
The Broken Girl


We were at Jimin's playing his console. His parents were on their honeymoon so we get to stay a little later. Not surprisingly, Iri was there. 

She looked casual in an oversized tee and pajama shorts. I looked anywhere but her way. We had popcorn and I sat as far away as possible. 

She didn't joined in, but then again she didn't like games. I would know, she at it. Then we watched a movie. Namjoon decided to invite himself to stay over. 

It was the last thing I wanted but everyone chimed in and it didn't feel right to leave. So I stayed too, I just hoped she leaves soon enough. 

We were through with the first and I got the second pick. They knew I love horror, and so I picked the scariest one I haven't watched. Hoseok and Jimin looked like they were about to piss their pants. I couldn't help but snickered. But then I saw Iri's finger intertwined with his and then it dropped to a frown. 

Hoseok had surrendered first and ran to Jimin's room. We never talked about sleeping placement but to be honest no one really bothered. Jimin's parents have the softest couch. 

Jimin stayed though but he kept hiding behind Iri giggled at her best friend's antics. She saw me looking her and hesitated. Was that hope I saw in her eyes? Too bad I already turned away. 

Movie was over before I knew it. I admitted, I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't turn around to look at her because the movement would have been too obvious. But now that it was over, I could stretch and reposition. 

Jimin was already asleep, so was she. He was spooning her, and I tried to repress my jealously. How cute of them. 

I took a spare mattress from Jimin's storeroom and put them in front of the TV. The hyungs had already claimed the master room and Namjoon was sleeping in Jimin's. Taehyung was sprawled on the floor, he's going to have back pain in the morning. 

I was the last one to doze of, I thought about stuff. Nothing important, just stuff to get my mind on things that is eating my brain. IE, the girl sleeping across me. In the arms of the one she loves. It hurts but I guess I'll just have to get over it. Get over her. 


I'm a fairly deep sleeper, nothing can rouse me but I couldn't sleep that night. It explained why I could hear whimpering in the room. 

She was sitting on the couch with her palms in her face, she looked so small. "Iri?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Are you okay?" 

Her breath hitched in the dark, I heard a swallow of saliva. "I'm fine, go back to sleep." Her whispers barely audible, but I did not however missed the fear in her tone. 

I contemplated on waking Jimin up, she's his problem now. But I didn't. So I sat up and opened my arms to her. 

She saw me, her tears were streaking her face, barely containing her sobs. Iri sniffled and walked towards me, as she bent down and entered my embrace. 

I rocked her silently and her forearm in repetitive motion. I must have sung to her at some point. But her being in my arms felt right, the last thing I remembered was the touch of her lips against my neck. I must have hallucinated it. 


Someone shook me awake, the light had shone through and I persisted in my attempt for slumber. I hugged whatever it was  I was holding tighter, only to hear a groan of protest from said thing. 

"Iri?" My voice hoarse from sleep. I finally forced myself awake only to see that Iri was still asleep in my arms. I remembered now, she had a nightmare and I comforted her. 

But the look on Jimin's face wished that I had just woken him up to deal with her. I didn't because I wanted to. 

"Morning hyung." Trying to see pass the seething look he gave me as I sat up, bringing her with me. 

She whined a little but tightened her grip, "Iri, wake up." I shook her gently, my tone of equal measures. 

Jimin sighed, crouched down and shook her gently, "Ri-ah, wake up."

"Jiminie?" She called. My smile dropped as I pushed her away into Jimin's arms. 

I said nothing, standing up abruptly and headed into his bathroom. I was getting carried away, she's not mine. I can't just steal her away from hyung. I might love her but I oblige to our brother code. I will rue the day I ever let a girl get between our friendship. 

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wonderdream #1
Chapter 7: This story is soon fantastic and cute>.<
The characters suit well and the storylines kind of unique. Its my second time reading this and I'm not boring. Thanks:)
k_monahan_9 #2
Chapter 11: Make a sequel pwwweeeeaaassseeee
Waa~ that was so beautiful, so amazing, so intense. I loved the story! Really, thanks for write such perfect fanfic^^
Chapter 11: Yaaaas.. I finished reading another fics...and of yours Authornim. Even if its short I like how I can feel the emotions cookie was in. uwaah looking forward to the sequel :')
Chapter 11: oh my god! please make a sequelll XD
pigFlash #6
I do want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who took the time to read my story. Mediocre as it was, thank you once again and have a Happy New Year!
Chapter 11: I swear, this story is so freaking cute! And it's short and simple- what's there not to love about this story?
Chapter 10: Omg..... Is she in love with kookie or jimin....? I gotta know..... Both of them need to confess!! Jk, good luck jungkook!!! Hope she forgives you!