ㅤ ㅤ❝ REVIEWS. — [+1]。

ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ❝ UKIYO — mochi ent's first girl group。apply open

FACECLAIM : oh seunghee
D.O.B : 11.12.95
POSITION : lead vocals (yeonkyung)
LOVE INTEREST : jung taeho 
STATUS : accepted
hey elsa and thanks for being the first applicant,so first up kyak seunghee is so pretty so kudos for using her! the colours didn't bother me at all,it just looks so much more prettier now.when i saw the moodboard,i smiled widely because really how is she still so pretty even with those faces and kyak the wink.anyway,seul seems like a really fun person to be around to be honest,her personality and background are all good.oh she's yeonji's cousin,haneul would probably call her yeonji 2.0 to be very honest haha.her relationship with byungchul would be so fun to write and i can imagine another member calling seul full of herself because she takes so many selcas.ah the photoshopped pictures of seunghee and taehyung hit me so hard,i didn't even know they were a ship but they do look good together.her relationship with taeho is so cute,like i ship themself so much like seriously,they are too kyot.oh my i love her so much already.the password's good and so i don't have to say much but then seul is accepted!



FACECLAIM : ryu soojung
D.O.B : 20.10.97
POSITION : main vocals (seunghee)
LOVE INTEREST : ki wonchul
STATUS : accepted with minor mistakes
hey jojo,thanks for applying and omo so much purple,well it does suit cause her name i guess,well i always think of lilac so i'm not sure heh.but anyway,soojung's a good faceclaim and i think she does suit lily! her personality's fine but to be honest a lot more main vocals are more recluse and reserved so it wasn't that different but anyway,her background's fine and seriously,i wonder why she quit sports.she must seriously have a lot of talent because even ga in said that jihyo was scary as she had trained for ten years,but lily's only learnt vocal for a month and trained for three years.also do you mind if she does get chosen,i might use lovelyz's kei because she's a main vocal and jin's only a vocal.but anyway,i wonder how she found about mochi since in 2012 it was unknown but hey,stuff happens.ah love interest,our deal chullie well he's popular isn't he,their history is so cute even if he's not that shy,well it's my fault for not really stating his personality more but anyway,i don't think i have any more complaints but lily is accepted!

FACECLAIM : lee soojung
D.O.B : 29.06.97
POSITION : lead vocals (eungyo)
LOVE INTEREST : jang yijeong
STATUS : accepted
hi myungie and thanks for applying! baby soul is pretty and she does suit eunsol a lot and eunsol's nicknames are really cute too,her personality is good and i do understand her really well.actually reminds me of a friend of mine to be honest,she seems great and i don't know,she seems a tad unique because i haven't seen that many weeaboo characters here.oh my the puns,her background is fine and eunsol's relationship with her brother is cute,i wish my brother was that nice to me.she's cousins with suwoong? well then i love her more because really boys republic are so underrated and well she's friends with linzy and sihyeong-,damn.how she met linzy and wonchul were seriously hilarious and now love interest,ah yijeong,history.the first person without a seven love interest,i'm not complaining though because i heart seven so much though,they're like the best group in my head lol i'm ranting now.they're so cute and i really do ship them and the password's good,so eunsol is accepted!

FACECLAIM : im jinah
D.O.B : 15.03.97
POSITION : main rap (hyoyoung)
STATUS : accepted
hi crys and thanks for applying! and thanks i hope that i can try to complete ukiyo and that it won't die out but anyway onto the review.i think ayeong's a unique character,there aren't many korean-arabs out there and nana really does suit her.dude your app is so good how is that crappy,like it's so long and i don't even think i can type that much.her personality and background is all good,it's actually really realistic to me which is good,a lot of apps don't follow what would often happen to foreigners.it must be tough for her to then become white-washed and then be refused,but k-pop is actually kind of white-washed with a whole bunch of idols bleaching their hair and adding caucasian actors into their music videos.her training was realistic to me as well as not everyone gets a perfect training life,it must be tough for her as well to handle the racism around.at bits of the app,ayeong reminds me of somi because on how well they were at handling it all and the modelling,i don't remember if somi did modelling but she was really good at it.your app is really good and all i have to say is that you're accepted!


D.O.B : here
STATUS : here
review goes here


⋆ layout by heebumdae ⋆
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— also uhm because i'm stupid,where it says max.two paragraphs i mean min. so yeah sorry guys u n u - sica


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Chapter 3: thanks so much :)
cant wait for the story to start <3
Chapter 3: thank you for a kind review ^^
also, i changed her vocal twin to lovelyz's kei and you can also use her as a faceclaim if it makes you more comfortable ^^
i'm not sure if i missed anything, but, if there is anything else just tell me and i'll fix her :)
coldice- #3
Chapter 3: thank you for the kind review!!
i didn't know that they were
shipped too, but when i searched
i found their pics and just lol
and indeed she's so pretty
coldice- #4
can i use the talent twin from 5dolls tho??
shuttupsehun #5
Chapter 1: o lord im applyyinhro;hmr