2min Christmas One-Shot

2min Christmas One-Shot

“Hyung Hyung Hyuuuuuuuuunggg~~”    “What’s wrong Minie?”     “I love you hyung~~”    “I love you to Minie~”

The younger boy pulled his teddy bear closer to his body, smiling brightly to his boyfriend who was currently reading an old fashioned book.

“You know hyung~~ When I was a little boy I…”      “ You always wanted to meet Santa Claus. I know Minie~~”  

The younger boy smiled again and rested his head filled with puffy and red hair into his boyfriend’s shoulder.

“Can we go meet him someday?”    “Sure… But he lives far far away Minie…”      “ So what? We can go on airplane… or by boat!!”    

Minho laughed sweetly and kissed the youngest forehead.

“Maybe someday yeobo.”

Suddenly, a loud cry was heard in the all apartment making the two lovers jump in surprise.

“Oh no… YooGeun waked up already?”   

The younger boy got up, taking the teddy bear with him.

“I will go this time.”

The older nodded and kissed his lover gently on the lips, making the other blush.

Taemin  walked fast into Yoogeun’s room, pushing the door open just a little.

“What’s wrong baby?”    “Umma! Yoogeun had a bad bad nightmare!!”  

Taemin smiled gently and putted Yoogeun’s trembling body into his long and warm arms, embracing his precious baby.

“Do you want to tell umma what it was about?”   

The little Yoogeun cleaned his tears away with his tiny hand and smiled to his umma.

“Can I umma?”   “Of course baby.”    “Well, I dreamed that Santa wouldn’t give Yoogeun a gift this year because he was a bad boy…. And Yoogeun want’s his gift!”

Taemin laughed sweetly and kissed the head of this child.

“Yoogeun will get his gift~ He was a good boy this year, and Santa knows that! My umma said that he was always watching me and now that I have Yoogeun, he is watching him too and smiling brightly because Yoogeun is a wonderful boy and deserves the best teddy bears in the world!”

Yoogeun smiled and hugged his umma tightly.

Yoogeun’s door open and Minho walked in with a bottle of banana milk in hand.

“Is my baby okay?”

Yoogeun released Taemin and an into his appa’s arms that were already waiting for him.

“I’m okay appa! Yoogeun is a good boy!!”

Taemin and Minho laughed sweetly while Minho ruffled Yoogeun’s hair.

“How about a bedtime story baby?”

Yoogeun smiled brightly and ran into his bed, pulling the covers.

“Yes please appa.”

Both of his parents smiled while sitting comfortably in Yoogeun’s bed.

Minho decided to start.

“A long time ago, a fragile and absolutely beautiful boy lived in a long abandoned vile. His parents were always working and the boy was always alone. He was so sad…”

Yoogeun’s face turned sad, making Minho smile to prevent Yoogeun from crying.

“The boy had no brothers and no sisters, so he had no one to play with. Again, he felt so sad… But one day, He decided to get out of the big house and explore.”

Minho turned to Taemin that was 100% focused into Minho’s story, just like their baby.

Minho laughed a little and looked again to his child.

“He walked and walked and walked. He didn’t felt sad anymore. Just tired…. He decided to rest a little under a pine tree and then continue his journey. He had forgot that he didn’t ate before leaving and now he wasn’t tired anymore. Just hungry… He got up and decided to look for some fruits along the path. While he was looking for food, a friendly squirrel fell from the pine tree, making the boy jump. The little boy saw that the squirrel was in pain so he decided to take him home and cure him.”

Yoogeun’s eyes were starting to close but he would not go to sleep before he knows that the story ends up well.

“The little boy ran back to his big and solitaire house, putting the tiny squirrel into a confortable box that had a lot of blankets to keep him warm. The squirrel immediately went to sleep, just like the little and beautiful boy. The next morning the boy waked up and the squirrel was gone!”

Yoogeun’s eyes doubled size and tears started to pile in his gorgeous big eyes.

“What appened to the little squirrel appa!?”    “Wait Yoogeun~ Appa will continue. Well… the boy started to cry. He was alone again in his big and solitaire house. That he thought, but he wasn’t alone anymore. The little squirrel transformed into a little boy that was smiling brightly to the boy. The squirrel was so grateful to the little boy that asked Santa Claus to transform him into the little boy’s brother so that the little boy was never alone again. And Santa did it. In Christmas night, both boys thanked Santa for having each other. And from that day forwards the little boy was never alone again.”

Yoogeun’s eyes were already closed tightly and his breath was steady witch made Minho and Taemin smile gently.

Both of them kissed lightly their son’s forehead and got of the room, closing the door.

Minho touched Taemin’s tummy, smiling sweetly.

“Our little boy will never be alone again~”

Taemin smiled and kissed his lover gently on the lips.




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thank you~ glad you liked it! :D
heme-sanloveminho #2
awwwww so sweet ^^
lovely! i really like this ^^
:D thank's!!