Merry Christmas!

Christmas Surprise

   It was Christmas Eve, and Hakyeon had no idea what the hell to buy his roommate Taekwoon. The whole month of december, he had been hunting for something that Taekwoon would deem as satisfactory as a gift, but he just hadn't been able to make up his mind yet. While out on his last attempt for gift hunting, he ran into his a couple of his friends, who were ironically a couple.

   "Hakyeon hyung!" Hakyeon turned around, meeting the excited eyes of his friend Hyuk as he dragged poor Hongbin behind him, barely keeping up with the excited teen. "Whatcha doing hyung?" Hyuk asked, etremely interested in what was going on.

   "Oh, I'm just trying to find a gift for Taekwoon, you know? I have absolutely no idea what to get him, and it's almost too late. Christmas is tomorrow, and I have no idea what to do!!" Hakyeon exclaimed, getting frustrated at himself for not being able to come through with his gift idea for Taekwoon. It was getting pretty late too, and he needed to get back home for dinner with Taekwoon. Suddenly, Hyuk got an extremely crafty look on his face, and smirked to Hongbin. 

   "Oh don't worry Hyung, I'm sure something will show up eventually" he replied, his smirk turning into a sickly sweet smile. Hakyeon looked at him weird for a second before shaking his head and waving to the couple as he walked away.

   "I gotta go now Hyukkie, Merry Christmas you two!! And Hongbin, you better be taking good care of my child!" He yelled to the pair as he made his way to a different section of the store, where he found a cat stuffed toy that would suffice for Taekwoon as a present. He then paid for the item quickly, and got in his car to get home.


   Hakyeon walked through the front door of his and Taekwoon 's shared apartment just to see Taekwoon place a present underneath their tree that looked suspiciously like a stuffed pig toy. Shaking his head amusement, Hakyeon ran to his room to wrap the cat toy before Taekwoon could notice him.

   Eventually, while he was wrapping the gift, he smelled the delicious aroma of Taekwoon ' s cooking waft in from the kitchen. He was never allowed in the kitchen himself due to that one time he tried to make rice balls....and that didn't turn out too well. Finally finished with wrapping, Hakyeon left his room to place the gift under their tree, the few ornaments glittering in the light emanating from the tree itself.

   "Hey Taekwoon! Merry Christmas Eve!" came Hakyeon ' s cheerful call. Taekwoon just nodded on responce, a barely visible smile gracing his features as he began to load up their plates with the ramen that he had just made. "Smells great!" Hakyeon called out, enjoying the calming silence he had grown so used to ever since moving in with Taekwoon.

   After finishing their meal, the two sat on the couch to watch an old Christmas movie to get into the mood of the holidays, and eventually Taekwoon had gotten up, murmering to Hakyeon that he was going to make hot chocolate, and in a couple of minutes, Hakyeon was handed a warn cup of delicious hot chocolate with a hint of peppermint and a reindeer shaped sugar cookie. Sighing in content, Hakyeon snuggled back underneath the blanket that Taekwoon had gotten him last year, thankful of the warmth it provided. It had been getting much colder, and he felt like he was developing an illness.

   Maybe halfway through the movie, both Taekwoon and Hakyeon had fallen alseep, and never noticed the light thud of something being placed in front of their apartment door, or the giggles as the culprits ran away, out of the building where they lived.


   Warm sunlight hit Hakyeon ' s eyelids, quickly waking him up. Hakyeon stretched, and noticed that he and Taekwoon had fallen asleep on the couch together and smiled when he remembered what day it was. Gently shaking Taekwoon ' s shoulder, he woke up the man and he stretched rather feline-like.

  "Taekwoon!! Wake up!! It's time for presents!" Hakyeon exclaimed, rather like a child and raced for his present to Taekwoon which was under the tree. Then he basically shoved it into Taekwoon ' s face in excitement.

   "I know it isn't that much, but I hope you like it!" Hakyeon exclaimed, and Taekwoon slowly undid his wrapping to reveal a white cat stuffed animal with soft brown spots and a pretty bell collar attatched. Smiling at the soft toy, Taekwoon gently hugged the cat to his chest, it's head and nodded in thanks. Then he suddenly got up, and grabbed his present for Hakyeon.

