Intern of the month

The Simplicity of it

Tiffany wonders how long does one person could read one page because it doesn’t look like Yuri move from the same page for the last ten minutes.


“What’s wrong with you?”


“Nothing…” Yuri asks without even raising her eyes away from the folder. Nothing could distract Yuri from her work. Nothing.


“IT feels like there is something.”


Yuri stop reading for a second, trying to think of a way out before Tiffany could figure anything. “There isn’t, ok?”


But Tiffany knew better than anybody else “Oh really?”


“Yes…” Yuri resumed reading, hoping that Tiffany would just drop the subject. She was thankful that Sooyoung walks in and puts down a coffee cup and just stood there.


“Umm… Gyuri text…”


Tiffany lowers her head, hoping Yuri won’t catch her amused smile. Yuri and her women was a show Tiffany could watch over and over again. These women were always looking for drama, hoping to be the “one” that could finally make Yuri fall in love. But they should know Yuri never had time for relationships and as bad as it sounds only uses these helpless women for . But Yuri was charismatic, she could lure just about anybody and have already an impressive string of high society class women in her list.


Sooyoung sometimes felt like a pimp for Yuri, as she woos the girls for Yuri. Yuri gave her a credit card specifically used to woo these women. And what girl wouldn’t fall for the jewelry, and bouquet of roses and imported chocolates and high end label clothing?


These “relationships” usually last one night, two weeks and the longest was two months. The wooing was the easy part, the letdown is the worse. After Yuri gets bored, Sooyoung has to come up with excuses why Yuri can’t make it on a date or why she can’t return a phone call. She had heard every curse word, and has to get restraining orders for those crazy es who can’t get over her boss.


“She said she hope you die and rot in hell.”


Tiffany couldn’t contain her laughter anymore and burst out laughing, but Yuri acted like she doesn’t give a crap, shrugging before returning to work.


“Tell her it’s over.”


“I already did.”


The sound of someone knocking turned everyone’s attention at the door. When Yoona pops her head in, Yuri immediately looks up from her work. Sooyoung and Tiffany shared a weird expression of both surprise and confusion. They have never seen Yuri ever look up from her work to entertain someone especially an intern.


“Umm, Miss Hwang, this is the list that you wanted for the opening of Lux Galleria.”


Tiffany smiles triumphantly as she could see Yuri pouting on the corner. The Goddess in the business world now looks like a five year old girl frowning for attention.


“Just hand it over to Yuri, she checks up everything anyway.”


Yuri quickly sat up from her chair, but quickly frown when Yoona seems hesitant to walk over to her. It didn’t make Yuri felt any better when Yoona just laid the folders on her desk.


“Here you go, maam.”


“Ms. Im, I feel like I’m your professor if you keep calling me maam.”


“Ok, Ms. Kwon…”


“No… call me… ummm…” Yuri pouts thoughtfully “Call me boss.”
Yoona bites her lip to keep herself from cracking up. Tiffany also bites her lip, amuse of how Yuri seems to lighten up around the pretty girl.


“Why? Is it funny?”


Yoona takes a step back, scared that she had offended her boss.


“No boss… do you need anything?”


I need you… “No… I’ll just call you. “


“Yes boss…”


Yoona wished she didn’t fumble or stutter so much in front of her boss, but here she is looking like an idiot. The pretty intern have left seconds ago, but Yuri just continued to stare at the door, as if wishing for it to open so she could see someone again. But realizing that it was just wishful thinking, she heaves a sigh, going back to her folders. She unconsciously smiles as she touches the folder that Yoona just laid on her desk.


Yoona touched this…


She didn’t realizing how she was acting like such an idiot, while she was just the folders until she saw the amused looks of the two girls with her. Yuri quickly returned to her signature scowl and glares at Tiffany.


“Why would she give you the report and not me?” Yuri quickly changed the subject.


“Because I’m the one who ask her to do it.”


“Oh… so, what now? You have four full time staff working for you and now you needed an intern too?!” Yuri scowls


“Not all of them… I just like Yoona, she works hard and eager to learn. We have five more interns, so you could have them.”


“NO!!!” Yuri’s scowl couldn’t get any deeper. “I WANT HER!!!”


Yuri quickly sat back down when she realized what she said. These two idiots with the stupid grin on their faces, mocking her right now were doing nothing but irritate her more.


