Gift for MIMI

✧ LME - Secret Santa 2015 ✧
On the Road
“Eh!?  What’s happening, what’s wrong?” Dongwoo jumped up as Minah shook him awake.
“What’s wrong? Nothing’s wrong you idiot. It’s your birthday~ Of course I’d want to congratulate you,” the girl smiled as she spoke, looking down at the sleepy face of her boyfriend.
“Oh, right…” He had forgotten all about it, he had been so busy with work, with Infinite lately, he hadn’t even thought about his own birthday.
“Happy birthday!” Minah kissed him on the cheek, thinking how adorable he looked when he was so lost in thought.
“I got you a present~ But if you want, you can also have me! Or both,” she teased, making Dongwoo blush a little.
“I’ll take both then,” he replied after a pause, kissing her gently.
Dongwoo woke up from his nightmare, startled by the memories that still haunted him. The times when he and Minah had still been together and happy. It was his birthday. But this time, she wasn’t there to congratulate him or give him a present. She wasn’t there. And it was all his fault. He had been too busy, too often away.
“Let’s go out~” Minah said with a smile.
“But what if a fan sees us?” Dongwoo muttered. He really did want to go with the girl, but if they got caught by the paparazzi, it would be trouble.
“Just this once? We can’t hide at home forever, can we?”
“Alright, once won’t hurt.”
“Yes! I knew I could convince you! Didn’t even take that much effort”
“That’s just because I wanted to go in the first place,” he muttered. “Get ready, and let’s go.”
They decided to sit outside on a terras, in the sunshine, drinking red wine and chatting, for a while forgetting that he was famous, that they shouldn’t be.
He passed by what used to be his favourite café while riding a bus. He was sitting in the back, wearing a face mask and a cap, trying to regain the feeling that he wasn’t famous. That he was just a guy, riding the bus. Like he had been, with her. She’d been everything to him, but Dongwoo realised now that he had never let her know that. He had always been too busy with work, or too tired from it. Minah had been understanding. She truly had been. But it had hurt her.
“I know you. But do you really know me?” she had mumbled one day.
“Hnn?” Dongwoo looked up. They were watching a movie together on the couch and he had been dozing off a little, after practicing the whole day. Minah was laying in his arms, a blanket pulled over them.
“Nothing… Just know that I’m real with you, okay?”
“Of course you are. As am I.”
“Sometimes it feels like this is just a dream, some kind of illusion…”
“It’s not. I’m here, with you. I always will be. That’s real,” Dongwoo retorted, hugging her tighter.
“Yes. You are.”
The more he remembered her, the more frustrated Dongwoo got. He missed her. He missed her more than he could ever tell her. It made him so frustrated, he wanted to scream out and cry and do all the things an idol should never do in public. Anything to get her back. But he couldn’t. He’d already lost her. She had moved on.
“Hansol, wait for me!” Minah called out, the boy going way too fast for her to keep up.
“No! I’m going to buy your present now, and it should be a surprise, so just wait!” the boy yelled back, trying to outrun her to the counter. The girl laughed, but wasn’t giving up so easily.
Hansol made it to the counter well before her, and rushed the cassiere to get his gift wrapped up before his girlfriend joined him.
“Tsk, no fair! I wanted to see!” Minah pouted.
“I didn’t get to see the present you bought for me either!”
“Because it’s a secret~”
“So is mine,” Hansol laughed.
“So I only find out at Christmas? Or will you tell me?” Minah tried.
“I will never tell you~! It’s a secret after all!”
“Not even if I tickle you?”
“No! Don’t tickle me, please?” Hansol commented in shock, making the girl laugh again.
Dongwoo had just passed by the store by coincidence, but seeing Minah smile so happily with her new boyfriend, conflicted him. He was happy that she was happy. And although he was filled with regrets, he knew that it was better this way. Because not once had they been as happy and excited as the couple he was now watching was.
Song: Abel - Onderweg (On the Road)

Ik doe de deur dicht

Straten lijken te huilen

Wolken lijken te vluchten

Ik stap de bus in

Mensen lijken te kijken

Maar ik kan ze ontwijken

Voordat ze mij zien


Het is allang verleden tijd

Dat je mijn verjaardag niet vergat

Je onvoorwaardelijk koos voor mij


Ik zie de velden

Langs me heen gaan huizen

Het is stil achter de ruiten

Wie kan mij zien

In blauw verlichte treinen

Je hart is zo dicht bij me

Maar het klopt niet


Het is allang verleden tijd

Je zwarte haren en je lach

Dat je heel de wereld voor mij was

Het zit nog veel te diep in mij

Dat ik mocht delen wat jij had

Je door me haren ging en zei


Je kent m'n stem niet

Wie ik ben is wat je nu ziet

Wil je dansen met illusies?

