Tell me your ultimate wish


"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!" Hakyeon yelled trough the dorm, waking up the other members who still were sleepling.
It was the morning of the 24th December and the leader had planned something special for the rest of the group.


The first one who stood up and went to the living room was Hongbin. The brunette rubbed his eyes as he greeded the leader and sat down on the couch.
"Hongbinnie, are the others awake?" Hakyeon asked and the younger looked up at him and nodded "Everyone except Wonshik but Hyuk and Ken are trying to wake him up."

Hakyeon sighed and left the room, entered Ravis bedroom he shared with Hyuk and gently pushed the youngest of the group aside.
"Let me do it" Hakyeon said and smiled at Hyuk "You know that I'm a specialist when it comes to waking him up. You can go and join Hongbin in the living room." he said "By the way, wheres Ken?" the leader asked. "He went to check on Taekwoon-hyung" Hyuk answered. "Alright, then go and join Hongbin, we'll be there in a minute or two... maybe ten.... or thirty...." Hyuk chuckled and left the room.

"Wonshik-ah, wake up!" Hakyeon said gently and shaked his sleeping band member. Wonshik made a growling-like noise and turned to the other side with his back in Hakyeons direction. "Wonshik-ah, wake up, it's christmas and I've prepared a surpise for all of you." Hakyeon shaked him again but this time not so gentle and more forceful. "Go away" the rapper mumbled sleepily and tried to push Hakyeon's hands away. "Ravi-ah if you don't get up in the next 10 seconds I'm gonna get a bucket of water." he threatened. "Do it." Wonshik replied half asleep. Haykeon just stared at him for a second, you could read the surprise in his eyes. Then he just shrugged his shoulders and went to the bathroom.

Without knocking on the door he stepped in and yelped when he saw Taekwoon standing in front of the washbasin, brushing his teeth. He didn't expected him to stand there. "Good morning Taekwoonie." Hakyeon smiled and motioned him to step aside, so Hakyeon could take out the bucket out of the closet beneath the washbasin. "Morning" Taekwoon replied muffled with the teethbrush in his mouth. He gave Hakyeon a questioning look when the leader filled the bucket with water. "Wonshik doesn't want to get up" he answered casually and Taekwoon just nodded. When the bucket was filled Hakyeon shoutet: "Wonshik-ah, move your or I'm gonna make you scream like a little girl".

When Hakyeon was back in Wonshik's bedroom, the man was still sleeping in the same position as when Hakyeon left the room. "You asked for it!" the leader said and emptied the bucket, earning a loud scream from Wonshik. Hakyeon snorted at his reaction and held in his laughter.
"Hyung, are you being serious?!", "Yup. Now get up and come join us in the living room. I've got a surprise for you and the others" Hakyeon left the wet guy and went back to the living room.


Hongbin, Hyuk, Ken and Taekwoon were sitting on the couch, talking to each other. "So, he's awake and will join us in a few minutes" Hakyeon said, smiling widely. "Hyung, what is in the bag?" Hyuk asked the leader. In the middle of the room were standing a brown bag, which had chrismas ornaments on it. "It's a surprise" he answered and shortly after Wonshik joined the group. "So, I need you all to promise me that you will accept the suprise I've got for you." Hakyeon said and waited until everyone agreed.

"Okay, so I thought since it's Christmas it would be totally cute when we wear these!" Hakyeon pulled different costumes out of the bag. Taekwoon stared at it with wide eyes, Wonshik's jaw dropped, Ken clapped enthusiastically, Hyuk and Hongbin were just chuckling.

"Tell me that this is a ing joke..." It was one of the rare times that Taekwoon swore in front of the others. "It's not, you'll look cute! I've got a special costume for you!" He said and pulled a reindeer-costume out of the bag. Wonshik and the others started to laugh like maniacs and Taekwoon just raised an eyebrow. "Try it on and then we'll see." the leader handed him the costume, Taekwoon sighed deeply and went to his bedroom to try it on. "Hyuk, I've got the same for you" Hakyeon said and handed the youngest of the group his costume.