“But I don’t think she likes you, boss.”


Tiffany elbows Sooyoung hard on the rib.


“I mean she probably likes you because you’re her boss and all. But other than that I don’t think she does.”


Yuri usually didn’t care what people think about her, but it was different with Yoona, the thought of Yoona not liking her, bothered her. It bothered her a lot and it obviously showed in her face.

“Yuri… Sooyoung is just joking…”


“No. I’m not.” Sooyoung might be blunt but she had a reason for this. It was obvious to her that her boss liked the pretty intern but after what happened that night, it will take some strategic meeting if Yuri wanted to win Yoona over.


“Just… just get out both of you.”


The two nods and walks away. The moment she was alone in her office, Yuri slouched down on her chair, softly banging her head on her table.


“Oh God… what’s happening to me?”



“Sooyoung… why did you do that?”


“I did it for a reason. There is no chance in hell, boss is going to get another try with the pretty intern especially after what she did. If she doesn’t realize that Yoona is not the kind of girl who would fall for her charm, she might as well back off.”


“But that was quite unreasonable, don’t you think?”


“Fair reasons never work with the boss, maybe unreasonable things will finally do.”



It was the hundredth time that Sooyoung checks her watch for the last hour, it felt like she and her boss are on a runway show. Yuri going back and forth, back and forth into her room, trying to find the best outfit that morning.


“How do I look?” Yuri asks for the hundredth time.


“Like a Goddess.”

“Are you messing with me?” Yuri raised her brow in disbelief.


“No… I mean if I say you look ok, you’re going to fire me.”


“I’m serious! Do I look good?” Yuri demanded. why does her PA have to be such a sarcastic jerk?


“Oh my gosh… boss… you are so hot.” Sooyoung started to gush, earning a scowl from Yuri. Why does her PA have to be such a sarcastic jerk?


“Choi Sooyoung.” Yuri whines desperately.




“Would it make people turn and notice me?”


Geez… what the hell is wrong with her? doesn’t she know how good looking she is?


“Yes boss,” Sooyoung nods “It could make girls go gay over you.”


Ha… That should shut her up… Sooyoung looks at her boss who has a hint of a small, naughty smile.


“Ok, let’s go.”




Yuri should give Sooyoung a raise for telling the truth. The moment she steps into the office, everybody just fell head over heels over her. The cold hearted boss tries not to look but in the corner of her eye, she could see Yoona looking at her.


“Ms. Park.” Yuri have no idea what she’s going to say to the lady seating next to Yoona. She just does it so she could get closer to the intern and for the intern to take a good look at her. “Just want to say you did a great job.”


“Oh wow… Ummm boss… wow…” Yuri’s praise made her employee’s whole week.


Yuri walks pass Yoona, not saying a word to her. Not because she didn’t want to, but she was scared of looking like the idiot that she already is when around her. She quickly turned away, not before she turned around, catching Yoona gazing at her. Both girls jumping back in surprise before returning to what they were supposed to be doing.




“Hi… can we join you?”


Yoona’s fellow interns happily made room, as Donghae oppa (known as the office hottie) joined them for lunch. Even if they all know that he just sat there for one reason, and one reason alone. To get closer to Yoona.


“Eyyy Yoona,” He jokingly pokes her in the arm “I notice you like those brownies they serve here…So, here…”


Awwww… the other interns gushed as Donghae offered Yoona one.


“Oppa… you’re so sweet.”


Yoona smiles thankfully “Thank you sunbae.”


“Oppa Yoona, just call me oppa.”


“Oh okay.”


“So, Yoona… I was wondering if you…”


Yoona didn’t hear a word he said as she sees Yuri with her three trailing behind her.


“Damn she’s so hot.”


One intern spoke what’s on everybody’s mind.


“Yah… just imagine how lucky her boyfriend is… beautiful and intelligent…”


“Oh… don’t think about it…” Donghae added “Our boss goes for girls…”


How come that thought made Yoona smile a little?


“Ohhhhh…” Says another intern “I’m not gay but if she starts hitting on me… I’d go gay quick.”


Donghae laughs in amusement. “Oh no… she got such a high taste. She only dates models and those high class people.”


“Oh… who would think we actually stood a chance?”


How quickly did that little bit of happiness flickered away for Yoona. What was she even thinking?




