Never What It Seems


Mark, third in line for the elven throne, is surprised when he finds himself betrothed to King Jackson, leader of the most powerful dwarven tribe on the continent. He is faced with two warring questions: Why would anyone want to marry him, and how was he going to handle being married to a smelly, awful dwarf? It seemed like an utterly impossible situation. But, the funny thing about such moments in life is they rarely end the way you think they will.


Another day of Ficmas! Even if I don't finish by Christmas (lol, we know I won't), I do promise twelve fics following the prompts I was given! Today's is a high fantasy AU inspired by "Magic and Sword" by Yuki Kajiura. I don't have it quite finished - it's only a little glimpse into the world - but it will be going up later today. Eventually, some day, I might write additional shorts with this world, because oh my goodness King of the Dwarves Jackson gives me life.


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victoryssi #1
dwarf lol dwarf noooo ㅋㅋㅋ