#10- What Are You

♔Divine You♔(A Infinite Fanfic)
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[Myung Soo's POV:]

I was walking behind Soo Ri's friend, Rae Na.. Who was peeking through the pastry shops at town.

This is boring.

Why was I even paired with her.

This entire date is boring and stupid, I cursed to my insides.

Watching Rae Na drooling over the freshly baked macaroons made me sigh. "Hey look at this! It's so pretty and tiny!" she chirped, calling me over.

I rolled my eyes and obeyed her, walking over lazily. Staring at how the patisseries adding strawberry filling into the macaroons. They look like blood.

And I knew I was craving for some too.. My mind muddled back earlier when we ate finished our lunch.




It was after our lunch, and Woo Hyun hyung and I were at the gents.

"The food was disgusting." I commented, looking at Woo Hyun hyung who was admiring himself at the mirror.

"Well, we're not humans afterall. It's normal." he smirked, making his hair.

"I need something else." I added, smirking back at him. 

"You sure get hungry real quick, Divine blooded." he scoffed and turned to me. "Can't help it." I shrugged.

"I'm hungry too, to be honest." he laughed, closing his eyes with his hand.

I squinted at him and he opened his eyes, looking at me with yellow eyes. "No worries. I will learn to endure it." he answered back before walking past me.

"Are you sure? I have a pack here." I replied, grabbing his arm. Feeling alittle uneasy about his idea.

"Nah. I'll pass. I'm not that hungry afterall.. Just a tiny bit." he confessed with a shrug.

Glancing one more time, I released his arm. "Let me know if you need one." 

"Alright, Divine blood brother." he chuckled and opened the door, heading back to the other 2 girls.


I sighed once more before heading out with him, I hope he doesn't lose control over his blood lust.


-Flashback ends-


I wonder how is he right now.

But then again, he should train to control it otherwise he would be the one that is being controlled instead.

"Hey~ Let's go to the arcade!" Rae Na suggested and without even listening to my answer, she skipped away.

I sighed and followed her, walking behind her.. This was wasting my time. I could be having a nap at the dorm right now.

"Why aren't you talking. It's boring making me talk alone, you know?" she asked, suddenly turning around to me.

With my cold face, I replied back monotone-ly. "Then don't talk." 

"Psh. You're no fun at all." she pouted and began slowing her footsteps. "Whatever." I blurted.

Just then, almost all of the sudden.

My heart, it felt uneasy and my eyes was surveying around me.


What's going to happen..? I asked myself. Stopping my tracks, I look down onto the ground at my shadow and Rae Na turned, "What are you doing?" she asked but I ignored her.

My heart beated fast and loud. It was almost like what happen when I realise her senses are coming back.

That instant, I smelled blood.

Sweet scented. Unique.. 

My eyes enlarged, and I gasped silently. 


No way.. It can't possibly be..

But then again.. I knew very well who it was.

How could I not know?

It was the exact same scent.


My mind echoed to me only one name..


Woo Hyun.


I turned, and sprinted towards the scent. I didn't mind Rae Na who was shouting my name from behind. 


He wouldn't have right..?


My heart continued pounding loudly and fast, thank god the town wasn't crowded today, which is why I didn't have trouble passing by people.

The scent, it was getting stronger.. I must be close.

Damn that Woo Hyun. I prayed, hopefully he didn't do anything to anyone.

Finally, after turning into alleys and alleys for a shortcut and crossing streets after streets, I finally stopped outside a gift shop.

I covered my eyes, with one of my hand, peeking slightly. It was glowing yellow because of the smell of Blood.

Without hesitation, I barged into the shop, it wasn't filled with many people, just less then 5, including one staff who was engross on her phone.

I searched around the shop, finally spotting a scene I didn't want to see.


Woo Hyun. He was holding Soo Ri, one hand on her neck and the other on her shoulder. He was like a lion eating a prey.

her blood, without stopping.. 

My blood boiled with anger.


