Baby It's Cold Outside

Baby It's Cold Outside

Jimin shivered in his thin black jacket as he walked outside. He waved goodbye to the manager of the small coffee shop he had walked out of and pulled his gray beanie over his ears. He began walking down the street slowly, his worn out sneakers weren't the best for the ice and snow that currently covered the side walk. He huddled into his jacket as much as possible, tangling his hands in his sleeves in hopes of blocking out the cold air that had large snowflakes fluttering through it.

He looked at the empty white streets, thankful for the street lamps that were currently his only source of light. The snow was piling up like thin white sheets on a bed, hugging anything they could. Jimin shivered again when a gust of wind knocked off his beanie. As he bent down to get it he heard a car slow down next to him. He shoved his hat back on his orange haired head and looked at the now rolled down window. In the car was a guy with mint green hair who looked about his age.

"Hey kid," he called. "Need a ride? It must be cold out there." The male said sincerely.

Jimin thought about it for a bit, shivering as he did. "I- uh, I don't wanna trouble you." He shivered quietly, not even sure if the other had heard him.

"It's fine. I don't have to be anywhere any time soon. I'd just hate to leave you freezing out here." The mint haired male said, smiling a little.

The other looked in the direction he had been going in and back at the one in the car. "Fine..." He cautiously walked over to the passenger door.

The door was opened for him and Jimin sat in the seat uncomfortably, continuing to curl himself up in his jacket. The car was warm and smelled of mint like the other's hair, with soft rock coming from the radio.

"I'm Yoongi." The male said as he started to drive. "It's there anywhere you want me to take you?"

"Um.." Jimin thought quietly. He blinked his eyes a bit as he realized that he really didn't have a place to go. He shook his head softly.

"No?" Yoongi said, seeming a bit surprised. "Do you have a place to live?"

He shook his head again. "It's fine if you just want to leave me outside. I can find somewhere else to stay the night. I'm sure you have family over for the holidays right?" Jimin said quickly, noticing the brightly decorated houses that waited for the next day.

"Are you kidding me? You want me to leave you in the cold on Christmas eve? Not gonna happen." Yoongi said to him almost sternly. "And I live alone as a matter of fact. There's no family with me at the moment. A little company for Christmas couldn't hurt right?"

Jimin bit his lip. He did have a point after all. But, Yoongi was still a stranger, he had met him minutes ago and now he wanted Jimin to stay at his house. It sounded a bit fishy. Even so, he was being so kind to him. And he didn't look like he would be much stronger than him so really, Jimin could probably leave whenever he wanted.

The orange haired boy sighed before nodding. Yoongi smiled at him. "Good."

They got to his house a few minutes later and Jimin's eyes went wide at the size. It wasn't humongous but it was at least 2 stories high, compared to a ty apartment that he had grown up in that was pretty large. There was one strand of lights that twirled messily around the railing to the small porch. Yoongi got out of his car and walked over to Jimin's side and opened it for him.

"Come on, let's get inside. You still seem a bit cold." Jimin nodded and stood up, thanking the other for opening the door.

Yoongi nodded at him and hesitantly wrapped his arm around the other's shoulders, smiling when he didn't push him away. They stopped at the door and Jimin looked at the mint haired male with a small smile.

"I'm Jimin by the way."

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CorinaAdela13 #1
Chapter 1: So cute. Good job :)