

(a/n) be aware that some of the facts in this fanfic is made up to make this fanfic possible. 

Jimin hops excitedly from one member to another. “Hyungg~ It’s winter!!”


Hoseok turns around before screaming with him, “Jimin-ahhh it’s winterrrr!!” then his face changes back to a straight face, “We all know that Jimin.”


“You don’t get it, hyung!! It’s winter! Winter means snow! It’s going to snow hyung!!” Jimin says really loudly.


“We’re going live in 5,” The PD shouts from the opposite side of the door.


“Ne!” All 7 members shouts back.


“Are you guys ready?” Eric says when he enters their waiting room. When the 7 boys see him standing next to the door, they immediately stand up and greet him.


“Yes! We are really excited to be back. Thank you for inviting us back.” Namjoon says, bowing at Eric.


“We didn't invite you back.” Jimin(the MC not Jimin) jokes. “We didn’t have a choice. The PD invited you back.” Everyone bursts out laughing.


 As they continue to talk, the PD suddenly knocks on the door, “Eric, Jimin please get onto the set. The cameras are about to roll.”


    The two MCs stand up and wave good bye to BTS before following the PD out the door while BTS’s stylist and staff starts to do a final check at them to make sure they look stage perfect.


    They walked in about 5 minutes after Eric and Jimin entered. They stand behind the camera laughing at the 2 MCs “run” through the entire introduction.


~Time Skip~

    “Like we said in the opening, today is the eve eve eve of Christmas, so BTS what kind of gifts would you like from Santa this year?”


    “I want to get snow from Santa Claus! I didn’t get to see a lot of snow growing up in Busan so I would like to see snow!”


~After the Live~

    “Wahhh!!” Hoseok says as he goes into a starfish pose and move his hips side to side. “It’s done!! We can finally eat!!” Making everyone laugh.


    “Thank you for your hard work.” Namjoon bows at the producers and everyone else echos him.


    “Thank you for coming.” The PD bows back. “We will see you next time.” Everyone shook the PD’s hands before heading back to their waiting room.


    “Ahh!~ That was fun. Now I just want to sleep.” Taehyung announces as he flops his whole body on the sofa. Jungkook glances at Taehyung’s body before sitting on his . “Yah! Jungkook! Get off me!” He screams as he squirms around on the sofa.


    “Make room for me then.” The maknae retorts back. Taehyung gets up to sit straight up on the sofa letting Jungkook take a sit at the edge of the sofa like he usually does, before laying down again with his head on Jungkook’s lap. Jimin walk towards his 2 dongsaengs, he approaches the opposite end of the sofa, where Jungkook wasn’t sitting before he lifts Taehyung’s feet up and sit down and place Taehyung’s feet on his lap.


    The older members of the group went to sit on the makeup chairs. Hoseok places two wheelchairs side by side before sitting on one and placing his legs on the other one. Yoongi straight up sat on the makeup chair and place his feet up on the table in front of him and took out his phone to update twitter. Namjoon and Seokjin just sat peacefully on the makeup chairs waiting for their manager to pick them up.


    The room was silent for the rest of the time, until… Jimin screams out of nowhere and standing up out of nowhere, causing Taehyung to fall on the floor since Taehyung’s legs were supported on Jimin’s lap, which cause Jungkook’s phone that was on hovering over Taehyung’s head to fall on top of the back of Taehyung’s head.


    Taehyung groans when his body impacts the floor. “What was that for?” Taehyung sits up rubbing the back of his head, pouting.


Jungkook reaches the floor for his phone, checking for any damage. “Phew. My phone is all good.”


Taehyung’s pout deepens, “Is your phone more important than me? Why don’t you ask if I’m alright?”


“What the hell is an el niño year anyways. Why the hell is it not going to be snowing this year?!” Jimin screams at his phone. Jimin pouts, “I was so excited to see snow this year. But, Seoul is no different from Busan.”


“El niño year happens when the winter before this was really cold.” Namjoon answers. “Last year was really cold, so I guess this winter is going to be really warm.”


“Life is unfair. When I am finally spending the winter in Seoul, there just happens to be no snow.” Jimin continues to pout.


Everyone's head then turn to the door when loud knocking sound through the room and Seokjin took the initiative to open it.


    “Let’s head out. You guys have to head to your next schedule.” Manager announces, poking his head out of the door entrance. Everyone trails behind him making small talks with each other, but Jimin was pouting at the end of the line that they subconsciously made.


    Yoongi who was usually quiet looks at Jimin at the end, he sighs. “Jimin-ah. Hurry up!” Jimin’s head shot right up when his name was called, he jogs up to catch up with the others. “There are many more years to come. You will see snow eventually, so stop moping around.” Yoongi says to Jimin, trying to comfort him.


    “I know, hyung. I was just really excited to see it this year.” Jimin grins at his hyung. “Thanks, hyung.” Jimin skips over to Taehyung who was bickering with Hoseok about something.


    “The color of the sky is not blue.”


    “If it’s not blue, what color will it be then?”


    “It doesn’t have a color!!”


    “What do you mean the sky doesn’t have a color. Hyung are you color blind?”


    And the bickering continues throughout the car ride, with Jimin taking Taehyung’s side of the sky being blue. At the end, they settle it when Namjoon got really annoyed at them and told them what the color of the sky is.


~3 days later~

    “Merry Christmas!!” Jimin shouts when he wakes up. For once, he was the first one up and was waking the other members up for their schedule today.


    “Shut up.” Comes a response from Taehyung who was still sleepy from sleeping at 2 in the morning because he wanted to win Seokjin in Mario Carts.


