"Park . . . Chan . . yeol?" Xiumin looked at the tall familiar grinning man that just stood at the front of his room’s doorstep. “ You’re my new roommate? “ 


"Yes, your new roommate is here!" The tall man’s grin twitched, and then swayed from foot to foot, waiting for Xiumin to let him enter. The heat was getting quite unbearable on his state, but he knew better not to mess with your first friend at the start of the semester.


"Oh . . . Oh! R-Right! Please come in. This is where you- uh- we will be staying. “


Chanyeol observed around while bringing his suitcases in. The room was pretty neat, spacious even, perfect for two occupants. Xiumin helped him rearrange his belongings, while they have a short chit-chat and small introductions. In the middle of their talk, Chanyeol’s phone rang, expecting it was Baekhyun, he hurriedly took it out from his pocket and placed the passcode.


Alas, it read ‘Baek’ on his phone. 


"Ah excuse me! I kinda need this call so. ." Chanyeol said to Xiumin and the latter only nodded, telling him that he will be at the kitchen making some coffee for them. 


Chanyeol nodded and answered the call. “Baekhyun?" He spoke with hesitation.



"Wow,16 missed calls?Did something happen or you miss me that much?" Baekhyun chuckled at the other line.


Chanyeol chuckled, pink smearing his cheeks. "Yes, something big happened, something very surprising!" 


"Oh really? Care to enlighten me?"

"Let's meet at the café. You know where." 


Baekhyun paused for like three seconds then he shouted through the phone, making Chanyeol laugh out due to his tone. "CHANYEOL! DON’T FREAKING TRY TO JOKE AROUND! YOU’RE IN KOREA?YOU’RE REALLY HERE?"


"Yes yes,your voice is so loud aish" Chanyeol grumbled, yet he couldn’t erase the smile at his face.


"FU-! I MISSED YOU! LET’S MEET RIGHT NOW! CAUSE I’M NEAR THE CAFE,I WAS JUST HAVING A WALK AND OH JUST COME! I’LL WAIT! NOW PLEASE!" Baekhyun hanged up right after he asked to meet since he didn't want to hear Chanyeol declining or making excuses. As if he would anyway.


Chanyeol was also excited to meet Baekhyun. Grinning from ear to ear, he immediately got up from his bed and told Xiumin he's going to meet someone. Tucking in his coat and smoothing his hair to look newly dressed, he power walked to the kitchen.


" later?" Xiumin suggested, not at all offended by his new roommate’s sudden schedule change. 


"Ahh...yeah,I don't think I’ll be back soon..Anyway, I’m going!"Chanyeol left with a wave.




Arrived at the venue, Chanyeol looked around frantically, but he didn't see Baekhyun. Just when he was about to retrieve his phone from his pocket and call him again, he was attacked by the petite man from his behind. Startled, he turned around to identify the person in his suspicion. They both looked at each other for five seconds.


Chanyeol thought. "Baekhyun isn’t chubby anymore. I really did miss him."

At the same time, Baekhyun was having his own inner mind fiesta as well. "Omo. He actually became more handsome even if he’s already this good-looking before? Aigoo I really missed him. Ah yah Byun Baek! Wake up! Don’t forget you already have a-“ 


“ Baekhyun? “ Chanyeol muttered, worriedly witnessing the grim face of the other.


"Y-Yah! Why didn't you tell me you're coming! I could've waited for you at the airport!" Baekhyun reprimanded Chanyeol with a pissed expression.


"I wanted to surprise you."Chanyeol gave him a big grin. Baekhyun tensed, he surely missed those grins only he can manage to do.


"Still- Okay fine you surprised me. It’s good that you’re back. I have so many things to tell you, Chanyeol."Baekhyun said with excitement filling up in his voice.


"Really? I do have things to tell you too." Chanyeol replied, wishing that Baekhyun and he have the same line of thought. 


"First, let’s buy bubble tea! I’m craving so badly right now!" Baekhyun grinned and they both entered the cafe,taking a table near the back and ordered two bubble teas of their desired flavour.


"So tell me yours first. " Chanyeol took a sip, focusing at Baekhyun sitting at the opposite, sipping delightfully at his drink. Too cute. Too cute. 


"Wait! Err. . It’s a little complicated. How about you go first."Baekhyun offered. Chanyeol raised his eyebrow to whatever the other was hiding in his sleeve but decided to allow the other for now.




"Ah! WAIT! My surprise is here!" Baekhyun grinned as his eyes started to sparkle gazing at someone at the door,he stood up and opened his arms wide. Chanyeol doesn’t have the time to comprehend what was happening and the next thing he knows, the guy he was supposed to confess on was in the arms of somebody. It was a handsome guy. He isn’t blind to not know what the picture in front was telling him. He was utterly confused; a part of him was feeling down already even without knowing anything.


"Chanyeol, this is the surprise I was saying. This is my boyfriend,Oh Sehun."Baekhyun took a seat again as Sehun seated beside him. Chanyeol’s lip went in a thin line, hearing Baekhyun state the name so proudly he could hear him smiling.


"Nice to meet you."Sehun politely greeted Chanyeol with comforting words.


He wasn’t ready for this. He didn’t expect such a surprise from Baekhyun. 

More importantly, he wasn’t ready for anything. 


