
The Broken Girl


If anyone was surprised by Iri's 180, it was definitely me. One minute she couldn't stand me, the next she's clinging to me wherever. 

She said yes to visiting the hyungs the first time in weeks, and for the rest of the evening she looked only at me. I wasn't delusional. I knew she wasn't in love with me, she just found another human to be dependent on while Jimin was gone. But I couldn't help feel elated when she tucked her head on my neck and hugged my arm after all that dancing. 

"Stop it Iri, I'm sweating." I tried to pull away but she only shook her head. I knew I could if I tried, but there wasn't much heart in it. So I stayed there. The hyungs looked at us like we're a bunch of crazies. 

When Iri went to the bathroom, Hoseok and Taehyung pulled me from my seat to interrogate me. "Okay, what happened? We leave you guys alone for one day, and all of the sudden she couldn't take her hands off you?"

I released a breath, "Don't say it like that! It's nothing." Iri made me promised not to tell them about the cutting. So I didn't, but we will get to that eventually if only she would stop avoiding it. "She's just lonely. She'll cling to anyone if they just try." I tried not to sound condescending, because I don't want her to cling to other people. I don't like what my feelings are turning into. I am not going to grow attached. 

Hoseok and Taehyung left it at that, because Iri was back. She opened smiled at me and skipped to hug me. I was still unused to this affection. For someone who can't stand other people's touch, she is one of them most touchy-feely person I've ever made. 

As I rounded my arms around her shoulders reluctantly, I heard her sigh in content. I bit my lips in thought, I don't think I'll ever be used to this. 


3 months later 

"Jungkook-ah!" Iri waved me over as I was walking along with the hyungs. I smiled and sauntered to her. 

She was looking at the display some shop window. It was some puppies yapping cutely to us. I laughed as I hugged her from behind and interlocked our fingers together. 

"Do you like pets?" I asked, my chin propped on her chin. My breath tickled her neck and she giggled. 

"Yeah but I'm allergic." Iri pouted slightly whilst running her finger along the glass. "Jimin bought me a kitten once, but we have to give it away because I couldn't stop sneezing." My smile dropped slightly, I tried to pull away slightly but she held me there. 

I sighed once more and replaced my chin on her shoulder. I knew she misses me, she's happier now that Jimin's return was getting closer. He never told us the specific date, but for all we know Jimin could pop right back into our lives any minute now. 

I broke my rule of never getting attached, and now that it's almost time I have to literally give her back to him. I know she'll be more than happy, but for now I just want to remember this moment. 


"Ew, stop it you lovebirds you're making me sick." Yoongi scowled at me wiping her face with tissues. 

It ironic how not half a year ago I was the one criticizing Jimin for doing something like this. But seeing her smile made me care of nothing more. 

However I do want to curse at my hyung for his implication. She doesn't like me, not like that. I tried to suppress disappointment, it doesn't look like she heard anything. Probably too focused on her desserts. 

She fed me with her spoon, I gave a half smile and ate from it. This was as close as I could get to her. And for now, it's enough. 

Jeon Jungkook, you are ing in love with Yang Iri. 


I said goodbye to my hyungs whilst holding onto Iri's hand. She had grown more social and more inclined to initiate conversations with them and I'm proud of her. Not for the first time, I questioned whether or not Jimin was in some ways holding her back. 

"Why are you so giddy today?" I laughed, seeing her bounced around like a two year old. 

She walked a little ways in front of me but doubled back to hold my hand. She shrugged, "I'm happy that you're here with me." I tried not to analyze her context, no use getting my hopes up with D-day being so close now. 

I walked her to her apartment, her hands still in mine. "Wanna come in?" She said hopefully, she knew I never says no so I wondered why she bothered even ask. 

"Iri?" That voice halted our motion. It was familiar, one that we've haven't heard in person for a very long time. 

"Jiminie?" She choked, looking past me to see hyung. In an instant, she let go off my hand and charged to her best friend. 

I could literally hear my heart breaking as she jumped and wrapped her limbs around him. They were laughing and crying, Jimin was her back in habit. They were finally back to each other. I saw it now, there was no place for me with them. 

I said nothing when I left for the lift, I didn't bother to say goodbye. I doubt I'll be missed. 

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wonderdream #1
Chapter 7: This story is soon fantastic and cute>.<
The characters suit well and the storylines kind of unique. Its my second time reading this and I'm not boring. Thanks:)
k_monahan_9 #2
Chapter 11: Make a sequel pwwweeeeaaassseeee
Waa~ that was so beautiful, so amazing, so intense. I loved the story! Really, thanks for write such perfect fanfic^^
Chapter 11: Yaaaas.. I finished reading another fics...and of yours Authornim. Even if its short I like how I can feel the emotions cookie was in. uwaah looking forward to the sequel :')
Chapter 11: oh my god! please make a sequelll XD
pigFlash #6
I do want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who took the time to read my story. Mediocre as it was, thank you once again and have a Happy New Year!
Chapter 11: I swear, this story is so freaking cute! And it's short and simple- what's there not to love about this story?
Chapter 10: Omg..... Is she in love with kookie or jimin....? I gotta know..... Both of them need to confess!! Jk, good luck jungkook!!! Hope she forgives you!