"So, now to you two." He said to Hongbin and Wonshik "I've got Santa Clause costumes for you as well as for me!" he said with shining eyes and handed them the costumes. Their laugher went quiet and they looked at the costumes. "Now everyone get changed! We'll meet here in five minutes!" he enthusiastically yelled and left the room to change into his costume, the other members did the same.

After ten minutes they were back in the living room, all looking at each others costumes, laughing and chuckling.
"Taekwoonie-Hyung looks so cute and like he's going to destroy us all at the same time" Hyuk chuckled and Hongbin nodded "Yeah, you're right." he said.

"Shut up.." Taekwoon's soft voice interrupted them.

Hakyeon clapped in his hands and handed Taekwoon and Ken microphones "KARAOKE!" he yelled. "Unfortunately I've just found two microphones but we'll all sing along!" he said and hooked arms with Wonshik and Ken and Ken with Hyuk, who also hooked arms with Hongbin.

Hongbin smiled brightly at Taekwoon when he hooked his arm with Taekwoon's "You look cute in that reindeer-suit" he said and Taekwoon blushed slightly "...thanks" he said.

"Can I ask you something?" Hongbin bit his lower lip without noticing and Taekwoon nodded in response.
"What is you wish for this Christmas? Your ultimate wish I mean.." Hongbin said and Taekwoon was about to answer, when suddenly the sound of 'Rudolph the red nose Reindeer' starts and everyone began to sing.

"Later" Taekwoon said and hold himself back to not kill Hakyeon for choosing especially this song out of all existing Christmas songs.

After 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer' they continued with 'O Christmas Tree', 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas', 'Jingle Bells' and many many more. They sang for about one and a half hour and decided to bake some cookies together.

"So, since the kitchen is pretty small we won't be able to fit all in there... maybe three of us can bake cookies and the other three can put the presents under the Christmas tree and after that prepare some games to play when the cookies are in the oven?" Hakyeon suggested.

"I want to prepare games" Wonshik said and Taekwoon decided to bake cookies. Ken wanted to prepare games, too, as well as Hyuk.

"Alright! Then it's decided!" Hakyeon smiled brightly "Wonshik, Ken and Hyuk will prepare some fun games and Hongbin, Taekwoon and I, we will bake delicious cookies" He clapped in his hands and told his group to follow him. Taekwoon put his hands in Hongbin's shoulders and gently shoved him into the kitchen. Hongbin chuckled when Taekwoon did that and secretly hoped that Taekwoon would answer his question when they had a few seconds alone.

After half an our Hongbin gave up on hoping that Taekwoon would tell him what his wish was. He was sure that his Hyung had forgot about what Hongbin wanted to know, he sighed to himself.

"Are you okay?" Hakyeon asked. Hongbin looked up to him and nodded, smiling.

"Good, I don't want any of us to be in a bad mood since today is Christmas, the feast of love and of being together with your loved ones."

"Everything's fine, Hyung" Hongbin chuckled and put the cookie sheet in the oven. He let out a surprised noise when he suddenly felt someone doing something on his back. Taekwoon chuckled at his reaction when he drew a smiley on Hongbin's back with flour.

"You surprised me" Hongbin laughed, his heart was pounding fast in his chest.

"Yah, don't play around in the kitchen, it's dangerous." Hakyeon scolded them motherly.

"As if something could happen when I draw something on him with flour." Taekwoon said

"You never know, Taekwoonie."

The black head sighed and sat down on the kitchen counter.

"When are the Cookies done?" Hongbin asked and in the same second his phone rang, giving them the signal that the cookies are ready.
The whole flat smelled like fresh baked cookies and when Hakyeon opened the oven, the smell got even stronger.

"They look so delicious!" Hongbin said happily.

"Of course we do, we made them" Hakyeon laughed.

Taekwoon jumped off the counter and handed Hakyeon a plate so he could put the fresh baked cookies on it.