"Uh yeah, I’m Park Chanyeol. Nice to meet you too." Chanyeol still smiled but not the same he had moments ago.


"Ah Baek,I remember I have a place to go. “ Sehun announced to the smaller. “Sorry but if I’m not going now, I’ll be late."


"But Sehun, you just arrived and you didn't tell me anything about that." Baekhyun sighed. Chanyeol lowered his gaze.

“ Oh well. “ He heard Baekhyun sigh. “ I guess it will just be me and Chanyeol-“ 


"Sorry. “ He felt Baekhyun’s gaze on him. “ I remembered it just now. I have some things to finish at the apartment. Sorry Sehun, but I’ll just leave you two. Just take this day as another date."Chanyeol forced his grin and stood up. He missed the look Baekhyun was giving him, and kept his gaze straight at the windows, pretending to be in a hurry.


"It's okay man, you can go. Don't worry, Baekhyun is not angry,I know him well, right?" Sehun patted Baekhyun's back affectionately.


“Don't be too sure about knowing him well. " Chanyeol thought and then he smiled leaving the couple.




Chanyeol remained speechless throughout his walk back to the apartment. He was just too overwhelmed with Baekhyun’s surprise. Rather than sulk, he planned to let it out in his bed.


"Oh! You're back already? " Xiumin asked and he just nodded with a grateful smile, reminding himself not to pass his misery to an innocent being. He sat on the couch next to Xiumin who was watching their television.


"What are you watching?"


"Ah..some variety shows. “ Xiumin shrugged. “ How did the reunion go?" 


Chanyeol coughed, feigning the disappointment. "Yeah same thing, we met, but I came home early since . . . since I’m kind of tired and all. "


"You should rest then. Go sleep." Xiumin suggested 


"Yeah, I probably should do that."Chanyeol smiled and just when he was about to get up,his phone rang making him sit down again and grab the annoying item. It was Baekhyun. He was thinking of dropping down the call but decided against it, it would make him more suspicious if he flaunts his sadness to him. 




"Chanyeol! Where are you? I want to come with you." Baekhyun said and Chanyeol widened his eyes at the question.


Chanyeol wondered if he should say his location or not, his eyes looking around, as if miraculously finding the answer on the vase. "Oh. . Uh..Why do you ask?"


"I didn't feel like having another bubble tea and Sehun came despite his busy schedule because he wanted to meet my best friend who is you but you just left again so I send him back. "Baekhyun explained, Chanyeol felt a little sorry for Sehun then. He agreed, he was quite rude back there, but who could blame him? The news struck him gravely.


"I- I’m. . . “




"I’m- Y-You don't need to come.."


"Yah Park Chanyeol! Did you just lie to me?"Baekhyun shouted through the phone.


Chanyeol grimaced. "No, I didn’t."


"Yah! Tell me or else I’m going to hate you forever."


Biting his lip, Chanyeol supressed the urge speak and start an argument. "Why do you need to know anyway?"


"Duh! I missed you! My best friend just came back from years of sticking his nose on old books; of course it is time that we hang out! What’s so important that you even left your best friend hmm? Yeol you meanie!" Baekhyun's voice was a dead giveaway of how frustrated he was. Chanyeol felt really guilty, he thought to himself that he should've just stayed at the café, but he really can’t. 

His mind’s a blur right now and he needed time to think by himself. Having the off-limits object of his affection with him will not help.


"My battery's low. Sorry, Baek, let’s hang out next time." 


After a slight pause, Baekhyun hanged up first before Chanyeol could.


"Uh..I don't feel like sleeping anymore."Chanyeol chuckled.


"Uhm.. Not meaning to eavesdrop or anything, but. . . that person at the other line, was it Byun Baekhyun? "Xiumin asked and Chanyeol nodded, a little surprised at his question.


"That’s his name. You know him?”


"Nah. . . It might not be the Byun Baekhyun that I know."


"Oh really? My friend, Baekhyun, and I came from Hyundae High School, just in case it’s the Baekhyun you know."Chanyeol smiled and kept his phone in his pocket again feeling guilty and all.


Xiumin thought for a second. "Ah...Now I know why his name sounds so familiar."


"Ahh yes I know him, I also went there. Hyundae."


Now that peeked Chanyeol’s interest."Really? But I was there until middle of the year,how come I never met you?"


"I was a transfer student, I guess I joined after you left."


"Ahh, it would’ve been nice if we got to know each other for at least a day."


"Haha yeah, but I have heard your name around the school even if you’re gone."


Chanyeol smiled.


Chanyeol being the most handsome teenager at his age from that school, his name was often mentioned by the class girls.

"Hey..and also did you know that Baekhyun had a fight with our classmate Oh Sehun? Oh wait you won't know Sehun since he was also a transfer student. He came in after me."


Chanyeol was really shocked to hear the news. Baekhyun actually coming cross with his own boyfriend?"What?Why?What happened?"


Xiumin just chuckled at the other’s worried look."Chanyeol, you really have the best friend, I guess."


"U-Uh well..



A/N: Finally updated again. Thanks to my coauthor who is very busy but still manages to make time for me.. Its sad that she wont be able to help since shes also busy. But she has helped me a lot already. I want to thank her again. Hope you enjoy it .

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Chapter 2: Wow, I want to read the next one :3
Fortified #2
Chapter 1: interesting~~^^ more juseyo!