How could he..


I pushed the dangling stuffs from the ceiling which was blocking my way, rushing towards him.

He turned instantly, with glowed yellow eyes, fangs protruding, and his lips the red liquid that was sprawled around his mouth. 

He was different. He wasn't the Woo Hyun I knew. He was a monster. 


Bastard. I cursed.


Smirking, he let go of Soo Ri's body and I ran towards her, catching her before she could fall to the ground.


Her pale, liveless, cold face shocked me. 

How much of her blood did he took..

Blood was still flowing at her neck and the strong sweet scent of blood was making me become a beast like Woo Hyun hyung.

I endured the scent of blood, because I could. should. would.

I held the spot he bite her to prevent any more blood pooling out.


My eyes filled with rage and just as I was about to give him a good teaching, someone teleported into the shop, causing the 2 of us to flinch.

It was abuji, and his face was unreadable but was filled with anger.

Looking at Soo Ri. He nodded to me and then turning to Woo Hyun who was unable to look at him. 

His eyes shot lasers towards his adopted son, as if demanding an explaination before sighing.


The place spun and I shut my eyes, blinded by the light around it.

And the next thing I knew, we were no longer at the shop. We were back to school grounds.

At the living hall area.

The place was filled with the smell of Blood— of Soo Ri's blood, causing the rest of my fellow Vampire friends appearing into the hall. All of their eyes glowed yellow.

I secretly cursed, hoping that no one will lose their Bloodlust like Woo Hyun.

I laid Soo Ri on the velvet couch and knelt down next to her, checking if the spot Woo Hyun bit her was still bleeding..


Thank god she wasn't anymore.


I stood back up and my eyes travelled to abuji, he was staring, more like glaring at Woo Hyun. His mouth opened and he commanded, "All of you. To your rooms now."

He didn't look at them, but they knew that was absolute order. And that no one can defy him, not at this moment. 

Instantly, they took a small bow to him before retreating back to their rooms.

After all of them went back, Abuji began, stepping infront of Woo Hyun hyung, "Did you have a good meal?" he asked, sacarstically.

"You bet, I did." the younger one smirked and a fist came flying into him.

It wasn't abuji's.


It was mine.


I had enough seeing this. Enough of his cockiness. Enough of enduring my anger. I grabbed his collar while he spit some blood out onto the carpet, wanting to have another punch in his face.

"Myung Soo-ah." Abuji called out and I restrained myself, pushing him away. "." I swore at him and rolled my eyes.



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Chapter 44: MAN THEY REALLY DIED (〒︿〒) WTH IM CRYING SOMEONE PLS PASS ME A BOX OF TISSUE (☄ฺ◣д◢)☄ฺ now im sure this story is going to haunt me for few days bcs of the sad ending (。ŏ_ŏ) anyway sorry i spammed the comment sec author-nim..i just can't control my feelings hahhahhha
Chapter 42: So it was unborn..well everything was their faults tbh..so selfish and when she lost everything, she blamed it on the divine's family..tch
Chapter 41: the moment she said there's another way ..i knew it..it was the spell their parents used..wth im crying (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ i wonder who was the child of that crazy woman..
Chapter 30: OMG BUT IT WAS REALLY FUNNY WHEN THEY WERE TRYING TO WAKE UP MYUNGSOO ? im still laughing hahahhahaahaha ~_~
Chapter 17: Just like my thought..she think the little boy was woohyun bcs he did the same thing as the little boy
Chapter 7: kyahh i can imagine how myungsoo look when he slammed the glass (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴
Chapter 44: I'm cryingggggg, Author-nim, no Risaa, thanks for this chapter! I hope that there's a sequel♥ pleaseeeeee .
I need to see them happy and together with Infinite! thanks for ur hard work!
Chapter 44: whaaaa.. i'm crying when i read chapter 43, and still crying after reading chapter 44..

i hope their will be a sequel where they will all meet again..

Chapter 44: Omg....