
An Angel's Goodbye


 Sooyoung's POV 

        I stared blankly at my bloodstained hands. The pain in my body was almost unbearable. My vision began to blur as I heard muffled screams. I couldn’t make much of the situation at hand. All I knew was that I was now laying flat down on my back. More screams. I made out a dark figure hovering above me, supporting my limp body. Who is that? An angel? Was this the end? My hearts beating began to slow. The throbbing emitting from my gut was dissipating. I felt lighter. Is this what its like to die? Despite the commotion around me, I felt at ease while closing my eyes slowly and all tension releasing from my body.


2 hours earlier:

“Secure the premises! I want this place on lockdown!” I called out to my fellow comrades. They all nodded, dispersing into smaller units.


“Alpha to Delta!” I speak through my headset.


“Delta copy, we have the east wing secure over.”


“Good. Strike on my cue. Over.” I replied sternly.


“Loud and clear. Waiting on your signal over.”


With that I gripped onto my pistol tightly. I motioned my unit over to the door of the old apartment complex.


“Let’s go.” I put my back to the wall beside the door. We all raised our weapons into a ready stance. My unit stared at me with intent.


I glanced at my watch and nodded. We kicked through the wooden door with ease. I was the first to enter pointing my pistol in all directions. The others quickly followed behind. Strange. Silence emitted through the dark room.


We crashed through another door. Where found a body sitting on a chair, hands bound.


Without a word I nodded towards my unit to enter and proceed with caution. A few moments later, I raised my arm up, stopping everyone’s movements.


The body on the chair was a corpse. The corpse of my partner. My life. My everything. I dropped to my knees. I was too late. It was only moments ago that I heard her soft voice calling for me. My body felt frozen. The pain in my heart was too overwhelming. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat.


I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Boss, we have to go… There have been reports of movement just down a few blocks. They are setting up barricades… but we are losing them!” 


I took a last glance at my partner still in the center of the room. I brushed my hands over her eyes. “I’ll see you soon…”  


Without another word we rushed out of the building into our cars, firing the alarms as we jetted down the alleyways.


“Alpha team, do you copy?”


“We copy, what’s the situation over?” I replied, my voice sounded dead as stone.


“They are headed west-bound in your direction, cut them off at the intersection.”


“Copy that, we are moving out.”


I took the steering wheel, sharply drifting around the corner. My eyes focused on the task at hand.


“There has been a change in position! All Units! I repeat, change in position, they fled to a nearby motel. Wait on back-up!”  


I didn’t bother replying as I spun another corner, screeching to a halt in front of the building. I got out, slamming the door, and sprinting for the door.


“Wait! It’s too dangerous! Wait for back-up!” My unit members tried to call out to me, but I couldn’t hear them. I couldn’t hear anything. I shot through the door. Civilians were still screaming out the building. They bumped past me, but I kept going.


A bullet wisped past me as I drew closer. Taking cover, I easily shot down the offenders. Proceeding up the stairs I was met with more bullets. One skimmed my arm, but I felt no pain. I’ve already felt numb.


I took no hesitation with my aim and shots. The threat was down. I sprinted towards the heavily guarded room. A bullet penetrated my leg. I limped down, but continued shooting back.


All that was left was a door. I reloaded my gun, breaking the handle with my foot. The door swung open and I shot until no end.


Feathers from the sheets and cushions flew through the air. There was no more movement. I reloaded my last clip. There was a tall, broad, shouldered man standing looking out the window.


“You did well. I’m impressed…” he turned around. His elderly features showing. “I taught you well… my daughter.”


I scoffed bitterly, aiming directly at his head. “I was never your daughter.”


“That’s where you’re wrong… I just wanted to show that to you.”


“What are you talking about?” my patience was wearing thin.


He smirked snidely. “I see vengeance in your eyes… You’re no different from me...” He turned his body completely facing me.

“Those men you shot on your way to me. You killed them without a second thought of their family, their friends…their lives seemed meaningless didn’t they? As long as you could get to me… well now’s your chance.” He opened his arms. “Shoot me.”


My eyes widened in realization as I stood among limp bodies. I felt no pain either… Now that pain was taking its toll on my body. An image of my partner flashed in my mind. I faltered on the trigger. He took notice frowning then he pulled a gun from his jacket pocket, shooting the gun from my hand. I fell to my knees, staring blankly at the ground. My eyes met with his black, leather shoes.


“A pity. I always knew you were weak… just like that pathetic partner of yours…” I felt a sharp pain in my side when he kicked me over across the floor.


“The way she screamed your name…” he kicked me over again and I spat blood. “The way she begged… not for her life… but yours!” He kicked me a final time and I struggled to get up.


He pointed the gun at me. “Are you going to beg? Beg for your life to be spared?”


I smirked, laughing lightly. His face became serious, his brows twisting in confusion.


I slowly stood up coming face to face with the old man. “She…” I coughed again. “May be weak in your eyes… but…” I paused taking a deep breath. “at least… she wasn’t a coward like you.”


A final thunderous ring echoed through the small room, but I felt nothing. Turning my head, I saw my unit stationed at the door, holding the smoking pistol.


I turned back to the man and his eyes were wide, he keeled over, dropping to the ground instantly.


I stared blankly at my bloodstained hands. The pain in my body was almost unbearable. My vision began to blur as I heard muffled screams. I couldn’t make much of the situation at hand. All I knew was that I was now laying flat down on my back. More screams. I made out a dark figure hovering above me, supporting my limp body. Who is that? An angel? Was this the end? My hearts beating began to slow. The throbbing emitting from my gut was dissipating. I felt lighter. Is this what its like to die? Despite the commotion around me, I felt at ease while closing my eyes slowly and all tension releasing from my body.


I felt free. 



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Chapter 3: You say you aren't good at descriptions. But I don't think so. Good story
lynnicsy #2
Chapter 2: Wow~ sad but beautiful story T.T
Summer9ight #3
Chapter 2: Beautifully written!! Soo and Sica deserve a happy ending you know TToTT
Chapter 2: I learned tonight... Thank you for this author-shi, i hope you write again soon~~ XD
Chapter 3: *le cries* the best fanfic i ever read.... :) i already read it like 5 times but still, i'm crying.... great job!!!! :DDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 1: WHY DID I SEE THIS JUST NAO O3O ♥♥♥ /creys
Omo... I really want to cry after reading this...
This is a good fanfic. =)
#9 they're both dead right? Live happily together in heaven? yea?