“Who is he?”


The three women quickly turned over to the interns table. They immediately picked up who Yuri was talking about, the guy who is sitting beside Yoona and who obviously had all off Yoona’s attention.


“Ummm… That’s Lee Donghae from the accounting department, boss.” Hyoyeon says “He’s the office “hottie”” Hyoyeon does an air gesture to emphasize it.


Yuri quickly scowled before scoffing. “Hottie? He looks like a fish. Fire him.”


Hyoyeon looks at her boss confusedly “Huh? For looking like a fish?”


“For ummm… ahhh…” Yuri growls as she thinks of a reason to fire him “Fire him for fraternizing with the interns.”


The girls all know what Yuri is trying to say, it’s the exact reason why Yuri chose to eat in the cafeteria.


“Yuri…” Tiffany sighs heavily “We can’t do that…”


“Why not?” Yuri frowns “I’m the boss and I say fire him.”


“Be reasonable, Yuri… c’mon…” Tiffany pushes Yuri away before she could think of something drastic.



Yuri realizes how ridiculous and what a terrible waste of time it was to just keep staring blankly at work. It was no use, she was too distracted that day. It was his fault, yup that office hottie’s fault. And now she thought of it, this is a good ground for his termination, distracting her from work. It was a good thing Yuri was alone at her office or they would hear her loud scowl. How dare he? The audacity of that guy to try and get lucky with Yoona just irritates the hell out of her. Of all the people, why Yoona?


She slams the folder shut, now that she thinks of it…. Why not Yoona?




Yoona’s head automatically turns towards the door when she heard it open. She let out a small smile, following Yuri with her eyes and when she sees Yuri about to pass by her, she gathered up her courage to manage out a squeak.


“Have a good night, boss…”


But no response, maybe it was too low for her boss to hear. Maybe if she just called out louder.


“Good night, Ms. Kwon.”


Still no response. Maybe the boss did hear her, but she was just too insignificant of any attention.


 “Kwon Yuri!”


The way Yoona just yell out her name was enough to make Yuri stop and spun back around.


“What did you call me?”


“Kwon Yuri. That’s your name, right?”


“Yes, but call me that one more time and I’ll fire you.”


Somehow Yuri’s threats feel empty for Yoona, as the doe eyed intern just shrugs.


“Is that a good enough reason to fire someone?”




“Just because I called your name out. I mean it is your name.”


Yuri took a step closer and hope to intimidate the deer into submission with a pensive growl. But the doe just stood there, batting her lashes at the Angry tiger. And for once, the powerful tiger submitted to the mischievous doe.




“OH GOD! Why am I such a jerk?!” Yuri almost ripped out the hair out of her head for what she’s done. She couldn’t believe how stupid she was to just ignore Yoona who twice called out to her. “I could have just said good night…”


Yuri starts pounding the elevator buttons, trying to get out to make up for her mistake. But seeing how useless it was, she stops on the next floor, before hopping on the next elevator to go back to the office floor.


She didn’t know who to blame for this. The moment she steps back in the office, she caught sight of her (Yoona) with that office hottie.


“Hello boss.” Donghae, that’s what his name is supposed to say, salutes her.


Yuri just let out a growl, she could just pound her fist in that smirking face of his. She didn’t bother to look at Yoona, why would she anyway?




“Just tell Tiffany to send all my work to my email. I’ll just do work at home today.”


Sooyoung narrows her eyes. From the looks of her boss just hiding underneath the covers, it was obvious that her boss wasn’t going to get any work done.


“Are you sick, boss?”


Yuri doubts that whatever she has, has any cure to it.


“Yeah… I got sore throat.” Yuri let out a few obviously fake coughs. “It’s this weather that’s just getting me sick. After you got my paperwork take this day off.”


Somehow Sooyoung deduced that it wasn’t the weather that was getting Yuri like this. And lucky for her boss, she knows the right cure.


“Ok boss… whatever you say.”



Yoona has her attention in filing the paper works when Sooyoung pops up from behind her.




Yoona almost threw out all the paper from both Sooyoung jumping out of nowhere and the boom in her voice.


“Hi… Yoona, remember me? Yuri’s P.A Choi Sooyoung.”


“Yes… of course.”


“Yeah. Yeah, of course, how could you forget someone like me?” Sooyoung waves her off, “You are going to come with me.”


