
I Just Wanna Know Your Name



Name : Jihoon | Surname : Lee

DOB : 22-11-1996

Hometown : Busan, South Korea

Phone/Home number : xx-xxx-xxx-xxx

Weight : 54 kg

Height :

Jihoon slowly looked up from his paper, clearing his throat unecessarily as his eyes scanned the classroom. Pursing out his lips, he wrote a thin ‘170 cm’ beside the word ‘height’. No one would know a few centimeter difference, right?

Height : 170 cm

Hobbies : playing guitar, singing, reading, sleeping

Life motto : -

Things that i like the most : music, sleeping, the super-duper cute boy on the bus sto

Wait, no!

The supposedly-165-cm tall boy shook his head vigorously, fluffy hair bouncing slightly as the impact. He has been spacing out too much, he figured. Though, that wasn’t a lie (unlike his 170 cm  height) that this boy on the bus stop really is very cute. He has tiny, tiny eyes and squishy cheeks and all. And also, he’s not a freaking giant like his friend Mingyu. His height is just, perfect. Jihoon could gush about him and daydream for hours.

Before anyone could notice, he scribbled out the words violently, earning a few scared stares from his classmates that he ignored.

Jihoon was not crushing on the cute boy by the bus stop whose name he doesn’t even know, no.




“How’s your lover boy, Jihoonie?”

The said boy sent daggers to his friend, poking the hamburger meat with his fork harder than necessary. “Don’t call him that,” He grumbles, “And i don’t know, still having a big crush on me, perhaps?”

Seungcheol’s face scrunches up into an unattractive grimace, “Wow, conceited as ever. Are you sure it’s you who he has a crush on to?”

If it’s other people he’s talking about, Jihoon would be offended by that. But it’s the nameless cutie his hyung is talking about, and that, he’s not sure himself too. It has been precisely a month or less since he has known—or rather, seen—him. It wasn’t love at first sight or some cliche thing like that, ew. Jihoon is not even crushing on him. He’s just... so attractive. Mingyu said the boy is not even close to his boyfriend’s handsomeness (he said as he puffed out his chest proudly), but Jihoon doesn’t care. None a bit. Mingyu is totally whipped.

He’s not even conceited or anything, but Lee Jihoon is not the most oblivious human being in the world. In the bus stop, where he’ll either daze off or contemplate about his life choices, that one boy is always around. Not beside him, but always around. Be it on the pole beside him, the other end of the bus stop bench, or somewhere around where he’s seating, stealing not-so-subtle glances at him. If he’s not that cute, Jihoon would surely feel creeped out. But he’s adorable, so all is forgiven.

The boy doesn’t even try to go and talk to him, and he did felt the need to make a first move, but no. Even the cutest boy he’s ever seen can’t make him talk to a stranger. Though technically he is not fully a stranger. The boy wears the same uniform as him, and Jihoon admittedly has seen him once or twice in the school hallway. He’s sure as hell the boy take glances at him on the bus stop, so that means something, right?

“Jihoon, Jihoon, he’s just kidding,” came Junghan’s voice that startled him. Jihoon should really stop dozing off to his thought nowadays.

“Huh, what?” he looked up to see a concerned face of Junghan and a slightly guilty expression spread across Seungcheol’s face. “What?”

Junghan sighs a little, sounding almost annoyed as he glanced over to his left, where Seungcheol is. “You know he’s kidding, right? From what i heard from you, this boy surely likes you too, no worries!” he reassured the confused small boy, smiling kindly.

Digesting his hyung’s words a tad bit late, Jihoon’s face turns red. He raises his voice out of embarrassment, “T-that’s not, i, i dont,” Too?! He doesn’t like him, for crying out loud! “I don’t like him,” was all he managed to splutter out.

“Aw, you cute thing. It’s okay, i know that look! You’re totally so into him!” Junghan squealed, Seungcheol half grinned-half grimaced as he nodded, and Jihoon flushes red in embarrasment at how his hyung has drawn attention.