    “But TaeTae~ It’s Christmas~” Jimin starts to skip out the room singing Jingle Bell.


    When they were out of the door, Jimin sighs. Everyone was only wearing a sweater and it was hot. “I guess it there really isn’t a chance for it to snow this year.” He says to himself, but Yoongi heard him.


~Later on in the day~


    Yoongi calls over their manager, “Is there a free day anytime soon?”


    “Why?” Manager-hyung replies back, “You are free…. like in 2 days.”


    “Is everyone else free, too?”


    “Let me check.” Manager-hyung scrolls down on his phone checking everyone’s schedule on the 27th. “Yeah, everyone is free. Except Jimin, he’s free after 1.”


    “Perfect. On that day, you are driving Jimin back from his schedule right?”


    “Yeah…” Manager answers suspiciously. “What are you planning?”


    “Jimin has been down because of the news that it wasn’t going to snow this year.” Yoongi begins, “So I’m going to bring him to the Winter Wonderland place that I read online. It’s not far from here. And the place has real snow that was brought in. So it will technically be snowing?” Yoongi questions and shrugs. “The members that want to join are welcomed. Can you pretend that you are driving Jimin into another schedule? I want to surprise him.”


    “Yoongi, before you wouldn’t even get out of your bed when you have a day off. What has happened to you?!” Manager-hyung exclaim loudly. “Jimin turned you soft!!”


    “Shut up. He just looked so down these days and I can’t take it no more.” Yoongi shouted, turning pink.


    “Whatever you say.”


    “Hyung! Dinner’s ready, come out and eat before the food gets cold.” Jungkook knocks loudly on the door as he yells behind the closed door.


    Yoongi got up and went towards the door, “Let’s go, hyung.”


~2 days later~

    Everyone except Jimin was chilling in the living room. It was 12 in the afternoon and they are all bored out of their minds.


    Yoongi coughs loudly to get everyone’s attention. 5 pairs of eyes stares at him, blankly. “I was planning on surprising Jimin by going to Winter Wonderland today, today is the last day it’s open… is anyone else interested in going?”


    The 5 pairs of eyes immediately sparkled. “I saw that online! I really wanted to go, but I didn't want to go alone!” Seokjin expresses. “Yayy!”


    “Sure, why not? We have nothing to do anyways. It’s better than sitting around doing nothing.” Namjoon voices out. Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung nods at his statement.


    “Great! Get ready now, we’ll start heading out in 10.” The 6 bodies started to move towards their room to get dressed. “There will be real snow in there… so I suggest you bring gloves.. and a coat.”


    In 10 minutes, everyone was dressed in a long-sleeve shirt and a light coat with gloves tucked inside the coat’s pocket.


    It takes 30 minutes for them to get to 여의도공원(Yeouido Park). They all exit the car and start to walk into the park.


    Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon, who doesn’t know about the place at all questions Yoongi once they started walking in. “Why are we in Yeouido Park?”


    “Winter Wonderland isn’t a place place. It’s more like an event thing.” Seokjin explains in Yoongi’s place. “It’s just a box in the middle of Yeouido Park.”


    The 4 was still lost but as they continue to walk for another 3 minutes, they stand in front of a large white wall. “This is the place. It’s not flashy or anything. But it has what we need.” Yoongi say. “Jimin should arrive in like 10 minutes, you guys can go in first. I’m going to stand here and wait for him.”


    Seokjin just shrugs and drag Namjoon with him and disappears into the doorway. Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook stands gasping at the white wall in front of them. “Wow, this is going to be interesting..” Says Hoseok quietly to himself before he disappears after Seokjin and Namjoon.


    “Meh, let’s see what is behind this wall…” Jungkook took Taehyung’s hand when he realize that the alien was frozen. Dragging Taehyung inside the doorway. The last thing Yoongi heard before seeing the 2 figures disappear was Taehyung screaming in excitement, “SNOWWWW!!”


    He smiled, “It’s a good thing they are all having fun. Everyone been stress since promotion started again.” He thought to himself. Being alone, he shrieks “manly” when someone suddenly tap him on the shoulder.


    Making the other person laugh, “Hyung, what are you doing here?” Jimin reveals himself from behind Yoongi.


    “Jimin-ah! Where did you come from?” Yoongi says embarrassed. Jimin pointed at the direction he came from, “Righttt…”


    “What is behind this white wall?” Jimin asks as he knocks on the white wall. “Has this always been here?”


    “Oh! Come, I wanted to surprise you, the members are already inside.” Yoongi took Jimin’s hands and lead him into the door that led to the place behind the white wall.


“Wahh!!” Jimin’s eyes widened and tears up. “IT’S REAL SNOW!!” Jimin started to run to  a pile of snow. Yoongi followed him. Yoongi handed Jimin a pair of gloves when he sees Jimin reaching his hands to the snow.


“Wear this glove before you freeze your hands off.” Yoongi murmurs.


“Thank you hyung!” Jimin shouts, giving Yoongi his famous eye smile.


Yoongi turns away, “Stop shouting, you’re embarrassing me!”


“Hyung, Saranghae!.” Jimin makes a heart from both his hands and place it on his left chest.

“Yeah yeah yeah. Nado Saranghae.” Yoongi said, squatting down next to Jimin who was starting to build a snowman.

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luvarin #1
Chapter 1: Ahh.. i always has a thing for jimin ot7 story.. good story dear.. will wait for your next story! Fighting. :)
That was so fluffy!! How cute :3 thank you for writing this wonderful piece!
Chaeeun21 #3
Chapter 1: awe! so cute! good job! ^^