“Sooyoung… what’s the meaning of this?” Hyoyeon walks over to them with a look like she’s been betrayed. “You couldn’t take an intern away without asking their supervisors.”


“You can do it for me!”


“Excuse me?” Hyoyeon looks at her completely appalled. “But I don’t take orders from anyone else, especially not from a dog walker.”


Sooyoung gasps “Are you mocking my job? When all you do is get coffee.”


Hyoyeon gasps louder, “Take that back!”


Sooyoung gasps again… “Hani is very precious and I like bonding with her. So who do you bond with Hyo?”


“I don’t know, Soo? Actual human beings.” Hyoyeon answered her voice teeming in sarcasm.


“Ummm… I don’t mind. I like to take every opportunity to learn. So, it’s ok, really.” Yoona steps in trying to stop the bickering.


Sooyoung ends up pulling Hyoyeon to side, and the used to be bickering friends have now made peace as Sooyoung whispers to her.


“Ow! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?! Ok, Yoona go ahead, make sure you look hot.” Sooyoung smacks Hyoyeon at the back of the head.


“Ignore her, she has no idea about the stress of our work. But just dress casually.”


Sooyoung says before her lips lift into a sly smile.


“Like you’re going on a date…”




Yuri was ready to fire Sooyoung for dragging her out of her comfortable bed, and out and about for today. Sooyoung says that maybe it was just the stress of work getting to her and she just needed to get out for awhile. And maybe it was her fault too for listening to Sooyoung… The moment Sooyoung opens the passenger side door and Yuri caught sight of those large doe eyes just staring wide eye at her, she was so determine to hurt Sooyoung.


Yup, she’s pretty sure she’s going to fire Sooyoung now.

Yoona quickly cursed herself for looking. Her boss looks like she was about to go on a workout but still Yoona couldn’t help but thinks that she looks like a CF model.


“W-where’s Sooyoung?”

Sooyoung turns from the front seat and waves happily. She relish that moment that she sees her Tiger boss looks so flustered. Yoona is sitting a feet away, her hands on her lap, sitting stiff, like a kid heading to detention.


“Doesn’t she need to be in the office?”

“Well… were trying something new in the internship program. But if you want, we could drop her in the office, it’s no big deal… Ahjussi, can you take us back to the off-”


But Yuri was quick to wave her off.

“No, n-no… it’s ok, let her stay here.”


Sooyoung turns back in to her seat and smile triumphantly. This was a first for her seeing Yuri so nervous and rattled. The ride might be quiet, but it’s these unspoken words that were creating a suffocating kind of tension. From the rearview mirror, Sooyoung could see the deep blush on her boss face.


“So, Yoona…” Sooyoung finally decided to take out her bow and arrow and shoot these two clueless idiots in the heart. “How is it to work for Kwon Corporation?”


“Oh, it’s pretty cool!” Yoona answered so enthusiastically before flashing Yuri a toothy grin, and Yuri quickly jerked her head away, she thought for a second her head will pop off her neck.

“You’re not going to quit are you?”


“No… I actually enjoy the challenge. It feels different when you actually apply the theories you learn in school in the workplace, because sometimes things don’t go as you plan, so you have to be flexible.”

Yuri couldn’t help but smile at Yoona’s response. And just the sight of her boss soft smile, couldn’t help but make Yoona’s cheeks just blush madly.


“But it eats up your whole time, so what does your boyfriend say about it?”

Sooyoung wants to ROFL as she sees Yuri grips the edge of her shirt at the mention of the word boyfriend.


“Ummm… I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Yuri quickly types on her phone, and a few seconds later, Sooyoung receives a message on her phone.


From: Big Bad Boss
Ask Yoona if she’s dating fishface.

Sooyoung shakes her head in disbelief. Who would have thought the business Goddess can’t even ask this question herself?


“Oh, so, you’re not dating that Donghae?”

Yuri’s face tries to remain stoic, trying not to show any expression to the question.


“Ummm no…”

Yuri quickly turns to her phone and hurriedly text, a few seconds later Sooyoung’s phone beep again.


“Are you going too?”

“I’m not looking for anyone right now…Since I would be busy with school requirements and internships. If I’m going to be with someone, I need to be at the point where I’m satisfied with what I have done.”


