V// Kim Taehyung

BTS oneshots [Christmas special]
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A/N: D-2 to Christmas ~ {Z}


"It's finally Christmas..." you whispered to yourself while laying on your bed with your phone in your hand, you look around to see nothing but darkness all around and the only source of light that you had was your phone screen, you then stared at your phone's screen; it was only 1AM and usually around this timing of the night during Christmas, you would be in the living room with your family opening the presents under the beautifully decorated Christmas tree but you're here on your comfortable bed in a one room apartment, you moved out of your family house and went to live life in Seoul.

One of the first people that you met here in Seoul was none other than your lovable boyfriend, Kim Taehyung; he was a stranger at first but he helped you with directions and whatnot, the first day you got here in Seoul; you tried to act like you're part of them, making yourself sound like you had the Seoul accent but god, Taehyung looked right into you - knowing that you're from the countryside. You continued staring at your phone screen, noticing that a few messages had appeared on your lock-screen; it was from your boyfriend, Taehyung.

'5 New Messages - Taetae'

"Why is he still awake?" You sighed while talking to yourself; you tossed around your bed and unlocked your phone, checking the messages that he had sent.

Taetae: Jagiyaaaa ~ ! 

Taetae: Merry Christmas ~ ! 

Taetae: Are you asleep?

Taetae: I need to tell you something! 

Taetae: I'll tell you later on when you wake up~ 

"Eh?" You made a sound in your dark and lonely room, wondering what is he going to tell you later on; you then placed your phone beside your pillow with your charger plugged in. Your eyes started to close slowly, you felt yourself drifting off to wonderland and finally, you fell asleep. Hours had passed ever since you slept, you woke up to your room's sweet fragrance that was still lingering around after you sprayed something sweet a few days ago, your vision was somehow a bit blurry but after a few blinks and rubs, you could finally see your surrounding clearly. You let your legs go off your bed, feeling the floor with your feet and slowly getting up; you turned around and slowly made your bed neatly, arranging your adorable stuff toys by your pillow. You then switched off the lights that was placed around your bed, making your bedframe look beautiful at night - you made your way to your closet to pick out your outfit for the day before heading off to the bathroom to refresh yourself up. 

After that long and warm shower of yours, you changed into your outfit that you planned not long ago; you had your ripped black jeans on along with your plain white singlet and your black leather jacket and your flannel tied around your waist. Your hair was tied in a simple fishtail braid, you had light makeup on too. You unplugged your phone cable and checked unlocked your phone; revealing that there was a miss call, checking the caller ID, it was Taehyung. "Doesn't he have work today?" You asked yourself, knowing that no one would answer. You walked over to your kitchen which was connected to your living room and your apartment didn't have dining room so whenever you had breakfast, lunch or dinner, you end up eating your food and digesting them in your living room on your coffee table. You opened your fridge, seeing that you had literally no ingredients to cook; you went to your living room and dumped yourself on the sofa, trying to find a comfortable position to lay in. 

You grabbed the television remote that was on the coffee table and the television, watching whatever was showing on the screen; your phone started ringing again, you grabbed hold of it and looked at the caller ID - it was Taehyung. 


"Taehyung ah~ Don't you have work today?" 

"Nope! I'm actually on my way to your apartment right now" 


"I'm reaching soon, please open the door for me~" 

"Alright, alright" 

You made your way to the front door and unlocked it; you then went back to the sofa and made yourself comfortable again while waiting for Taehyung to bust open the door and scare the living out of you with his deep and loud voice. After a few minutes or so, Taehyung slammed the door opened, "JAGIYA, I'M HERE~!" his loud voice started echoing throughout the entire apartment building, he quickly closed the door; panicking that someone might come after him since he shouted. You just stared at Taehyung, wondering why is he your boyfriend because damn, although he is amazing; he can be embarrassing at times. Sighing and shaking your head at the same time, you diverted your attention to the television instead of your boyfriend who was standing by the front door and looking through the peephole; still hoping that no one actually comes by the apartment to complain. 

After a few minutes of Taehyung consistantly looking through the peephole, no one came by so he eventually calmed down and went to living room; finding you laying on the sofa, enjoying the television. "Jagiya~" Taehyung said with an explosion of aegyo, trying to get your attention. You looked at him, chuckl

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mollyswag123 #1
Chapter 5: These stories were really cute<3 <3●~● Good job author-nim! ^~^