Suga// Min Yoongi

BTS oneshots [Christmas special]
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A/N: D-4 to Christmas ~~~ [Z]


It was Christmas Eve; you couldn't be bothered to stay awake till 12 midnight to wish everyone a Merry Christmas because you were just so goddamn lazy. You felt so tired but you couldn't fall asleep yet, your boyfriend isn't even by your side because he has trouble sleeping at night so instead, he's working on a few tracks that he got inspired by. You sighed at how hard working he was; you wanted him to rest instead but you knew that he wouldn't do that. So instead of waiting for him to get into bed, you crawled into a ball with your warm comforter covering your entire body and used your phone under the comforter and thus, you fell asleep with your phone in your hands. While you were sleeping peacefully, your boyfriend, Min Yoongi finally crawled into bed with his arms wrapping around your tummy; carefully trying not to wake you up.


Hours have passed and it finally reached morning, the sun was shining brightly and you slowly opened, only finding your boyfriend sleeping peacefully facing you. He looked like a baby dreaming about food but damn, he looked really adorable sleeping and you knew that if you disturbed him and waking him up, curse words would directly come out of his mouth. You placed your hands under your head, just staring at him and not coming out of bed to prepare breakfast for the both of you; you also knew that it was Christmas and he still had work which made you... well, disappointed but you understood his situation.


You continued staring at his beautiful face but immediately got startled after he opened his eyes; you almost fell off the bed but he caught you by your waist, keeping you close to his body. You could feel his breath on your head, smiling to yourself; you leaned your forehead on his chest, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment. "(Y/N) ah" You heard him voicing out; you felt him place his chin on the top of your head. "Hm...?" You looked up to face him; your eyes were locked onto his eyes. He finally lets go of your waist and turned to the other side, leaning his body forward and grabbing something under the bed. You got confused at first but once he got up and crossed his legs, turning to face you; you then did the same but instead of holding anything, you're just staring at what he was doing. "Here...." He said, handing you the small red box that had a really cute ribbon stuck onto it; you then took the box from his hand and slowly opened it.


You looked at what was inside the small box; it had a simple yet beautiful necklace along with a thumb drive beside it. "Merry Christmas Jagi" Yoongi said, his lips curving into a big smile that you've never seen before; you smiled at how pretty the necklace was and how thoughtful Yoongi was; that despite he was working all day and night everyday - he somehow managed to find the time to get you a Christmas present. Yoongi then took the necklace that was in the box and placed it around your neck, "I knew that it would look really good on you" Yoongi said proudly; you felt his confidence going over the chart. "You have good taste Min Yoongi, I'm proud of you" You said and patting his head jokingly; you were grateful that someone amazing like Min Yoongi had stepped into your life. "Yoongi ah..." You said, eyeing the thumb drive that was still inside the box, "yes jagi?" Yoongi said, making himself seem a little bit cute than ever. "What's in the thumb drive?" You asked, curious about what was really inside the thumb drive, you hoped that there isn't any inside because Jesus Christ - you never liked ography a

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mollyswag123 #1
Chapter 5: These stories were really cute<3 <3●~● Good job author-nim! ^~^