A Christmas Gift

Give This Knight A Chance

It was a tiring day for the dance teacher, but she was, as always, excited and determined to have a good time today and make the most out of her life. 

Irma has been a dance teacher at a middle school for a year now, after shifting from her home country and learning how to converse, read and write in Hangul, and her students have been good to her. The parents and family members were equally just as nice; some bringing her cakes and bouquets whenever they would come for a visit, some giving her free passes to shows, and some doing as much as bringing VIP tickets to theatre plays and idol concerts. She had, and would never like to admit to her students, been to idol fanmeetings along with her two other friends that she was living and fangirling with, and she was blessed with hard-working and respecting students. One of them had invited her today for a christmas eve tea party with two of her little, and just as cute, partners in crime.

She sped her car along a few roads, slowed down through the streets, took some turns here and there, and there it was. A huge white mansion. She parked her car outside, took a deep breath, and walked towards the house. She had, to say the least, not been so adapt when it came to routes and directions around Seoul. However, the middle schooler's mother had been kind enough to text her the location, and although lost at first, it had not been as much of a hassle as it had been when she had to go to the school on the first day, courtesy of advanced technology. 

It took her a doorbell and few sighs to be granted an entrance by a butler, although otherwise dressed in black and white, was wearing a furry red and white santa hat on top. The old and wise looking man motioned for her to hush upstairs, after the sweetest greeting a man could offer. What was she so nervous about she had not an idea. It was a gut feeling, however, she was sure of.

"TEACHER!" a small girl with pink cheeks and a rose white dress, jumped on her as soon as the older one was in near sight on the first floor. 

"Hi, my sweet!" the teacher whispered in the younger's ear after bending down to hug her. It was her students that made her feel comfortable, and it was their families that made her not feel like an outcast. Here, it was because of them, that she was so welcomed, and she was forever grateful for that.


After a long conversation with Mrs. Kim and the mothers of Rahee's friends, a cup of tea, muffins and a croissant, it was Irma's turn to play with the little kids who have been extremely eager all along and would not budge to any excuses whatsoever.

"Let's play doll house!" Rahee cued while holding Irma's finger on her left hand throughout, doing any necessary work with her right arm.

"Oooh, is Teacher Irma our doll?" the other, wearing a blue dress, looked up at her with shining bright eyes.

"Is she?" and another joined the two. The kids had such bright eyes and chubby grins plastered on their faces, Irma found it extremely difficult to resist pinching their cheeks.

"Oh, oh! I know!" cuteness dripped from Rahee's expressions, and Irma tried hard to refrain from squishing the schooler. "We can make her the princess!"

"Yes! But we need a knight in shining armour as well!"

If Rahee's eyes were shining then, they resembled the sun now. "Hold on, my uncle is downstairs preparing a meal with dad, maybe he can help."

Irma, who was forced into going downstairs and into the kitchen with the little munchkins, was somewhat left awestruck when she saw the beauty. The house was absolutely enriched with everything unique and costly, and the kitchen was just as humongous. Everything was there, even that 1-minute coffee maker that her friend Banu had been eyeing. (TEHEE) But she was thinking about the beauty standing next to her student's father, chopping a carrot. Brown hair, lean figure, fingers that moved in rythm with the rest of the body, she recognized him as a fellow dancer at once. His face was just as perfect, with a faultless jawline, and collarbones that poked out of his shirt, hinted on her insanity. Irma was blushing out of her wits yet here she was; staring with all her might.

"Uncle Jongin!" Rahee ran up to the handsome man and hugged him, or the little that she could reach of him. 

The uncle smiled at the little devil who spoke without looking away, "we were playing and we need your help!"




It's seven p.m and Irma was all dolled up and stood next to the sofa screaming on the inside with a little tiara hanging loose on her hair. She's been forced to hold hands with the uncle, look into his eyes, and kiss his cheek, and she was about to dig a hole and bury herself alive any moment now. They had had their dinner that was really well-prepared and all praise-worthy. The knight in shining armour had had his eyes on her, and they were digging a hole on her side. He wanted to talk to her all the while, but the time just was not right. However, she had soon after spotted the uncle and mother whispering to each other, smiling, and glancing her way but she had dismissed that thought.

"Hello-hello, pretty ladies," Mrs. Kim entered the room, paused and looked at what has become of her brother, who was wearing a shiny black bedsheet as his cape, and riding a soft unicorn plushie which ought to be his horse, signifying a knight. She also glanced at the teacher, smiled, and continued, "Sorry to disappoint, but it's time to get to bed."

After heaved and sad sighs from the kids, Mrs. Kim came close to her, and shook Irma's hand, tiara still on her head, "I'm really thankful that you came today. The girls had a lovely time with you here! I'm glad you were a part of this christmas with us. If it won't be a problem to you, my little brother will you to your car." How sweet, yet terrible.


It was a silent, and the deadliest walk. With a little here and there of information exchanging, they barely spoke anything different, and Irma's blushing was not helping either.

"Hey, uhh.." Jongin spoke at last, taking a picture out of his pants pocket. It had started snowing, and the lights made everything twice as beautiful, including her, Jongin thought.

"I had a really good time with you. I had heard a lot about you from Rahee and my noona, but now I know that none of it was a lie. It was difficult to get a hold of you. I had to talk and bribe my noona into doing this, I normally wouldn't. I really hope you don't mind." Not giving her a chance to speak at all, he rushed, "You are a beautiful person, and I will always remeber being your knight, and I would love to try it once more. Are you free on New Years? Can you give this knight a chance?" He blushed, looked down at the picture; it was of Irma kissing him on the cheek. "Here's a picture I sneaked out of my niece's lap haha. She's evil, but I'm glad that she gave me a chance to meet you. Merry Christmas, can I have your number?"

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Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa was so sweet ^^ aigooooo <3
banuu_pa #2