Happy Birthday, Ninnie-ah!

Happy Birthday~


“Unnie hurry up!” I tapped my foot impatiently, holding onto my bag. Ae unnie and I were going out with some of the Super Junior member to trick or treat. Tonight was Halloween, not only my favorite holiday but also my birthday.

“Ah mianhe” Ae said fixing her fairy wings and grabbing her bag. “Where are we meeting them?”

“They should be outside now let’s go” I said grabbing her arm before we called out to the other girls and left our dorm.

“EunHyuk oppa what are you supposed to be?!” I laughed looking at his costume.

“EunHyuk-ah lost a bet so his punishment was to dress up as Sailor Moon” SungMin explained as we all headed down the street.

“Awe you guys are so mean to him” Ae awed and smiled.

“I don’t think we are, do you hyung?” DongHae said looking over at LeeTeuk.

“Anniyo” LeeTeuk shook his head, wrapping his arm around Ae.

“Liars” I giggled as we walked up to the first house.

“Trick or Treat” We all chanted as the old lady smiled and threw in a few pieces of candy into our bags. We thanked her before heading off to the next house. We continued to walk around for about an hour or so before we all decided to head our seperate ways.

“I’ll see you back at the dorm” Ae waved as her, LeeTeuk and DongHae walked towards the ice cream parlor. I waved at them and walked back to the dorm. Once I reached the front door I dug through my pocket and found the key.

“Unnies! Im home!” I called out as I flicked the light switch on, the lights not coming on.

“Ah power must be out” I said mostly to myself as I tried not to trip or bump into anything. I opened the first door and popped my head inside.

“Akira unnie? Are you in here?” I asked turning on the light and looking inside her room. I pouted and closed the door before skipping Ae’s room and going down the hall to Isabella’s room.

“Isabella unnie?” I popped my head into her room again. And once again no answer.

“Where is everyone?” I bit my lip trying to remember if they had plans.

We didn’t have a schedule tomorrow, I remember that. Maybe they were all out at a party or something. I shrugged before heading towards the kitchen.

“Omo!” I yelled once I walked inside.

“Ah mianhe, didn’t mean to scare you Ninnie” HanGeng smiled sitting on the counter.

“W..what are you doing here oppa?” I said after taking a few deep breaths.

“Came by to wish you a happy birthday” He said flashing me another breath taking smile.

“Ah kamsahanida” I smiled, trying to fight back a blush.

“I have something for you” He said hopping off the counter. “Close your eyes.”

I did as he instructed and closed my eyes. All I could concentrate on was how loud my heart was beating. I swear it felt as if it were about to burt out of my chest any moment.

“Okay you can open you eyes now” I heard him say. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him, holding a plate with a cake on it.

“Happy Birthday Ninnie-ah” HanGeng grinned. “Make a wish”

I smiled and closed my eyes again before blowing out the candles.

“What did you wish for?” He asked setting the cake down and walking over to the cabinets, grabbing two plates, forks and a knife.

“Can’t say or it won’t come true. You know that oppa” I teased as he cut the cake.

“Right, right” HanGeng chuckled cutting a piece of cake with his fork and holding out. “Say ah”

“Ah” I opened my mouth as he popped the piece of cake in. “MM did you bake it yourself?”

“Ne” He smiled and nodded. “Is it good?”

“It’s delicious” I grinned. “It’s strawberry~”

“You’re favorite” He grinned before setting the plate down. “I still have once last thing to give you.”

“Ah?” I blinked, swollowing the piece of cake. “What is it?”

“Close you eyes again” He instructed once again. I sighed and closed my eyes again. Soon I felt his lips press onto mine, his hands cupping my face.

“So will you tell me your wish now?” HanGeng said once we pulled away, pressing his forehead against mine. I smiled and pressed my lips onto his and wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I just told you what it is” I said after breaking the kiss and smiling.

HanGeng let out a low chuckled and kissed my cheek, before taking my hand in his and lacing our fingers together.





Seng il chook ha hamni da, Seng il chook ha hamni da, Sa rang ha nuen ACF dongsaeng. Seng il chook ha hamni da!!


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear dongsaeng, happy birthday to you!!


Feliz Cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumperaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños Nina, felize cumpleaños a ti!!


awesome in three languages! whoo! xD


happy birthday dongsaeng~

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YesungLover #1
Cute <3
@superTHUNDERfishie: thanks ^^
Cute. :D
awe! im glad you're happy dongsaeng~<br />
saranghae ACF dongsaeng^^
Unnie it was so sweet I'm so happy I'm crying happy tears xD saranghae DUbu Teuk unnie ^^