And that answer somehow disappointed Yuri.

“So, you don’t like him?” Sooyoung asks before Yuri could even text.


The word like has so many connotations, what does Sooyoung meant when she asks like?

“Well…” Yoona didn’t know how to answer “He’s a very nice oppa.”


“Why?” It was Sooyoung’s turn to pry “What do you like in a guy?”

Yoona looks confuse with the question, wondering if it was a trick question to see if she gets distracted from work.


“Ummm… kind hearted? And caring?”

That got Sooyoung worried those are the two qualities she never saw on her boss.



“Yes boss?”


“Cancel everything for today.” Yuri turns to Yoona. “So, have you eaten lunch?”

Sooyoung didn’t realize the severity of this until now, Yuri caring for someone, this must be something really serious… Her boss might actually start falling in love.



Yoona slides in the booth and Sooyoung shoves her boss to sit by Yoona.


But Yuri remained glued to the floor, refusing to take the space beside Yoona. Unfortunately for her, Sooyoung was the stronger one and one strong push and Yuri landed on Yoona.

“Sorry,” Yuri apologizes when she accidentally fell on Yoona. Yuri quickly sat up straight, clearing and trying to regain what’s left of her composure.


“It’s ok, boss.”

Sooyoung used her menu to hide her troll smile, this was the best day in her work ever.


“So, Yoona?”

Yoona peek in from her menu. Like everything that she does, Yuri immediately turns to look at her and when she realized what she did, she quickly looked back to her menu, her brows creased, her face so serious as if she’s studying for the bar exams rather than picking what to eat for lunch.


“Tell us what’s your plan?” Sooyoung asks.

“Plan for today?”


“No… for your future.”

“Well… umm… I’m graduating this spring. I’m planning to work first and then when I’m stable enough, go apply for graduate school.”


“Ooooohhhh… boss…” Sooyoung bobs her brow at Yuri “Isn’t that what you like? Someone with a plan?”

“Shut up…” Yuri groans before violently opening the menu, she covers herself with a menu to hide her goofy smile. And yes, that was a turn on for her, a girl who knows what she wants.


“A girl with a plan… I bet a lot of guys like that…”

Yuri let out a low growl and Sooyoung giggles to herself.


“There are a few guys but I haven’t met anyone that I’m really attracted to.”

“Maybe you like girls instead?”


“What?” Yoona sound so surprise…

“God damn it, Soo! Shut up!” Yuri yells, almost lunging the menu straight at Sooyoung’s smirking face.


“Sorry…” Sooyoung says but didn’t really mean it…

It was a good thing, the waitress arrives before Yuri could even think about pummeling Soo to the ground.


“Are you girls ready to order?”




Yuri waited until Yoona disappeared into the bathroom before she could take care of Sooyoung.

“Why did you say that?!” Yuri says angrily…


“If she likes girls?”



“Why? You don’t want to know?”

“No…” Yuri turns away to hide her lie. “I don’t meddle with my employees personal affairs and their ual preferences.” Yuri pouts.

“Fine. I know a lot of guys and girls in the office who is dying to ask her out. So, I won’t be surprise if she starts going out with someone, but since you don’t meddle with your employees personal affairs, why should you worry about it, right?”


Yuri narrows her eyes and stuffs with her pancake. Sooyoung takes a satisfying bite of her pancake.


What was that quote? He who is not jealous is not in love? And boss… you got it so bad…



“Oh. I got a phone call, excuse me…”


Sooyoung didn’t but it was her excuse to finally leave the two alone. The three have been walking around the mall, not saying anything except for Sooyoung who serves as the mouth for everyone. Yoona and Yuri were just awkwardly standing there, both pretending to just stare at the clothes display in the store window.

“So, ummm…” Yoona decided to spoke first.


Yoona immediately step back as she got startled by how intense her boss is staring at her.



“Oh… you were going to work out?”

“Yes. Do you? Do you work out?”


“Well… I prefer to run, I like being outside more than inside a gym.”

Yuri looks back at the window display, contemplating for the right word to say.



“Yes boss?”


“Nothing.” Yuri quickly curse herself for being too slow… Gosh where was Sooyoung when she needs her?

Yuri quickly takes out her phone and texted…


From: Big Bad Boss
Ask Yoona to go workout with me tomorrow, hurry up or you’re fired!!