   "Merry Christmas Hakyeon, sorry it isn't much" Taekwoon said to Hakyeon, shoving the present in Hakyeon ' s face. He opened it to find a rather cute black pig stuffed animal, with a strange golden collar around its neck. Hakyeon squealed at its cuteness and thanked Taekwoon graciously. Just then, they heard something at the door to their apartment.

   Hakyeon shot up from his seat, and looked at Taekwoon in question, who just replied with a faint shrug of his shoulders, confusion written all over his face. Hakyeon quickly made his way to the door, and flung it open to find two rather large presents sitting on the spot in front of their door. One was bright red with golden ribbon tying it closed and a big golden bow at the top, while the other was similar except it's colors were green and black.

   "It says one is for you and one's for me," Hakyeon called to Taekwoon, and almost dropped one of the boxes at its weight. It had greatly surprised him. He gave the green and black one to Taekwoon, as it had been marked for him, and took the heavier red and gold one for himself. Then he plopped down next to Taekwoon on the floor, and searched for its sender.

   "...there is no note or anything" Taekwoon spoke, saying exactly what Hakyeon was going to a second before he himself did, although the neay handwriting reminded him of Hongbin's elegant letters.

   "Well, let's open them!" Hakyeon exclaimed, never wanting to turn down a free gift, no matter what it was, and began to tear the ribbon off of his gift while Taekwoon suspiciously glared at his a second before giving in and delicately cutting his ' s ribbon off.

   "..Taekwoon" Hakyeon called, shocked at what was inside of his box. 

 "What Hakyeon?" Taekwoon asked, speaking quite a lot that day.

   "Tell me, what is in your present?" Hakyeon asked, a hint of amazement and fear withing his voice. Taekwoon looked down, and gave a soft gasp of surprise and what was sitting at the bottom of his box, wrapped carefully in a blanket, and yawning adorably.

   It was a carbon copy of the cat stuffed animal that Hakyeon had just giving him, was alive. And now it was adorably trying to get out of the box to crawl into Taekwoon ' s warm lap. Hakyeon looked over at Taekwoon, and nodded his head in confirmation of what he had gotten.

   "Look at what was sent to me Taekwoon" Hakyeon said, carefully shoving his box underneath Taekwoon ' s nose, arms shuddering under the slight weight of holding the box. Taekwoon ' s eyes widened as he stared into the eyes of an alive version of the stuffed animal he had gotten for Hakyeon.

   "'s the pig..."Taekwoon stammered, as Hakyeon drew the box back to himself, picking the pig up and snuggling it against his chest.

   "Oh look! Taekwoonie, they have name tags on them already!" Hakyeon said excitedly. "Mine's named Wonsik, what about yours?" Taekwoon looked down at the cat that had mischievously snuck out of the box into his lap, and was now crawling it's way up to his hair. Gently, Taekwoon grasped it and turned it to face him.

   "It's named...Jaehwan" he replied. Hakyeon made a face in responce laced with confusion and amusement.

   "Wasn't that the name of your boyfriend back in high school?" Hakyeon teased, sending Taekwoon the kissy face, to which he responded with a rather sour look. 

   "You aren't any better Hakyeon, considering the fact that your boyfriend was named Wonsik" he replied back after noticing the pig's nametag, and Hakyeon ' s face immediately reddened, remembering the boy. 

   "Don't bring that up Taekwoon," he said, eyes tearing as he remembered the sad memories of when he and Wonsik had broken it off due to Wonsik'd family moving to a whole other country, far away from where they had grown up.

   After that, Taekwoon fell silent, sending an apologetic look towards Hakyeon, as he exited the room with the kitten in his arms, and left him to play with his piggy friend.


   A few hours later, both Taekwoon and Hakyeon discovered that their new pets really liked each other, and wouldn't be very happy if they weren't in each other sights, so it forced the two owners to constantly be together, and as they passed time playing with them, the day quickly turned to night time. Since Taekwoon and Hakyeon shared the apartment, they both had different rooms they slept in, so both of them said a quick goodnight, and left for their own rooms.

   Hakyeon placed his pig friend on his bed, and then turned away to pull off his shirt to change. Once his shirt was off, a rather awkward squeak made its way out of the pig's throat, and he turned to see it dive underneath the covers of his bed. Hakyeon just shook his head in confusion, and dismissed the action. It was a pig, why the heck would it care if he changed? Whatever, he was tired and wanted to go to sleep.

   Hakyeon lay down in bed, feeling the pig snuggle in against his chest, and fell into a peaceful slumber.