"Guys! Cookies are ready! Have you figured out some games?" Hakyeon asked as the three walked into the living room, sitting down on the floor to the others and placing the cookies in the middle of the circle they were sitting in.

"Oh my God they look so good.." Wonshik said and took one, bit in it a second ago. His expression changed, he looked like he was in heaven.
"Unbelievably delicious!" he said, taking another bite.

Twenty minutes later the cookies were eaten and they took a bottle to play 'spin the bottle' with truth or dare.

The first person who spun the bottle was Ken and it stopped pointing on Hakyeon "Truth or dare?" he asked the leader.

"Truth" Hakyeon answered and Ken grinned widely "Do you have a crush on someone all of us know?" he asked.

Hakyeon blushed slightly and nodded "Yes." he answered.

"Who is it?" Ken immediately asked and Hakyeon grinned "I won't tell you." he said, making Ken pout.

The others were chuckling at Ken's expression, when Hakyeon spun the bottle. It stopped pointing at Wonshik. Hakyeon grinned widely.

"Truth or Dare?" he asked and Wonshik answered "Dare."

Hakyeon needed a second to think about a good task for Wonshik. "Pretend that I am a girl and use your worst pick up line on me."

Wonshik laughed "Alright, let me think about a good one" he said and stood up, as well as Hakyeon, and went smoothly over to him.
The blonde laid an arm around the leader's shoulders and ardently spoke in Hakyeon's ear: "Did you just fart? Because you blow me away!"
Hakyeon snorted and laughed out loud a few seconds later. What the hell did he just heard?

Every single person in the room cracked up laughing until they were crying. Wonshik managed to say his worst pick up line in such a seriousness, it was unbelievable. Hongbin and Hyuk were lying on the floor laughing, Taekwoon were leaning against the sofa letting his head resting on the soft sofa cushions laughing up in the air and Ken was jumping around while he was laughing like a maniac. Hakyeon sunk to the floor, he was done with his life. Wonshik just stood there, laughing like everyone else.

"That was definitely the worst pick up line I've ever heard in my life!" Ken yelled "As worse as it is, it's also the best one I've ever heard!" he added while laughing.

It took them about ten minutes to fully get themselves together. It was Wonshik's turn to spin the bottle and he did. It stopped pointing on Taekwoon.

"Hyung, Truth or Dare?" Wonshik was smiling angelic until Taekwoon answered "Dare". His smile went from angelic to devilish. Taekwoon gulped.

"Just to be sure; am I allowed to command everything I want?" he asked. Taekwoon sensed that Wonshik had something totally wicked in mind.

"Of course." Hakyeon answered. Wonshik's grin grew wider.

"I dare you.." Taekwoon hissed.

"Sorry Hyung." Wonshik said and looked at him playfully pitiful when he spoke out his dare. "I want everyone to close their eyes, except of Taekwoon-Hyung. Then I want Taekwoon-Hyung to kiss the person he thinks is the most attractive among us." Wonshik commanded.

Taekwoon's jaw dropped and he looked at Wonshik with wide eyes "I'm... gonna kill you... you little.." Taekwoon growled as he got up. Hongbin and Hyuk had to hold him back and that was more complicated as it sounded.

"Okay Okay" Wonshik lifted his hands "We'll get blindfolded by you. Oh! Before I forget, no one is allowed to talk about that afterwards, not the person who got kissed and neither the people who didn't got kissed. Understood?" Everyone nodded.

"What if refuse to do it?" Taekwoon said and folded his arms in front of his chest.

"Then you get a punishment" Hakyeon said.

"What is the punishment, Hyung?" Hongbin asked.

"You have to were a y female Santa costume" the leader said and grinned.

"Oh god, both is crap." Taekwoon sighed "Alright, I'm doing Wonshik's task" he said and Hyuk went to their dresser to get five scarfs.

"I hate you" Taekwoon looked at Wonshik with his famous I'm-gonna-kill-you-look in his eyes.

"I love you, too Hyung" Wonshik laughed and blindfolded himself. When everyone was blindfolded, Taekwoon checked them to make sure that no one was able to peek and see who he will kiss.