Sooyoung just scoffs and continues stalking/observing the two in the corner. Meanwhile, Yoona felt her self esteem dwindling down as she notices that her boss just keeps glancing on her phone and texting every minute.

“You know boss,” It was Yoona who decided to break the awkward tension and spoke up first “I have been looking for a good notebook for internship.”


“Oh…ummm…” The guilt of what she did starts tumbling back on Yuri “No need…”



“Well…I… I realize that the efficiency of a person’s work has nothing to do with her gadget or things. It’s all about your mind. And you… you… ummm… you’re very good at what you do…”


Yuri whispers the last part and it made Yoona smile a wee bit. Impressing her boss is going to keep her smiling for days.


“So, I’m thinking I’m going to give you an IPAD mini.”


“Hu-hu- hu what?”


Ahhh crap… Yuri realized her mistake, giving someone an IPAD mini for no reason? She’s obviously coming on too strong… Gosh! Where was Sooyoung when she needs her?


Think Kwon… Think… how do you get out of this?


“Because you’re intern of the month…”


Wow… she couldn’t believe she came up with that, intern of the month?


“I didn’t know we have intern of the month.”


“We usually don’t… but we do now…”


Crap… now I have to give those interns an IPAD mini each… Yuri has never really invest on her interns. But now with her stupid heart making all her decisions for her, she won’t be surprised if she gives up her company just to impress Yoona.

“A yes… it’s like our thank you gift for choosing Kwon Enterprises for internship.”


Yoona’s eyes were beaming with wonder.

“That’s amazing boss… thank you… I promise I will be do my best. Because your company deserves the best.”


Yuri could feel her insides melting as Yoona’s smile just seem to make a mess out of her.



“Good night and thank you so much.” Yoona bows politely before stepping out of the car.

Sooyoung immediately saw the look in her boss eyes. IT was like she was dying to follow her.  The driver was about to drive away when…

“NO!” Yuri screams out before finally getting out of the vehicle.


Yoona stumbles back in surprise as she sees Yuri standing right there by her door step.

“Oh ummm… Yoona, thank you for tonight…”


Yoona smiles back and nods.

“Thank you too, boss… I learned a lot…”


“I want to learn about you too.”

Yuri quickly bites her tongue at her slip.


“I mean… as an intern… I want to learn what you interns think, so we can better our company. Good night.”


Kwon Yuri quickly ended her speech, before she gets into a much deeper embarrassment than before.



Yuri asks the driver to wait until Yoona steps inside her apartment. Sooyoung watched with an amuse expression when she sees Yuri just looking as Yoona walks back to her apartment. Yoona turns back and despite the tinted glass she waved before going inside.


“Ok, lets go.”

Yuri looks down before finally smiling. The drive home was quiet and Sooyoung gasps loudly as she sees Yuri all slouch by the window, looking out at the stars.

“Ummm… Soo?”


“Yes boss?”


“Tell Hyoyeon to order 10 IPAD minis and put it on the company bill.”


“Ummm okay.”

Sooyoung was about to pull out her phone.


“No wait… change that. Charge all 9 of it to the company, but charge one in mine.”

Sooyoung smile, she didn’t even need to ask who the specia intern who will get the special one. As far as she knows, Im Yoona is more than just the intern of the month, she was much more special. Too special. 



Quicker update for this. I really appreciate hearing or should i say reading everyone's comment on the story. I hope you guys enjoy! Thank you once again for reading. 

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Meyoong #1
Chapter 7: I've been reading this numerous times, I hope you update author-nim and find a driving force to continue writing the story. Fighting! Take your time.
Adampark19 #2
Chapter 7: Am re reading for the nth time author nimm, still waiting for the last chapter to come out :')
Re reading it. Again. Still waiting~~~

jazz2202 #4
When will you update?
Chapter 7: hope you will comeback soon author nim. Waiting for you
Adampark19 #6
Chapter 7: Please continue this fic author-nim, promise i will patiently waiting~
bbonz01 #7
Chapter 3: This a witty and funny story authornim. Cant help laughing on this. Waiting for you updates.
Shenji #8
Chapter 7: Update please
Chapter 6: It's Happybee or Jollibee author ? Just asking hhihhi
Aish1994 #10
Chapter 7: Update.. pleasee!!!!!