Keeping the Balance


In this world, humans and all manner of magical creatures coexist. As best as possible anyway. One such magical creature is the vampire Yoongi. After losing his most recent trainee, he is more than happy to forsake any new ones for a while. But when his coven leader practically forces him to take on a prospective human, he has no say in the matter. It’s true that every trainee is different, and interesting is far better than boring, but there’s a very good reason for why the old saying ‘May you live in interesting times’ is a curse and not a blessing. Yoongi doesn’t know what the future holds, but when you have a life span as long as a vampire, almost anything is possible.


While the story will start from and focus on Yoongi's POV, there will be periodic shifts to other characters to help showcase other aspects of the story and reveal more of what's happening on a slightly larger scale.


Set in the world of Vampire Politics and Mimicry Trickery, our tale begins after Vampire Politics but sometime before the events that take place in Mimicry Trickery.  Familiar faces from both will return and more dimensions of the world will unfold as they all try to play their part in "Keeping the Balance."


Entered into the What's Your Number? A Writing Contest.


My prompt insipiration is: It's a weapon that, if ever used, can alter the course of history as we know it. It is an instrument of unparalleled destructive power that no single man should ever wield.


Deadline is September 21st, 2018.

The real challenge will be keeping them under 3000 words for each chapter. haha


New poster done by Asphyxy. I highly recommend asking for or commissioning something from her. ^_^

Original poster done by Nolza21 at Nolza21 Graphics.  Go check out her shop!  She does solid work in a more than acceptable amount of time.  ^_^


I should definitely take more plotting walks. XD So many ideas from the one today! Now if only I can get us there... lol At least I have the general layout for the next part in mind, if nothing else. ;)


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Chapter 35: Ooooh nice. See for me it’s always easier to understand something when ppl explain it to me so yoongi going over the kid’s cases and whatnot helped me a lot in that department lol. Thanks for that actually. Till next time ^-^
Chapter 34: I really enjoyed this chapter. I like the relationships budding between the characters. Whether it be romantic or friendly. I also like how yoongi treats kook kinder? Idk if that makes sense but it’s more open and I appreciate it lol. Also he done ed it up at the end there huh lol poor guy. Hates to loose tho huh? Thanks for the update and sorry I’m late ^-^
Chapter 33: Did he really kill it. Pls tell me he really killed it and it didn’t somehow survive Dx
I hope taekwoon gets better (as “better” as he can) especially if hakyeon destroyed the who made him that way. Oh man I hope everything and everyone is ok for a little while at least lol
Chapter 32: Ok ok ok ok woah. First off taekwon, im glad he’s ok, Hakyeon however should probably grow a pair and just visit him. I understand why he isn’t but the nurse lady (im too lazy to check sorry) was right and they both might feel a lil better. Also I feel so bad for jeongmin. Poor baby being threatened like that ):

BUT that whole ending there. I swear I haven’t squealed like that in a while lol. I knew something was going on as soon as namjoon said “nope never mind” lol. He knows what’s up ;) and honestly we all need a namjoon in ou likes. But I’m glad yoongi and kookie are close tho. Like they need each other? BUT I can’t help the feeling that something is gonna happen.
Thanks for the amazing update that made my sugakookie heart explode lol. Till next time :D
Chapter 31: Had some catching up to do lol. Ok ok so firstly wth is up with namjoon and ailee. I’m too slow to piece these things together lol. AND dear lord kook is adorable here. Some much needed sense or normalcy for him I suppose. Amazing update as always! Super excited to see what’s next ;D
Chapter 29: You know I like these chapters because I feel like it’s kinda a behind the scenes to what’s happening in the bigger picture. Like yeah SugaKookie ftw! But nice background too, makes everything come together and makes me WANT to keep reading. Thanks for the update! ^-^ till the next one :D
Chapter 28: YAS!!! Oh man so much going on. Something sus is happening but idk what. I feel a roller coaster coming on

KISS! YES! lol

Thanks for the update (sorry for the tardiness, had a bit going on but I’m here now ^-^ )
Chapter 27: Oooh. Interesting. That is some next level right there. BUT on the bright side yoongi is finally making progress :D
Chapter 26: I swear yoongi is like emotionally constipated