   Hakyeon opened his eyes, walking through the woods of his old neighborhood. Only then, did he notice who he was walking with, their fingers linked between them. Ravi. A surprised sound escaped from Hakyeon ' s lips, as he took in the sight before him. It wasn't the old, lanky and lean Ravi that he had known in high school, this was the grown up, well built and extremely handsome Kim Wonsik, the one who had to leave him with his family. The one who broke his heart, but who now, just by him being there, was healing the age old tear within himself.

   Hakyeon gasped again, as he felt the younger turn to him, and draw him into a tight embrace, feeling Ravi's abs through his thin shirt. In shock, he gave no responce in understanding when he felt the rumble of Ravi speaking to him.

   "Hakyeon, hey Hakyeon hyung, it's me, remember?" Came Ravi's beautiful deep voice, shaking Hakyeon ' s soul. It sounded so close, so real. But this was a dream, nothing was real. Hakyeon began to cry, throwing soft punches to Ravi's chest, and gasping for breath.

   "How could you do this to me brain?!" Hakyeon exclaimed, breaking away from Ravi's warm embrace. "I know it's not him, he never came back for me! He just left me!" Hakyeon cried out, falling to his knees in agony. Then, he felt the warmth return and surround him as the lean, muscular arms wrapped around his frame.

   "Hakyeon hyung, please forgive me" Came Ravi's voice, stirring emotions in Hakyeon ' s heart that he hadn't felt in years, not since Ravi had left him. "Hakyeon hyung, I'm sorry but you have to open your eyes now," Ravi exclaimed, slightly shaking him. When Hakyeon gave a final look at his face, Ravi sent him a sweet smile, and drew him into a final hug, then ruffled his hair gently. "I'll see you soon Hakyeon, just remember I'm closer than you believe" he wispered as he faded into Hakyeon ' s dream.

    "Ravi!! Come back!! I forgive you!" Hakyeon exclaimed, waking up with a start. Sitting up in bed, he hugged his pillow to his chest as silent years made their way down his cheeks. Why was his brain so cruel to his heart? Just then he remembered his new companion, and thinking that he had gotten hungry during the night, Hakyeon searched for the piggy friend.

   Hakyeon couldn't find the pig on his bed, or even under it. Where had it gone? Suddenly, he heard a shriek from someone who he never thought could make that sound.

   "JAEHWAN ??! IS THAT REALLY YOU?!" Came a desperate, pleading call from Taekwoon. Worried that Taekwoon may have lost the cat, Hakyeon made to run out of the room, only to crash into a body at the doorway. Thinking it was Taekwoon, he looked up, concern written all over his face, only to see a face that he never imagined would come back.


   And promptly, Hakyeon fainted on the spot.


   Hakyeon heard a faint voice calling for him.  Hakyeon, please wake up, come back to me! the voice called out to him, and he opens his eyes, feeling a familiar warmth that had only been felt in his dreams. No, it couldn't be real. Ravi was cradling him in his arms, a concerned look upon his face. Hakyeon woke up more, noticing that they were in the den of their apartment, and that was when he saw Taekwoon with the biggest smile written on his face, and finally noticed Ken, Taekwoon ' s old boyfriend, perched upon his lap.

   Hakyeon shuddered in shock, causing Ravi to look over at him in concern, immediately smiling when he noticed that Hakyeon had woken up. Gently placing Hakyeon down, Ravi smiled at him, and extended his hand towards him, and spoke words that Hakyeon had been waiting years to hear from the boy he had loved so dearly, proving that the sight before him was real.

   "Hakeyon....I'm back. And please, I love you and never forgot about you. Please, forgive me" the boy was rather surprised when Hakyeon latched onto him, and drew him in to a passionate, wanting kiss.

   "Ravi, you idiot, I love you. You are the best Christmas present anybody could wish for"


Author's note:

   Hello my amazing readers!! I hope everyone has/had a great Christmas and if you don't celebrate it, I hope you had a great day!! Anyway, I hope this was an okay story, even if it seems rushed towards the end. Thanks for reading and I hope it was satisfactory!!

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Chapter 1: this is cute ~ but i've got a feeling... are the secret santas hyukbin? hahaha just a random thought :p and maybe they are gifted with magical powers or so XD
Chapter 1: Wait..... What happened to the pig
Glitterintheair #4
So cute I loved it