Taekwoon knew exactly who it will be. The one he had eyes for since they've first met. The younger immediately caught his attention with his angelic bright smile and cute dimples, his beautiful attitude and silky hair. He slowly and especially noiselessly went over to the brunette who always made his heart race when he looked at him, smiled at him, fooled around with him. When he stood in front of Hongbin he crouched down and gently put his hand on the younger's cheek.
Hongbin smiled at him and lifted his head a bit, what irritated Taekwoon in the first moment. Could it be? Had Hongbin feelings for him, too? Taekwoon breathed in and out, cleared his mind and then leaned in to gently press his lips on the brunette's. Taekwoon's heart was beating faster and faster, his whole body felt warm and light. Everything around them seemed like it just disappeared. There were just Hongbin and him, kissing. At first Hongbin didn't respond but after a few seconds he started to kiss him back and putting his hands around Taekwoon's neck. Hongbin pulled Taekwoon onto his lap, deepening the kiss slowly. Taekwoon felt like his heart just exploded and he could tell that Hongbin felt just like him. He was so near to the other boy that he could actually feel his heartbeat through his own chest. Both chests, Hongbin's and Taekwoon's touched. They've never been so close to each other. Hongbin's hand went from Taekwoon's neck up to his hair, it gently. The only thing that was audible in the living room was soft breathing. They didn't knew for how long they've kissed and when Taekwoon pulled back he could tell that neither him nor Hongbin wanted to break the kiss. He could go on like that forever. He pecked the brunette's lips one last time before he went back to his place, sat down on the floor and waited a few seconds until his heartbeat went a bit slower.

"Okay, I'm done." he said and everyone was ripping off the scarfs from their heads.

"Okay, your turn now. Spin the bottle." Wonshik said. Taekwoon was glad that nobody said anything or made a weird comment. The black head spun the bottle and it stopped pointing on Hyuk.

"Before you ask" he held up his hand "I'm taking truth. After Wonshik-Hyung's dare to you I'm afraid what you might pick..." he said, making Taekwoon grin.

"Who said that my 'truth' couldn't be worse than my 'dare'?" Taekwoon tilted his head, making Hyuk's eyes grew wide.

"Hyung... please..."

Taekwoon chuckled softly "Alright Hyuk, have you ever had a girlfriend?" he asked.

Hyuk let out a relieving sigh and answered "No, I haven't had a girlfriend yet."

"N'aww, poor Hyukie" Ken said "But you'll tell us if you find one, right?"

"Of course I will!" he laughed.

"Okay guys, last round, you don't need to spin the bottle, we'll just pick Ken and after he did his dare or truth we move on to the fun part: PRESENTS!" Hakyeon announced.

"I'll pick dare" Ken said and Hyuk smiled "I want you to make your famous mosquito noise."

Ken grinned and nodded "Of course I'll show you again!" he then said and imitated the sound of a mosquito, making everyone in the room chuckle.

"Alright, then let's open the presents!" Hongbin said enthusiastically and got up to go to the Christmas tree and distributed the presents to the person, who's name was written on it.

Ken got a selfie stick (,which he used and annoyed the rest of the members with; especially Taekwoon), a sweatshirt, a new phone case since his last one broke and warm and super soft socks.

Wonshik got CD's of his favorite rappers, a hat and the same socks Ken got, just in a different color.

Hakyeon got new shoes for dancing, a cup with 'best mother on earth' written on it and a few beauty products, such as colorless lip balm and masks.

Hyuk got a new school-bag, red devil's horns with the explanation that he was a little devil from time to time, and about six different Mangas.

Taekwoon got a new iPod (his old one fell on the ground and refused to get on), football shoes and a football, a stuffed animal cat and a coupon for his favorite coffee shop.

Hongbin got a new light beige sweatshirt, a photo album where he can put the photo's he'd taken in and also a scarf he had seen in a store window when he went shopping with Hakyeon.

Taekwoon got up and went to his room, coming back with another present in his hand. He sat down in front of Hongbin and handed him the gift.