In gedachten

Ben je verder dan het heden?

Wil je terug naar je verleden?

Zegt je dat iets?


Het is allang verleden tijd

Rode wijn op een terras

Dat je heel de wereld voor mij was

Het zit nog veel te diep in mij

Dat ik vergat hoe jij me zag

Dat ik zo anders ben dan jij


Ik loop de straat in

Maar het zal mij nooit verwarmen

Omdat het mij niet kan omarmen

Wie zou mij zien?

Het liefst zou ik willen schreeuwen

Ik zou oneindig willen schreeuwen

Maar het gaat niet


Jij bent niet alleen van mij

Kan de wereld laten zien

Dat het zo beter is misschien

Het is allang verleden tijd

En ik vergat hoe jij me zag

Dat ik zo anders ben dan jij

I close the door,

Streets seem to be crying

Clouds seem to be fleeing

I get on the bus,

People seem to watch me,

But I can avoid them,

Before they see me.


It’s long gone

That you didn’t forget my birthday,

And chose me unconditionally


I see the meadows,

Houses pass me by

It’s quiet behind the windows.

Who can see me?

In blue-lit trains,

Your heart is so close to me,

But it’s not beating/But it’s wrong


It’s long gone,

Your black hair and your smile

That you were my whole world.

I can’t get over it yet.

That I could share in what you had,

And you went through my hair and said:


“You don’t know my voice.

What I am is what you see now

Would you dance with illusions?

Lost in thought.

Are you beyond the present?

Do you want to go back to the past?

Does it sound familiar?”


It’s long gone.

Red wine on a terras,

When you were my whole world

I can’t get over it yet.

I forgot who I was to you,

That I’m so different from you


I cross an alley,

But it won’t warm me,

since it can’t hold me

Who would see me?

I want to scream,

I want to scream forever,

But I can’t


You’re not mine exclusively.

Can the world show me,

that it’s better this way?

It’s long gone.

And I forgot how you looked at me,

That I’m so different from you.




I was only gonna do a cover, but it felt a bit lazy, so I wrote a short story based on the cover as well xD Because it’s a sad song, the story turned out rather sad as well, but I tried to put some fluffy moments in it as well. I hope you’ll like it, and merry christmas!! Click for cover :3

l o v e , g u e s s  w h o ?

profile credit : harlequin.

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chaoan #1
this seems very cool!!
Shino159 #2
Chapter 12: gift for Mimi; awww so sad T^T
Chapter 15: Gift for Zoe:

Did Hee-Jin write this? It feels like Hee-Jin wrote it!
OMG so cute! Cats~ How can you not like cats Hoseok!
But he came around in the end.
And OMG Dickstick xD
Shino159 #5
Chapter 6: gift for Kimmi; Ohgosh Markmi is super cute thougH~ gosh they're so compatible~! <3
Shino159 #6
Chapter 5: YAYYY JIDAE~~~!
Shino159 #7
Chapter 4: Oh~ i never read a seventeen fic. Mingyu is cute and with hye they're so cuter ~
Chapter 13: Gift for PIKA:

omg this was so much fun to read! Hoseok's inner thoughts were hilarious! I love reading this!
Chapter 7: Gift for lune: Oh my, it's so bittersweet. I was seriously thinking he might die, and praying he wouldn't. Thankfully it was a happy ending :D Great job santa!
Chapter 15: Gift for meeee
I remember the scenario from our silly writing night a few weeks ago
Aaaaaaa thankyou for the letter i love it, meeting you is a blessing for me too!
omg im imagining hope playing my fat cat and just how adorable is it??
And wow dickstick is a super calm cat! It can stay silent inside the box for a while xp
This is so cuute and i love the interaction between the couple (and between hobi and the cat xD)
Thankyou so much for this heejin ilyy
(And the cat background is so cute!!)