
The First Time I Met You - Special Story

It was almost the end of the campus life. And there you are in the wide, dim-lighted hall filled with balloons, food, drinks and also loud music. You were forced to attend the party by your bestfriends who's also your roommate, Ailee. She is a very wild party freak, not that you hate her or judging but you prefer a quiet room where you can read your favourite novels. And yes, ever since you and them, Jo Twins, had gone our seperates way, you had become a very bookworm person..

The evening before the actual party, you were happily reading your novels alone in the room while listening to your bestfriends songs; BOYFRIEND. When suddenly in a flash everything was taken away from you. "I told you, I'm not going" you said to her, trying to grab both the headphones and novels back. "Nah..You promise remember that you'll make it up for me." she said, stubbornly. As you recall everything she said, it was all true, she had saved you from those erted guys that only want to have fun in their lives. "But--..I told you I would spend something for you." I scold her. "Hm.. Yeah but this time, I'm the one who's incharge of what I want so--.." "Fine..! I'll go, okay? so stop with that ugly smug face of yours." you sighed while she jumped happily.

So here you are standing in this dim-lighted hall filled with excited teenagers dancing and having fun with their boyfriends and friends. You smile sadly as you remember that iously you had been enjoying something like this with your childhood and bestfriend, Eunji until everything fell into pieces. You picked up your long purple dress that shows slightly of your chest and highlighted your curves and to top it off, you wear something unbelievably tall and uncomfortable light purple high heels. All of these you were forced to wear by Ailee since she said that your dress wasn't fitted for this party.

Slowly, you reach the drink sections as you take a fruit punch that had been filled on the table and decided to just go at the corner and stare at the others having fun. Bit by bit, you were absorb in the songs and the party while enjoying and sipping your delicious fruit punch. You didn't even know that someone was practically behind you until a large hands covering your eyes, "Guess who~" said Kwangmin cutely, making you happy just to hear his voice but you hide it. You sigh, "It's obviously you, Kwangmin." He take back his hands and pouted, "You're no fun, '______'.... You could have said Youngmin-hyung or something,,"

"I told you, it wouldn't work on her" said Youngmin coldly. Startled by his sudden appearance you trip and almost drop the glass. "Woah, be careful. We don't want anyone to get hurt, right?" he continued, catching you at the right time. And pulling you up by the waist, you quickly take step back as your face started to turn red. Inhaling a deep breath you stare at them, crossing your arm, "How could you not call or message me if you're coming!" you scolded them, feigning the happiness that is bubbling away in your heart. At least they're here..I won't be lonely anymore..

"Well it wouldn't be a surprised right? If you knew we were coming, huh?" said them in unison. You pouted, biting your lips, pretending to be sad and hurt by their words. "Then how did you know that I was coming here?" you asked. They both looked at each other and back at you. "Hm..That brown-hair girl told us" said Kwangmin, pointing at Ailee who's winking at me and also grining as if she's satisfied with her work. That woman seriously...sheesh! Though I guess I owe her another one.. You smiled.

"Enough talking--.." interrupted Kwangmin. "There's a wonderful song playing so---.."

You once again look at them but this time you stare at them from top to bottom, realising that they were all dressed up. No wonder all the girls here were suddenly giving them signals but they ignore it. Youngmin was wearing a dark blue suits, looking like a cold  prince he is with his hair combed to the right side, while Kwangmin was wearing light pink suits, looking all cute and playful with his hair gelled and combed to the left. They both really look like a lost princes, shining in this dim-lighted hall, catching all the girls hearts.

"Care to dance with me?" asked them both in unison, holding their hands out to you. Snapping out from your thoughts you looking them and smile, "Ah..Okay" you reply as you take....




I hope you like this one-shot! ^^ The next is up to you all! :D

Once again I want to say thank you for supporting this story!

Happy New Year!

Till we see each other again~ xx

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