoyed him to the utmost level.


"Damn! Where the is that ty phone!?" the ringing almost came from everywhere and he unfortunately couldn't catch even a glimpse of it. He started to panic and was now literally throwing things around. But by then, the ringing stopped.


"Oh . , ring again! Ring again! How am I ing suppose to find you, you ing piece of if you don't make a single ing sound! Bull." even though he sounded insane by talking to a non-existing person, which was his phone thank you very much, he couldn't care less.


And as if the phone could actually hear him plead, it maddeningly started ringing again. But now it is surprisingly within proximity. He looked back and saw the ringing culprit on his desk, untouched.


"The actual ?!" he ran towards it and examine it. It was exactly where he left it and that was what confused him more.


He picked it up ever so slowly as if it might explode any time before opening it to see who in their right mind would call him this late. 


Unknown Number 


At the mere sight of those words tend to drop the temperature at his room to several degrees. He shivered and took careful glances around his room. Something doesn't really look right and he sensed it. Everthing was in their respective places and shouting innocence but one.


His heart hammered into his chest as he walked painfully slow towards the suspicious looking looking cabinet he had in his scrupulously tidy apartment. At most times he wasn't scared of such things like ghosts or whatnot but this time may or may not be an exception. Every rule has an exception, right? 


Whatever might be inside this, I need to inspect it. He thought. And with the count of three, he pulled the cabinet door open wide and was surprised to see what's inside.


"Meow~?" The cute little cat purred questioningly to the oh-so-shocked Wonwoo in front of it. The hell? He thought. 


"Well, hello there mischevous devil," he crouched so he could pat the head of the animal "how come you've ended up inside my closet?"


Wonwoo cooed at how the feline responded by snuggling into his hand. He was such a er for cute things, as

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AmethystGreen #1
Chapter 2: This is interesting~ Update soon ^^
Chapter 2: I seriously cannot with Wonwoo's mouth lol boy kindly cleanse that mouth of yours or at least let Mingyu help you with it! *bricked* Lol he is so sassy here and I like it XD Akjskdsajdksajd what's next give us some more we need to know what s Mingyu is planning to mess up with Wonwoo sdkjsadksajd anyways I like the way you write, it's fun to read. Very sassy... hmmm... very much like Wonwoo XD Hope that you overcome your writer's block soon because I like where you are going in this story, fighting author-nim! ;)
JulyChans #3
Chapter 2: This story sounds interesting and fun, i love it, i hope that you can update soon, thank you for sharing :3
yeoleka #4
Chapter 1: Omg!i love this.!!!
LetsFlyExoNuEst #5
Chapter 2: Cute chan... kekeke
Fighting!! ^•^
Chapter 1: Wow,, wonwoo..you need jisoo to clean your soul too~
Chapter 1: Foul mouth wonu I see hmm pretty intersting omg minhyu plese just clean wonu mouth with ur lips hahaha
Fatimaa #8
Chapter 1: Hahaha awwwwh i like it alreadddyyyy
LetsFlyExoNuEst #9
Chapter 1: Woah!! Playing hard to get Wonwoo?? Wait till My baby clean your mouth honey... ;3
wildrose88 #10
Chapter 1: Wonu, that potty mouth of yours need to be kiss by mingyu okay. Helps you to clean it hahahahaha they're so like cat and dog!

No no you're doing great authornimmm, and good luck on your school :)