Seriously, constantly (although not 24/7, psh) thinking about him and actually having the strength to go to school because of him, gushing at how adorable he is to Wonwoo (because he just nods to whatever Jihoon’s saying) doesn’t mean that Jihoon likes him! ...right?

Jihoon tries to reassure himself, feeding himself with those denial thoughts until  few days ago, where the boy actually talked to him and not just glancing from a two meters distance. Jihoon almost squealed in spot when the boy scooted closer to him, and introduced himself, and offered for a handshake. That was, until he said something along with the lines of ‘call me soon’ and Jihoon can’t believe his crush is making a goddamned pun out of his name. He should’ve given a better response but come on, what is exactly a response for that? And plus, Soonyoung—the boy, the cutest boy he has ever seen that finally gave him his name—was probably embarrassed judging how red his face turned.

 He was going to be all brave and probably about it the next day, where he could’ve met him on the usual bus stop, but luck was on his side because he decided to oversleep and missed his usual bus (he wondered if Soonyoung looks for him).

“He’d think you ran away, creeped out by his weird antics.” Is what Seungcheol had helpfully suggest through kakaotalk, followed by some sticker Jihoon never bothered to use.

“But it wasn’t weird, it’s cute. And i wasn’t running away.” He typed and before he had the time to press send, a group free-call invitation popped up in his screen. Without thinking twice, he pressed answer and put the phone on speaker.

“But it wasn’t weird, Hyung, it was cute.” He mumbled timidly, and he has sworn he heard Junghan held back a squeal.

“What Seungcheol meant is that he probably has those thoughts, y’know? You never miss your morning bus, and that kid suddenly has the balls to talk to you and all. He’d put two and two together, i say, and—“

“I knew that kid is more on the weird side.” Seungcheol butted in, and Jihoon glared at the ceiling, momentarily forgot that they were on the phone.

“Should i like, talk to him the next time i meet him? I got home with you two earlier, so i didn’t get to see him this evening either...” He trailed off,  and Junghan practically cooed.

“Young love,” he sighed, “So cute.”

Ignoring Seungcheol’s “You’re like, one year older”, Junghan cleared his throat, continuing. “I guess you should. This is your chance! Not to mention you could get his numbers and all!”

A smile crept up Jihoon’s lips as he imagined how it would be to chat, talk through the phone or even video-call with Soonyoung. “Yeah. Guess i should.”

“But i’m still wondering why,” His hyung starts, “Are you two even using kakaotalk to talk to each other?”

The tiny boy yawned, Junghan’s question barely entering his mind (that was occupied by the thoughts of Soonyoung, oops). “Why not? Convenience.”

But you live in the same dormitory.”

Past the thin walls, Jihoon could hear Seungcheol chuckle. “We are lazy asses, that’s why.”


The next morning, Soonyoung apologized for ‘what he has done’ and Jihoon finally introduced himself, and he doesn’t feel butterflies around his tummy when Soonyoung smiled, no. None at all. Nope.




So there he is again, fiddling with his the tangled earphones in his hand, one of them plugged in his ear, as he is kind of waiting for Soonyoung. He checks his timepiece for the nth time today, only to see that it’s already something around thirty minutes pass four, and the boy should be arriving anytime soon now. It’s not like Jihoon notices what time does he usually come, nah. Not at all.

Inside the bus this morning, they still don’t sit with each other because, well, the bus was unusually packed. They stood next to each other, sides pressed, and Jihoon is almost dizzy because he’s so close he could smell his perfume right below his nose. They bid timid farewells of ‘nice meeting you’ and Soonyoung’s ‘see you soon’ lingers. (does soon means after school? At the hallway? At the canteen?  Jihoon never wondered how long soon was until Soonyoung said it to him.)

His train of thoughts is soon interrupted as an exhausted-looking Soonyoung cleared his throat and sits beside him and the bench is thankfully empty. Jihoon looks up, trying not to smile too wide at the sight. “Hey.”

Soonyoung waves a little as a reply, panting in between his words. “I got caught earlier—i. I had to clean the classroom. I sprinted as fast as i could. The bus hasn’t arrived, right?”