"This is from me" he said "I hope that I picked the right one.."

Hongbin took the present and thanked Taekwoon, then he slowly ripped the wrapping paper off and his eyes widened immediately as he saw what Taekwoon bought him; it was the camera he desperately wanted to have but didn't buy it, because it was too expensive and he wanted to save his money.
His old camera broke about half a year ago and he once told Taekwoon about the camera he's holding in his hands just now. Tears of joy were in his eyes, wanting to roll down his cheeks. Hongbin placed the package on the ground and made move forward, surprising Taekwoon and everyone else in the room when he wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed the black head in front of everyone. The jaws of the other members dropped and Ken even let his new selfie stick fall to the ground. The loud sound of the metal hitting the ground made Hongbin realizing what he was doing and he immediately broke the kiss, covering his mouth with his hand and looking at Taekwoon, who was dumbfounded. Hongbin's cheeks turned red, he stood up and ran out of the room.

"What... had just... happened...." Ken muttered.

Taekwoon was staring at the ground, by now he was sure that Hongbin liked him back.

"I'll go check on him" Hakyeon said and wanted to go after him, when Taekwoon held him back "Let me do it" he said and got up.

"Alright.. we'll be waiting here." Hakyeon said and the black head didn't wasted any second and went directly to Hongbin's bedroom, which was of course locked.

"Hongbin-ah? It's me... please open the door." Taekwoon said gently. There was no response but Taekwoon was sure he could hear sobs from the other side of the door.

"Hongbin-ah! Open the door or I'll kick it in!" Taekwoon said, hoping that the threat will make Hongbin open the door. And it worked. Taekwoon heard a click and he was able to open the door. He sneaked inside the room and closed the door behind him.

Hongbin was sitting on his bed, he looked towards the ground, didn't said anything. The older went over to him, sitting beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, do you want to talk about something with me?" he asked.

The brunette looked up at him, his eyes teary, what made Taekwoon's heart drop.

"Isn't it obvious?" he said bitterly "I like you.. not just like a friend.. and I know that I cannot have you and that hurts." he admitted.

Taekwoon narrowed his eyebrows "What do you mean by 'I cannot have you'? I mean, who said that to you?"

Hongbin looked at him surprised "I-I thought you d-don't like m-me in a romantic way..." he stuttered.

Taekwoon chuckled "Even after I've kissed you?"

"The task was 'kiss the person you find the most attractive among the members' and not 'kiss the person you're in love with'"

"It's you" Taekwoon suddenly said.

"What?" Hongbin asked confused, wiped the tears that wear rolling down his cheeks away.

"My ultimate wish" Taekwoon said and smiled "It's you. I want you, that's all." He said.

Hongbin was speechless, he thought he misheard.

Taekwoon chuckled and leaned in to kiss him softly.

"I love you, Binnie." He whispered against his lips.

"I love you too, Leo" he whispered back and deepened the kiss.










This is the longest I've ever written in a "chapter" on this website.. omg bury me please... I don't know what has gotten into me but suddenly my mind screamed IT'S CHRISTMAS AND YOU NEED TO WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT IT WITH LEOBIN IN IT AND AAAAAHHHHH.... *cough*

However, I hope you liked it and well, write me in the comments if you would like to read more One-Shot's (maybe also ... I'm unsure if I should include in my stories, 'cause I don't know if you guys want to read it or not...) or if I should keep this story going.. I think I can make more out of it but well, I need to continue the others, too... hehe...

See you next time! ^-^

I love them so so so so so sooooooooo much! Argh... my heart...


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Chapter 1: It was really good!! <3
LuttySerizawa #2
Chapter 1: Waw, this was actually perfect ;u; I like this kind of story, with truth or dare stuff~
Thank you author-nim for this adorable fic !
can you do some m0re,so much leobin feels
Chapter 1: leobin Xmas dat just made my Xmas!
thank you n merry christmast! ^^
yeojayeoja #5
Chapter 1: God,this is greattt!!!!i love it so much...leobin is life,definitely!