Jihoon wonders why does he look so cute even with messy bangs that plasters on his forehead because of his sweat. “Yeah, i mean, no, it hasn’t.” His toes curls inside his shoes, feeling painfully awkward. What was he supposed to say? What do people say when they’re alone with their crushes? Does Soonyoung speak korean? What?

At times like this, he envies Kim Mingyu and his people person personality.

Soonyoung must’ve felt the awkwardness too, because he cleared his throat again and looks around, as if searching for a topic. The corner of Jihoon’s eye caught Soonyoung stared at him—or rather, his earphones and finally speaks up. “What are you listening to?”

“Hm? Oh, just,” Jihoon carelessly pressed the home button of his phone, actually forgetting what was the title of this song. His eyes scans the title quickly and he looks up, eyes locking with Soonyoung’s. “Missing You.”

“I miss you too,” Soonyoung replies almost instantly, eyes looking dreamy before he realized what he was saying. “I mean! Haha! Kidding! Nice song, i know that one, yeah.”

Jihoon blinked, registering what he had just said. Instead of feeling taken aback of what his acqcuaintance just said, Jihoon laughed. Soonyoung is so weird, and cute, and odd, and painfully cute. He feels like he’ll get used to Soonyoung’s random replies. He flashes a lopsided grin, not knowing that it sent flutters down Soonyoung’s stomach.

“Very eager, i see.”

“Don’t get your hopes up,” Soonyoung fights back, tone of voice lacing with playfulness as he juts his tongue out in Jihoon’s direction.

He chuckles, the awkwardness seemingly to decrease from time to time. “What kind of music do you usually listen to?”

Soonyoung stretches out his legs, pursing out his lips slightly in thought. “I don’t know, depends on my mood. Though i listen to I’m in Love by Ra.D nowadays, old song, but gold.”

And they spent the entire evening talking about this and that as they wait for the bus to arrive. When it finally did, they finally sat together (Soonyoung shyly mumbled out a “may i?” to which Jihoon just nodded quickly, gulping down a squeak), thighs barely brushing against each other. Minutes pass as they continued to chatter. Jihoon feels a tug on his heartstrings as the boy next to him laughed at what Jihoon said, head thrown back and his eyes turns into adorable pair of crescents. It’s dangerous, he briefly thought, but he’ll cherish this moments.

The bus skids to a stop, making Soonyoung’s eyes widen slightly. A look of disappointment clearly shows across his face (Soonyoung is an open book) as he hesitantly wears his seemingly heavy backpack.

“Well, this is me.” He mumbles, looking guiltier than ever. “See you tomorrow?” He smiles almost in a sad manner, getting up from his seat with a heavy heart.

Jihoon chuckles, “Don’t be so sad. See you tomorrow.”

Before Soonyoung even reaches halfway to the bus door, he halted in his steps, swiftly turning to the surprised Jihoon.

“Can i have your kakaotalk ID?”

Yep, Jihoon is definitely crushing on the cute boy by the bus stop. At least he knows his name now, right?








thanks a lot for subscribing and/or comment and/or reading this omfg the burden is real- i- i hope it's not disappointing?? and i'm not sure how many chapters this will have so,, yep
I LOVE Y'ALL I LOVE SOONHOON I L OV E MEANIE [tiny whisper] i love seventeen


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purple31 #1
Chapter 2: Ah!!! So cute. Can't wait for the next chapter.
rei_zha #2
Chapter 2: So cute continue please......
unazucky #3
Why did i find this story until now?! I'm disappointed in myself. Thank you so much for your update!! I rly can't wait for the next chapter!! ^^
Chapter 2: aaaahhh
what r u doing to me?? I can't stop smiling
vikoxx #6
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: GAh this is seriously just too cute
Chapter 2: cries @ this freaking aDORABLE SOONHOON FIC :') I FEEL LIKE DYING :') /whoops rant/
hyundeul #8
Chapter 2: this is so cute i am going to puke fluff